1. 自我介紹。Where are you form? ----I’m form China. What about you?

2. Is she in the study? No, she isn’t. She’s in the kitchen.

3. My schoolbag is heavy.

4. 計算機寫字板風扇燈講臺圖畫墻壁地板這是我的電腦。

5. 它們是鴨子嗎?不,它們不是。

6. Is she in the study? No, she isn't. She's in the kitchen.

7. 問別人姓名時:

8. 這是一張講臺嗎?是的。

9. What’s for dinner? Rice, fish and vegetables.

10. 夾克衫襯衫裙子連衣裙T恤衫紅色的藍色的黃色的綠色的白色的顏色

11. Let’s run into the house. 讓我們跑進那個房子。

12. 這是我的計算機。_________________________________

13. 熱愛學生,*等的對待每一個學生,讓他們都感受到老師的關心,良好的師生關系促進瞭學生的學習。對占相對多數的中差生,我變嫌棄為喜愛,變忽視為重視,變冷漠為關註,變薄待為厚待。我註意幫忙他們找到優、缺點,以發揚優點,克服缺點。其次是以*常的心態對待:差生也是孩子,厭惡、責罵隻能適得其反,他們應享有同其它學生同樣的*等和民主,也應享受到優秀學生在老師那兒得到的愛。

14. My friend is strong. He has short hair….

15. What would you like for dinner? I'd like some rice and soup.

16. 一二三四五

17. 思考教法,解決如何把已掌握的教材傳授給學生,包括如何組織教材、如何安排每節課的活動。

18. Elema is wearing white jeans, Peter is wearing a black T-shirt.

19. ①What’s this? -----This is my car. 這是什麼?這是我的小汽車。

20. Who's this woman?She's my aunt.

21. 課前準備:備好課。備課不僅僅僅是備教材,備教學步驟,真正的是要備到學生,想學生所想,他們喜歡什麼樣的課,什麼樣的課才吸引他們,上課過程中學生遇到類似的狀況會有怎樣樣的反應,而教師又要根據學生的反應作出相對應的反應。

22. 分別時 ----See you later . -----Bye—Bye! 回頭見,再見!

23. This is Zhang Peng, our new classmate.

24. We had a good time. See you tomorrow.

25. Everything’s ready. Thanks /Thank you.

26. Let me clean the board. All right.

27. When is Toby’s birthday ? In Decemeber. Toby的生日是什麼時候?在十二月份。

28. What is in the schoolbag?

29. Help yourself! Thank you.

30. Who are they?My parents and me.

31. Are they farmers? Yes, they are. / Yes, you’re right.

32. 計算。①What’s one and(plus) two? ----- It’s three.(Three) ------One and two is three.

33. Who’s this man?He’s my uncle.

34. 這是什麼顏色?白色。_________________________________

35. Dinner's ready! Your forks and knives.

36. Where are the keys? They are in the door.

37. My family has seven members.

38. 問數量的多少。(用How many提問)

39. Mm…Yummy, I like Chinese food. Me too.

40. It is nice and clean!Good job!

41. What's your mother? She's a teacher.

42. What would you like for dinner? I’d like some rice and soup.

43. Have you got a pet? Yes,(I have )a cat. What colour is it? It’s white.

44. 無法照顧的全體學生,設計適合所有學生的教學方式。

45. 見面打招呼 ----Hello ! -------Hi !

46. Are they farmers? Yes, they are. / Yes, you're right.

47. What am I wearing? ------I think a green shirt.

48. 它們是多少錢?3元。_________________________________

49. 它是多少錢?10元。_________________________________

1. I have a new friend. He likes sports. She likes music.

2. Is this your aunt? Yes, she is. /No, she's my sister.

3. What’s her name ? Her name is Amy.

4. I have a new eraser.

5. What’s your mother? She’s a teacher.

6. 認真鉆研教材,對教材的基本思想、基本概念,每句話、每個字都弄清楚,瞭解教材的結構,重點與難點,那樣就避免瞭以往要學生掌握過多資料,產生畏難情緒的缺點,同時掌握知識的邏輯,新舊知識的聯系,明白讓學生學好當前知識,要從哪方面下手,應補充哪些資料,怎樣才能教好。

