1. 生總是輸,一路總被辜負。

2. Life is a long way, I wish you and I are kind and sincere、good night.

3. 有些人,錯過瞭就是一輩子。

4. 有你在的時候,連空氣都是甜的。

5. I hope you miss me every three to five seconds.

6. 銀河系眾多行星,隻有你,才是我的唯一。晚安!

7. 愛本是泡沫,如果能夠看破,有什麼難過。晚安!

8. Listening to your favorite songs will make me cry.

9. 身累瞭歇一歇,心累瞭無處安放。

10. Don't complain about being in the dark, just carry the light! good night!

11. I still love you, but less than some must be together persistent.

12. Children without umbrellas must run hard! good night!

13. My character is good, my parents don't worry.

14. The best thing is the crowd, you naturally hold my hand.

15. 先學會不生氣,再學會氣死人。

16. You can't walk the endless road, you can't know the endless reason.

17. Ideal, is no longer riding and drinking to walk the world, but, no matter how late I will go home、good night!

18. Years of quiet good, from young to dusk, only a total of deep feelings. good night!

19. Don't stay up late if you don't have anything to do.

20. If you want, I will always love you; if you don't, I will always miss you.

21. Think of ordinary people do not dare to think, do not dare to do ordinary people. good night!

22. 愛情當回憶,傷口當秘密。

23. The so-called love is when feeling, passion, romance are all removed, you still cherish each other.

24. The more deeply touched, the more lonely it hurts.

25. To me, you are a dream far away.

26. You can walk as far as your eyes can see.

27. 我喜歡你不止是狼子野心,還賊心不改。晚安!

28. Once life was sour and bitter, with you, then together sweet.

29. Love is memory, wound is secret.

30. 星光不問趕路人,時光不負有心人,晚安。

31. 隻想去深愛,無意去傷害。

32. 把“放松”拌在燈光裡,在睡床上按摩你。

33. 不要給自己的失敗找借口!

34. There's someone at home waiting for me、It feels different.

35. 我會陪你從校服到婚紗。

36. Today limit, I sugar to ice. Good night, dear ones.

37. 你知道我為什麼經常晚上嗎?因為經常想你想得睡不著。晚安!

38. Forget is a kind of demeanor, willing is a kind of wisdom, good night.

39. 浮華褪盡,人比煙花寂寞。

40. 生活從未變得容易,隻不過是我們變得更加堅強瞭。晚安。

41. 好好體會生命的每一天,因為隻有今生,沒有來世。晚安。

42. 此日無事,不如歸去呀。

43. I wish you good health, happy every day, good night, good dream.

44. There are so many beautiful scenery in this world that we have to delay one by one with you、good night!

45. 隻要你一向在我身邊,其他東西不再重要。晚安!

46. 誰能忘記過去一路走來陪你受的傷.誰能預料未來茫茫漫長你在何方。Who can forget the past along the way with your injury. Who can predict the future boundless long where you are.

47. 你像季節一樣,離開的那麼自然。

48. 隻要你依然在,我就會一直愛。

49. 喜歡你在我身邊沒有期限,屬於我們的每一天都值得被紀念。

50. 風裡有花香,身邊有最愛的人。晚安。

51. He said he would not leave, but he didn't stay.

52. 親愛的自己,餘生獨自前行。

53. 行走在凡人的世界裡,總有一次相遇,不是一次團圓,不是約定,而是用一種特殊的方式來溫暖生命。Walking in the mortal world, there is always a meeting, not a reunion, not an agreement, but with a special way to warm life.

54. The heart has stopped beating because it hurts.

55. Men, women, the same, are very tired.

56. Life has made me like a man、How can I be called to be a man again、good night.

57. I love you, love you happy and healthy forever.

58. The sky is grey, the rain is falling, and the vision is blurred.

59. Cherish when you meet, and strive when you don't meet.

60. I will accompany you from school uniform to wedding dress.

61. Get through the hardest days, be the coolest yourself, good night.

62. 別跟我談感情,談感情傷錢。

63. 一次又一次的降溫,才讓樹葉變黃;一回又一回的漠視,才把人心變涼。Cooling again and again makes the leaves turn yellow; ignoring again and again makes people cool.

