1. There are only two medicines for all sins - time and silence.

2. When people see your self-esteem, you will be valued. In our society, this adage is a hundred times more effective than the Greek dictum, knowing oneself. Today, knowing oneself is much more difficult than knowing one another, and knowing one another is more useful than knowing oneself.

3. 當一個人有瞭相當程度的財產以後,奢侈生活就成瞭必需的瞭;當一個人有瞭相當優越的地位以後,他的理想也才會越亮。

4. Father Faria said, if you want to know who wants to harm you, think about who benefits from your harm.

5. Learning does not mean knowing. There is a difference between a learned person and a person who can know. Memory makes the former, philosophy makes the latter.

6. Smart people never ask more about what they shouldn't know, and don't believe anything they don't want to believe.

7. Only those who like to spend time in pain and spend their lives in tears will do this. Such people have always been submissive, and presumably God will help them.

8. 讓人見你自重,你就會被看重。在我們的社會裡,這句格言可要比希臘人的箴言人貴自知管用一百倍,時至今日,自知要比知人難得多,而知人要比自知有用得多。

9. 我寬恕你,因為我也需要別人的寬恕。

10. The wicked will not simply die, because God seems to take care of them, and he will use them as a tool for his revenge.

11. 痛苦的經歷一旦有人分擔,痛苦就減少瞭一半。

12. The ruthless teaching teaches people what kind of eyes can be used to observe danger and what kind of patience can be used to endure pain.

13. 耐心的等待加之希望帶來的動力,必然能迎來黎明的曙光。

14. 人生何所求,致富和自由。

15. 如果你渴望得到某樣東西,你得讓它自由,如果它回到你身邊,它就是屬於你的,如果它不會回來,你就從未擁有過它。

16. 凡是一個深陷在愛情裡的人,是決不肯讓他的鐘表安安穩穩地向前走的。

17. 隻有那些喜歡在痛苦中消磨時間,在淚水中度過生活的人才會這樣,這種人一直逆來順受,想必上帝會幫助他們的。

18. Hatred makes people blind, anger makes people irrational, and those who vent their hatred and revenge may end up drinking bitter wine by themselves.

19. The whole meaning of life is only five words: expectation and waiting.

20. 我們做過的每件事,果然都留下瞭它的痕跡,有的模糊,有的清晰!我們在人生歷程上每走過一步,就像爬蟲在沙地上蠕行,留下的是一條長長的印痕!

21. Happiness is only one person who knows whether a pair of shoes is suitable or not.

22. Patient waiting and the motivation brought by hope will surely usher in the dawn of dawn.

23. My friend, I have some doubts - are you too weak to show off your pain as your pride?

24. Once the painful experience is shared by someone, the pain is cut in half.

25. 幸福就是一雙鞋合不合適隻有自己一個人知道。

26. 無情的教訓,教會人用怎樣的眼睛才能觀察危險,用怎樣的忍耐才能忍受痛苦。

27. 法利亞神父說,欲知誰想害你,想想你的被害對誰有利。

28. 什麼東西才能稱其為奇妙呢?那就是我們無法瞭解的東西。而什麼東西才是我們真正想要的呢?就是我們無法得到的東西。

29. 在這個世界上,人人都有自己的見解,這種見解妨礙他去看待別人的見解。

30. 假如我們分手的話,絕不是出於我的意思,要知道,樹是不願離開花的,是花離開樹。

31. 惡人是不會簡單的死的,因為上帝似乎還要關照他們,他要用他們來作他報復的工具。

32. I forgive you because I also need forgiveness from others.

33. God has given people limited power but unlimited desires.

34. The development of the mines of human intellect must be brought about by adversity.

35. 因為每天早晨,我就會想到你會來,而到瞭晚上,我會想起你曾經來過。

36. 上帝給瞭人們有限的力量但卻給瞭人們無限的欲望。

37. 這個世界上無所謂幸福與無所謂不幸,隻有一種狀況和另一種狀況的比較,如此而已。隻有體驗過極度不幸的人,才能夠品嘗到極度的幸福,隻有下過死的決心的人,才能懂得活著是多麼得快樂。幸福的活下去吧,請你們永遠別忘記,直至天主垂允為人類揭示未來圖景的那一天來到之前,人類的全部智慧就包含在這五個字裡面:等待和希望!

38. What do you want in life, get rich and free.

39. 學習並不等於認識,有學問的人和能認識的人是不同的。記憶造就瞭前者,哲學造就瞭後者。

40. In this world, everyone has his own opinion, which prevents him from looking at other people's opinions.

41. Everything we have done has indeed left its traces, some blurred, some clear! Every step we take in the course of life is like a reptile creeping on the sand, leaving a long imprint!

42. There are two kinds of vision: the vision of the body and the vision of the mind. What the naked eye sees is sometimes forgotten, but what the mind sees is always remembered in the heart.

43. Because every morning, I will think that you will come, and at night, I will think that you have come.

44. Ignore the clichés, they only delay the indecision from building their future life.

45. There is no happiness or unhappiness in this world, there is only a comparison between one situation and another, and that's it. Only those who have experienced extreme misfortune can taste extreme happiness, and only those who have made the determination to die can understand how happy it is to live. Live happily, please never forget that until the day when God allows to reveal the future picture for mankind, all the wisdom of mankind is contained in these five words: wait and hope!

46. When you desperately want to accomplish something, you are no longer an opponent of others, or to be more precise, others are no longer your opponent, no matter who it is, as long as you make this determination, he Immediately, he felt that infinite power was added, and his vision also broadened.

47. 一切罪惡隻有兩帖藥---時間和沉默。

48. 我的朋友,我還有一點疑慮——你是不是因為太懦弱瞭,才這樣以炫耀自己的痛苦來作為自己的驕傲?

49. If we break up, it is definitely not my intention. You must know that the tree is reluctant to leave the flower, and the flower leaves the tree.

50. When a person has a considerable amount of property, luxury life becomes necessary; when a person has a relatively superior position, his ideal will be brighter.

51. 聰明的人,不該知道的絕不多問,不願相信的一概不信。

52. 仇恨使人盲目,憤怒使人失去理智,凡是泄恨報仇的人,最後有可能是自己喝下苦酒。

53. 當你拼命想完成一件事的時候,你就不再是別人的對手,或者說得更確切一些,別人就不再是你的對手瞭,不管是誰,隻要下瞭這個決心,他就會立刻覺得增添瞭無窮的力量,而他的視野也隨之開闊瞭。

54. 開發人類智力的礦藏是少不瞭要由患難來促成的。

55. 別理會那些陳歸俗套,它們隻會使優柔寡斷的人延遲建立他們的未來生活。

56. Anyone who is deeply in love will never let his clock move forward steadily.

57. 有兩種視覺:肉體的視覺和心靈的視覺。肉眼看到的東西有時會忘卻,心靈看到的東西是永遠記在心裡的。

58. What can be called wonderful? That's what we can't understand. And what do we really want? It's something we can't get.

59. 人生的全部意義隻有五個字:期望和等待。