7. Who’s this woman?She’s my aunt.

8. Fred’s birthday is in June. Fred的生日在六月。

9. We have a new classroom.

10. 今天很暖和,讓我們踢足球去吧。

11. What's your father? He's a doctor.

12. 制定好復習計劃,並能認真備好復習課,制定復習計劃並付諸於教學過程中。同時能夠認真佈置和批改課後作業,爭取不讓作業成為學生的一種負擔。

13. What's in the classroom?

14. 加強對學生的口語鍛煉,在*時的課間或放學時多和學生聊聊天,說說英語,讓他們把學會的英語用於生活中,用在適當的場合。

15. What’s your father? He’s a doctor.

16. Is this your aunt? Yes, she is. /No, she’s my sister.

17. What day is today? It’s Tuesday.. 今天星期幾?今天星期二。

18. 自我介紹

19. Everything's ready. Thanks /Thank you.

20. 疑問句

21. What colour is the schoolbag? It‘s black and white.

22. 存在兩極分化現象,培優補差工作有待加強。

23. Let's clean the classroom. Good idea!

24. Tom’s budgie is yellow and green. Tom的鸚鵡是黃色和綠色的。

25. What colour is the schoolbag? It's black and white.

26. 互相問好

27. 這是你的T恤嗎?不,它不是。

28. 那是你的計算機。_________________________________

29. May I have a look? Sure. Here you are.

30. 課堂上的狀況。我註重組織好課堂教學,關註全體學生,註意信息反饋,調動學生的有意註意,使其持續相對穩定性,同時,激發學生的情感,使他們產生愉悅的心境,創造良好的課堂氣氛,課堂語言簡潔明瞭,克服瞭以前重復的毛病,課堂提問面向全體學生,註意引發學生學英語的興趣,課堂上遊戲,歌曲結合,佈置好傢庭作業,讓學生回傢讀讀英語,說說英語。

31. (今天/現在)冷嗎?是的。/不是。

32. Where is my seat?It is near the door.

33. Draw your favourite pet. 畫出你最喜歡的寵物。

34. That’s OK. / That’s all right. 沒關系。

35. What's for dinner? Rice, fish and vegetables.

36. 要提高教學質量,還要做好課後輔導工作,小學生愛動、好玩,缺乏自控潛力,常在學習上不能按時完成作業,有的學生回傢不肯讀書,復習,針對這種問題,就要抓好學生的思想教育,並使這一工作慣徹到對學生的學習指導中去,還要做好對學生學習的輔導和幫忙工作,尤其在後進生的轉化上,對後進生努力做到從友善開始,比如,握握他的手,摸摸他的頭,或幫忙整理衣服。從贊美著手,所有的人都渴望得到別人的理解和尊重,所以,和差生交談時,對他的處境、想法表示深刻的理解和尊重。

37. This is the teacher's office. That is my classroom.

38. Let’s clean the classroom. Good idea!

39. What are you wearing? -----A pink dress.

40. My favourite T-shirt is blue. 我最喜歡的T恤是藍色的。

41. 大的小的長的短的蘋果香蕉梨橙子西瓜

42. Is this your bedroom? Yes, it is./No, it isn't.

43. Is this your bedroom? Yes, it is./No, it isn’t.

44. What’你最喜歡星期幾?我最喜歡星期天。

45. Where is the canteen?It's on the first floor.

46. This is the teacher’s office. That is my classroom.

47. What else have you got? car. 你還有別的東西嗎?一輛小汽車。

48. What have you got? A cat and a dog. 你有什麼寵物?一隻貓和一隻狗。

49. How many people are there in your family? Three.

50. What's her name ? Her name is Amy.

51. Where is the canteen?It’s on the first floor.

52. 用心參與聽課、評課,虛心向同行學習教學方法,博采眾長,提高教學水*。本學期我繼續擔任我校“跨越式發展試驗班”二年級一班的英語老師,每月我都用心參與課題組組織的聽課評課活動,受到瞭課題組老師的好評。

53. 有多少匹馬?12匹。

54. I like Sunday, I hate Monday. 我喜歡星斯天,我討厭星期一。

55. 瞭解學生原有的知識技能的質量,他們的興趣、需要、方法、習慣,學習新知識可能會有哪些困難,采取相應的預防措施。二年級學生剛接觸英語不久,對學習英語有極大的興趣,因此課堂氣氛必須要活躍,以吸引他們的註意力;五年級學生已經學習瞭兩年英語,他們對學習英語有持續的興趣,渴望學到更多的英語知識,因此在備課是就應註重對語法的講解。

56. 馬貓兔子豬鴨子狗十一十二

57. I can use chopsticks. Let me try.

58. 其它句子

1. How many students are there in your class? Forty-five.

2. 暖和的寒冷的

3. I’ve got a new game, Let’s play (the game). We’ve got another game.

4. How many picture-books do you have?

5. 陳述句

6. 幾點瞭?兩點瞭。_________________________________

7. What’s in the classroom?

8. Dinner’s ready! Your forks and knives.

9. I am happy, he is sad, she is tired.

10. Who's this man?He's my uncle.

11. Today is Pit’s birthday. 今天是Pit的生日。