64. 願所得皆所期,所失亦無礙。晚安。

65. Right, insist; wrong, give up! good night!

66. Go to bed early. Everything you want is in your dream.

67. 熬過最苦的日子,做最酷的自己,晚安。

68. 人生路漫漫,願你我彼此善良而真誠。晚安。

69. 沒有色的夜裡,螢火蟲用心點亮漫天的星。In the dark night, fireflies light up the stars all over the sky.

70. AI Ben is a bubble, if we can see through, what is sad. good night!

71. 如果你決定旅行,就別怕風雨兼程。晚安!

72. If one knows why to live, he can face any life problem calmly、good night!

73. Life is short, reading makes it beautiful and long、good night!

74. I hope that what you strive for will be as you wish in the end、good night.

75. 此從遇見你,我的心就發瞭芽,等待著你的澆灌,直到它開花。

76. May this wonderful dream bring you infinite water of happiness and drown all your troubles and worries.

77. 祝福你,美夢香,好夢甜,佳夢圓。

78. I never tire of reading old books for hundreds of times、good night!

79. 乖乖睡,你可以在夢中看到我瞭。

1. It's really ugly when you don't pay back the money you owe.

2. 每天都冒出很多念頭,那些不死的才叫做夢想。晚安!

3. 開開心心睡大覺,好夢連連來擁抱,朋友,睡吧。

4. The rain will stop, the heart will clear, nothing will be bad forever、good night.

5. 男人,女人,一樣,都很累。

6. 生活很累,但要愛自己。晚安!

7. The mouth says no, but the body is honest.

8. For human nature, do more understanding, less judgment, not to see high or low、good night.

9. The road is under your feet、You can't change the end point, but you can decide the direction you step out、good night!

10. 做人一身正氣,為官兩袖清風。

11. You can love a person to the dust, but no one will love you in the dust、good night.

12. 希望你所拼命爭取的,最後都能如你所願。晚安。

13. You should wrap up your quilt and go to bed early, or I can't find you in my dream. Good night.

14. Mix xxxRelaxationxxx in the light and massage you on the bed.

15. I've seen the Milky way most, but I like this one、good night!

16. I am the chessboard, you are the chess piece, we are together is a chess which can never finish.

17. 你欠錢不還的樣子,真的很醜。

18. This from met you, my heart has sprouted, waiting for your watering, until it blossoms.

19. 付出不一定有收獲,努力瞭就值得瞭。晚安!

20. 有心的人,再遠也會記掛對方;無心的人,近在咫尺卻遠在天涯。

21. Every night remember to give me a good night, let me know you are still there tomorrow.

22. Late at night, send warm good night blessing, wish you a warm smile, comfortable sleep!

23. 你永遠不知道和你對視一眼,又緊接著故意瞟開的人有多喜歡你。

24. 他像星星閃爍在一群人的世界裡,我想捕捉卻要戰勝她們才能得到唯一的光芒。The only people who want to win over them in the world are like the stars I want to capture.

25. The best way to make a dream come true is to wake up.

26. Life has never been easy, it's just that we've become stronger、good night.

27. I wish you a sweet dream, a sweet dream and a round dream.

28. 你的人生要自己去經歷,所以是甜是苦,都不要辜負。晚安。

29. 沒有你,世界都是黑暗的。

30. Good, brave, excellent, never compromise, wish you and me. good night.

31. If you say anything, I'm sorry.

32. A man should be self-improvement.

33. 說什麼弱水三千我隻取你一瓢飲,何來的弱水三千,我眼裡隻有你。

34. 願你安心入眠,好夢甜甜,晚安!

35. 沒有傘的孩子,必須努力奔跑!晚安!

36. 我想忘掉你啊,可是連輸入法都認得你瞭。晚安。

37. 我們的名字有一天會在一起,在結婚證上,在戶口本裡。晚安!

38. Like you in my side has no time limit, belongs to us each day is worth to be remembered.

39. 我喜歡你,從黑夜到黎明。

40. Don't feel inferior. You are no more stupid than others. Don't be complacent. Others are no more stupid than you. good night!

41. 瓜兒離不開秧,孩兒離不開娘。

42. 願你容得下生命的不完美,也經得起世事的顛簸。晚安。

43. It's a good time to be with you when you are young.

44. 光讓別人原諒你是不夠的,有時候還要自己原諒自己。晚安。

45. I know、It's just that you love in different ways.

46. 我決定好好生活,慢慢愛你。

47. 我見過銀河,卻最喜歡你這一顆星。晚安!

48. 人生的不如意,對每個人的當下來說,都是最好的安排。晚安。

49. 白晝解不開的結,夜裡慢慢熬。

50. 不必抱怨身處灰暗,你盡管提著燈前行!晚安!

1. It's not enough to let others forgive you、Sometimes you have to forgive yourself、good night.

2. Distance makes love a long-distance race.

3. 笑笑就能過去的事何必把它弄的人盡皆知。晚安!

4. As long as you are still there, I will always love you.

5. 你說我好,卻好到瞭分開。

6. 每晚記得給我一句晚安,讓我知道明天還有你在。

7. 這個夏天,多雨的季節。

8. I like you when you don't speak dark.

9. 時間如熔爐,把真心提煉。

10. 就算全世界離開你,還有一個我來陪。

11. 有時候,你不要想太多,跟著自己的心走,走到哪算哪。晚安。

12. 所有的溫柔眷戀都是對你燦若星辰的喜歡。晚安。

13. 對於人性,多做理解,少做判斷,更不要去看高或是貶低。晚安。

14. Without you, the world is dark.

15. 尊重現在,善待自己,往事不記後事不提。晚安。

16. 像個傻瓜,不惜付出一切代價。

17. 人生苦短,讀書使其美好而悠長。晚安!

18. 你眼裡有笑,聲音裡有回轉,笑容裡有暖,迎面而來裡有清風。

19. 與有肝膽的人共事,從無字句處讀書,晚安!

20. 人生沒有如果,你現在走的路,就是最好的路。晚安。

21. 凡事不必太在意,一切隨緣隨心,緣深多聚聚,緣淺隨它去。晚安!

22. In the old year, forget all the painful things.

23. Melons can't live without seedlings, children can't live without mothers.

24. 認真聽你說每一句話,用心記下。

25. It takes courage to abandon, and space to treasure.

26. 把我的心,融入到你的生活,讓生命變得多彩多姿,讓愛的腳步,走到你的世界,一生溫情不改。My heart, into your life, let life become colorful, let the pace of love, go to your world, the warmth of life.

27. I'm not greedy. There is only one little wish: you will always be in your life.

28. I decided to live a good life and love you slowly.

29. I love the way you come to me. good night.

30. 哈哈,你討厭我,我知道啊!

31. A step back doesn't mean I give up.

32. 你總是羨慕別人哪裡都好,卻忘記自己也有很多值得驕傲。晚安!

33. Fireworks rain lane, whose thoughts with injuries!

34. 人,唯有愛自己,方能愛別人。

35. 說不會走的最後也都沒留下來。

36. 壯志與熱情是偉業的輔冀。

37. Don't be infatuated with brother, sister-in-law will beat you.

38. If you miss, you will have a new meeting; fate is that it's not too early or too late, just right. good night!

39. 想一千次,不如去做一次,華麗的跌倒,勝過無謂的徘徊。晚安。

40. 在這世上珍貴的東西總是罕有,所以這世上隻有一個你。晚安!

41. Happiness is not how many people you can control, but how many people around you、good night!

42. 睡吧,有我在你門外站崗放哨,你安心的睡吧,大膽的睡吧,晚安。

43. Sleep well and dream well. Dream with me, will not be lonely; dream with you laugh, no longer worry.

44. All the tender attachment is to you like the stars、good night.

45. You think you will be in my heart for a long time, tell you, you think too much、good night.

46. Want to send you a star, I give you playful blessing.

47. Don't make excuses for your failure!

48. You never know how much the person who looks at you and then looks away intentionally likes you.

49. Why let two people love each other more and more strange.

1. First learn not to be angry, then learn to be angry.

2. You have a smile in your eyes, a turn in your voice, warmth in your smile, and a breeze in your face.

3. Walk with me at night. I want to hold you.

4. 你在的時候,你是一切;你不在的時候,一切是你!

5. 對我來說,你是遙不可及的夢。

6. I hope you can get what you want and what you lose will not hinder you、good night.

7. 孤獨再殘酷,也比偽裝舒服。

8. From thrift to extravagance, from extravagance to thrift.

9. May you have a good sleep, sweet dream, good night!

10. When you are in, you are everything; when you are not, everything is you!

11. Today's event is tomorrow's small matter. The biggest event of the year will be next year's story. good night!

12. 願你夜裡有燈,夢裡有人,平安喜樂,得償所願。晚安。

13. As long as you are always with me, other things are no longer important. good night!

14. Your smile, it used to be my sleeping medicine.

15. 要每天都很開心,要成為別人的,可望不可及。晚安。

16. 分手後我的打擾讓你煩瞭是嘛!

17. May you go through the muddy waters of the secular world and still be able to keep away from the worldly sophistication of that body、good night.

18. 今天的大事是明天的小事。今年最大的事件將是明年的故事。晚安!

19. 最美好的事,是人潮擁擠,你自然而然牽緊我的手。

20. 苦笑,那是我僅剩的堅強。

21. 你隨便一說,我卻認真難過。

22. I will never die for my faith, because I may be wrong、good night.

23. A flower withered and barren can not waste the whole spring, a setback can not waste the whole life、good night.

24. Sleep, I stand guard outside your door, you sleep at ease, bold sleep, good night.

25. The life is bright, the life is lovely, the world is worth, everything can be expected. good night.

26. May this beautiful night let you harvest extraordinary life, good night!

27. 不要為小事遮住視線,我們還有更大的世界。晚安!

28. The best revenge in the world is to use that injustice to make yourself move towards success. good night.

29. 眼光可以看多遠,你就能走多遠。

30. 聽著你喜歡的歌、會讓我流淚。

31. If you encounter something bad, deal with it as appropriate, filter it properly, and good night.

32. 想常人之不敢想,做常人之不敢做。晚安!

33. Say what weak water , I only take you a ladle to drink, how come of weak water , I only have you in my eyes.

34. 時光真好,與君年少伴君老。

35. 遇到不好的事情,酌情處理,適當過濾,晚安。

36. 晚上要蓋好被子,不要著涼瞭,睡覺前喝點牛奶知道嗎!

37. 在你面前我扔掉瞭所有驕傲。

38. 好好睡,美夢相隨。夢中有我陪伴,不會孤單;夢中陪你說笑,不再煩惱。

39. 昨日的離別,終有相聚,祝福如昔,朋友晚安,願一切美麗!晚安。

40. 曾經人生酸辣苦,有瞭你之後,便湊齊瞭甜。

41. There are so many planets in the galaxy、You are the only one for me、good night!

42. 讓夢想成真的最好措施就是醒來。

43. 你的思念,我獨傢接受。

44. I have a boyfriend, but I live like a single dog.

45. 問候片語隻言,卻牽出一串掛念,祝你晚安,朋友!

46. 沒啥事別熬夜,晚睡容易催人老。

47. 遇見你,是這一年最好的禮物。

48. 心若向往遠方,何必四處張望,篤定美好未來,勇敢自由飛翔。晚安。

49. I like you, from night to dawn.

50. People who really like you will say good night many times. Good night.

51. If you realize that you are not so important in other people's mind, you will be happy a lot.

52. You are always envious of others, but you are proud of yourself. good night!

53. 我還愛著你,隻不過少瞭一些非要在一起的執著。

54. If you decide to travel, don't be afraid to travel both ways、good night!

55. Hooligans are not terrible. They are afraid of their culture.

56. You are the wind in summer and the sun in winter. My world only has spring and autumn and you.

57. Nothing, go to sleep. May God kiss your lovely forehead and send you the most beautiful blessing.

58. 生活把我逼得像個漢子,如何叫我再去小鳥依人。晚安。

59. 前途風光正好,追風趕月莫停留。晚安。

60. 相逢不語,一朵芙蓉著秋雨。

61. 在生命裡,你是我那美麗的天使,你帶給瞭我無數快樂的時光;在人生這段路上,是你點亮瞭我的希望;一輩子的愛情,一生與你相惜;不會讓你留一滴眼淚。In life, you are my beautiful angel, you have brought me countless happy time; on this road of life, you light up my hope; the love of a lifetime, cherish with you all the life; will not let you leave a drop of tears.

62. 人間無趣,但有先生你。晚安!

63. 月亮伴你走進你的夢鄉,自由坦然。

64. 願生活不太擁擠,願笑容不必刻意,晚安好夢。

65. 原來都遺忘瞭當年的張國榮。

66. 體重不過百,不是平胸就是矮。

67. 理想,不再是騎馬喝酒走天涯,而是,再晚我也要回傢。晚安!

68. 少想沒用的事,少理無所謂的人,讓自己忙起來,去多掙點錢。晚安。

69. 犯錯是平凡的,原諒才能超凡。

70. 你今天也會來夢裡找我叭。晚安!

71. 嘴上說不要,身體卻很誠實。

72. Dream makes me different, struggle makes me change my destiny! good night!

73. I only care about you when time goes by.

74. 夏天你是清風,冬天你是暖陽。我的世界隻有春秋和你。

75. awsl! The costumes are handsome and crying!

76. May you have the courage to move forward an inch and the ease to step back a foot. good night.

77. Greetings only words, but led to a string of thoughts, I wish you good night, friends!

78. Dear myself, I will walk alone for the rest of my life.

79. 工作,不是想幹什麼就幹什麼,而是有能力把不想幹的事幹好。晚安!

80. I want to forget you, but even the input method knows you、good night.

81. I walk slowly, but I never walk backwards.

82. 夜深瞭,送上溫馨的晚安祝福,願你溫馨笑一笑舒舒服服睡個好覺!

83. Don't cover your eyes for small things、We have a bigger world、good night!

84. You say I am good, but good enough to separate.

85. 丟棄需要勇氣,珍藏需要空間。

86. 所謂愛,就是當感覺熱情浪漫統統拿掉之後,你仍然珍惜對方。

87. 好想問,是你上錯瞭車,還是我下錯瞭站。

88. 你給我一生,我還你三世。

89. 祝大傢身體健康,天天開心,晚安,好夢。

90. Smile often, good luck comes naturally! good night!

91. 行走於阡陌紅塵,總有一份遇見,不是重逢,不曾約定,卻用一種特殊的方式溫暖一生。Walking in the world of mortals, there is always a meeting, not a reunion, not agreed, but with a special way to warm life.

92. 世間最好的報復,就是運用那股不平之氣,使自己邁向成功。晚安。

93. 如果這一生我們愛不夠,來世必能長久。

94. 我懂,隻是你愛的方式不同。

95. 睡吧,晚安!今夜星光月夜皆歸你,我也歸你。

96. I want to ask if you got on the wrong bus or I got off the wrong station.

97. 於我而言,你是最好的。

98. 心已停止跳動,因為一跳就痛。

99. 任時光匆匆流去、我隻在乎你。

100. 幸福不是你能左右多少人,而是多少人在你的左右。晚安!

101. Wry smile, that is my only strong.

102. Worry, close your eyes, have a good sleep, good night!

103. 你有你的玫瑰花,我有我的幸運草,不是很香,但是很幸運。晚安。

104. 忘記是一種風度,舍得是一種智慧,晚安。

105. Recently, I have gained weight、I never eat secretly, but I keep you in my heart、good night.

106. Just want to love deeply, no intention to hurt.

107. 看穿瞭,你也是長的好看。

108. May you have a light in the dark and an umbrella in the rain. Cherish when you meet, try hard when you don't see.

109. 願這個好夢帶給您無限的快樂之水,淹沒所有煩惱和憂愁。

110. 總是想你,想的心慌,拿起手機,打給你,你卻接瞭別人的電話,我在等,等的心慌。Always think of you, think flustered, pick up the mobile phone, call you, but you received the phone call of others, I am waiting, waiting for the panic.

111. Ambition and enthusiasm are the support of great achievements.

112. Sometimes, you don't want to think too much, follow your heart, go where it is. good night.

113. 明人不說暗話,我喜歡你。

114. I waited for you one day, and you said good night to me for two minutes.

115. 我的人品好,爸媽沒煩惱。

116. 早點睡吧,你想要的,夢裡都有。

117. I may be too ordinary, no personality!

118. 隻因你太美好令我無法坦白說出我愛你。

119. 我不貪心。隻有一個小小的願望:生命中永遠有你。

120. 遙寄相思與日月,點燃祝福心燈。

121. 想送你一顆星星,有我給你俏皮的祝福。

122. 如果你早認清你在別人心中沒那麼重要,你會快樂很多。

123. 何以解憂?唯有,抱著你。

124. 將相本無主,男兒當自強。

125. 遇見就珍惜,遇不見就努力。

126. In the future, you just need to be better than one person、That person is who you are now、good night.

127. 天灰瞭,雨墜瞭,視線要模糊瞭。

128. 簡單的喜歡最長遠,平凡的陪伴最心安,懂你的人最溫暖。晚安。

129. 我是棋盤,你是棋子,我們在一起就是一盤永遠也下不完的棋。

130. I want the Milky way to die and the two stars to be forever clean!

131. The knot that can't be untied in the day, the knot that can't be untied in the night.

132. The one who really loves you must be your wife.

133. Happy sleep, good dreams come to embrace, friends, sleep.

1. Simple is beauty, ordinary is truth.

2. 你要是願意,我就永遠愛你;你要是不願意,我就永遠相思。

3. 由儉入奢易,由奢入儉難。

4. 不要迷戀哥,嫂子會揍你。

5. Little miss with you good night, sound blessing, hope you dream!

6. It's nothing to do this day、It's not like going back.

7. 我可能是太平凡瞭,沒有個性!

8. 夢想讓我與眾不同,奮鬥讓我改變命運!晚安!

9. Only by changing one's attitude can we change the height of life、good night.

10. Don't talk about feelings with me、Feelings hurt money.

11. If the heart yearns for the distant place, why look around, make sure the beautiful future, brave and free to fly、good night.

12. Appreciate every day of life, because only this life, no afterlife. good night.

13. 這世間許多良辰美景,要和你一個一個去耽誤。晚安!

14. 請記住,快樂的人不是沒有痛苦,而是不會被痛苦所左右。晚安。

15. A person, alone cleaning memory!

16. We'll grow up and be together.

17. Flashy fade, people are more lonely than fireworks.

18. 我隻有兩個心願:你在身邊,在你身邊。晚安!

19. 流氓不可怕,就怕流氓有文化。

20. May life not be too crowded, may smile not be deliberate, good night and good dream.

21. At night to cover the quilt, do not catch cold, drink milk before going to bed know!

22. 這個世界非黑即白,而她是色彩。

23. Memories are the stars in the sky.

24. 生活明朗,人生可愛,人間值得,萬物可期。晚安。

25. Even if the whole world leaves you, there is still a me to accompany.

26. 路就在腳下,你無力改變終點,但卻能決定腳踏出的方向。晚安!

27. The world is not black or white, and she is color.

28. The moon accompanies you into your dreamland, free and calm.

29. Being a man with integrity and being an official with both sides in the air.

30. When you are here, even the air is sweet.

31. Pay does not necessarily have the harvest, the effort is worth it、good night!

32. 花凋零荒蕪不瞭整個春天,一次挫折也荒廢不瞭整個人生。晚安。

33. 我絕不會為我的信仰而獻身,因為我可能是錯的。晚安。

34. 願你趟過世俗渾水,仍能不沾染那一身的世故。晚安。

35. No matter how cruel loneliness is, it's more comfortable than camouflage.

36. Smile can be the past thing, why do it make people all know、good night!

37. Yesterday's departure, there will be reunion, blessing as usual, good night friends, wish everything beautiful! good night.

38. 我愛你,愛你永遠快樂安康。

39. 我走的很慢,但我從不後退。

40. 一個人,獨自清洗記憶!

41. 晚上好!傳遞祝福,溫暖今宵的你;親切問候,願你好夢多。

42. Body tired to rest, heart tired, no place to place.

43. You have your roses, I have my lucky grass, not very fragrant, but very lucky、good night.

44. 今日限定,本人全糖去冰。晚安,親們。

45. I threw away all my pride in front of you.

46. 雨會停,心會晴,沒有什麼會永遠糟糕透頂。晚安。

47. Meeting you is the best gift of the year.

48. Listen to every word you say and write it down.

49. Just because you are so beautiful that I can't tell you I love you.

50. If we don't love enough in this life, the afterlife will last forever.

51. People can love others only if they love themselves.

52. 做一個讓女人,心動的男人。

53. How to solve the problem? Only, hold you.

54. It turns out that my superhero is so handsome.

55. 和我走夜路吧,我想趁機抱住你。

56. Don't think about useless things、Don't deal with indifferent people、Keep yourself busy and make more money、good night.

57. Adult peace, half understanding, half forget, good night.

58. 願這唯美夜晚讓你收獲人生非凡,晚安!

59. 感動越是深刻,寂寞就越傷人。

60. The future is just right. Don't stay in pursuit of the wind and the moon. good night.

61. 舒舒服服的睡一覺,夢遊到桃花源中,朋友們,晚安!

62. 真正愛你的人,一定是你的妻子。

63. 知我心中所念,我的相思,浸在花酒中,醉成瞭迷人的雲兒朵朵。Know what I read in my heart, my Acacia, immersed in flower wine, drunk into charming clouds.