1. 父愛一直陪伴著我,無論我走到何方。

2. Father, like a driver, controls me and keeps me from going astray.

3. 擁有思想的瞬間,是幸福的;擁有感受的快意,是幸福的;擁有父愛也是幸福的。

4. 父親的愛是威嚴的沉默的憂鬱的深遠的。讓你的思想即使沾上骯臟的污垢也能煥然一新。

5. 父愛像一杯甘醇的酒,回味無窮。

6. 智慧之子使父親快樂,愚昧之子使母親蒙羞。

7. The father is the son of the land, the land of the poet. To understand the land has been the responsibility of the father, his father every day in his body is a beautiful poem.

8. 你走的方向,是父親的目光。

9. 喝茶方知香濃,為父才懂愛深。

10. 型爸,發源地!

11. 傢是最大的財富,今天,一起炫“父”。

12. His father's fame sometimes does not help his son, but instead will drown him: they stand too close to each other, the shadow of the growth of the.

13. Father's Day love connection, one end is him, one end is you!

14. Father sweat body, hard heart, always say not tired.

15. Father is a river, passing the years, telling the vicissitudes of life.

16. Love is a light, let your mind even on the verge of darkness and also can see the bright road.

17. 感恩父親,是他教我做人的道理。

18. 父愛如酒,不隨時間歲月的流失而減弱。父愛更如石,堅定的站在我身邊保護我,使我不在人生路上一再跌倒。

19. His father's love is a dignified silence of the profound. Let your mind be a new look, even if it is dirty.

20. Father and son's feelings are very different: the father loves the son himself, the son of love is the father of memories.

21. 父愛雖無聲,卻滾燙,似這驕陽。

22. 作為男人的一生,是兒子也是父親。前半生兒子是父親的影子,後半生父親是兒子的影子。

23. 父愛無聲,卻響徹耳畔。

24. 老爸給的關愛,總是滿格信號。

25. As a man's life, is the son is also a father. The former half of the son is the shadow of his father, after half his father is the shadow of his son.

26. Parents of the year, can not know also. One to like, one to fear.

27. 事父母,幾諫,見志不從,又敬不違,勞而不怨。

28. 父愛是陽光,讓我們健康的成長。

29. Father's love is an umbrella, which is always supported in rainy days.

30. 兒時的靠山,長大後的背影。

31. 父親的名聲有時無助於兒子,卻反而會淹沒他:他們彼此站得太近,陰影扼殺瞭成長。

32. 不怕疼,隻是爸爸的虛張聲勢。

33. As a person, respect for parents, love for their children, to be generous to poor relatives, to all people to be polite.

34. 感謝你不是超人,卻為我變成瞭萬能。

35. 堅持每天和孩子一起度過一段時間。專傢認為,孩子的記憶深處儲存著父親和他在一起的時間。例如,一起看電影,一起玩。他們不僅從父親那裡感愛到愛,而且能從父親的氣質、情感、智力等方面潛移默化的影響中,為自身的心理與智力發育補充養分。

36. sometimes the poorest man leaves his children the richest inheritance. - ruth e. renkel

37. 他從不誇你有多棒,心裡卻驕傲地偷笑。

38. Love is like wine, with the loss of time and time is reduced. Love is more like a stone, stand by my side to protect me, so that I would not fall again on the road of life.

39. it doesn't matter who my father was; it matters who i remember he was.

40. 父愛,愛你在心口難開!

41. 父親!對上帝,我們無法找到一個比這更神聖的稱呼瞭。

42. 爸爸的教誨像一盞燈,為我照亮前程。

43. A loving father is filial son brother; not friends but my hu**and and brother; flow.

44. by the time a man realizes that maybe his father was right, he usually has a son who thinks hexxxs wrong. - charles wadsworth

45. 感謝你用盡一生,來詮釋“愛”這個字。

46. 父愛如茶,細品醇香。

47. 你是我最大的靠山,所以我不怕跌倒。

1. 做為一個人,對父母要尊敬,對子女要慈愛,對窮親戚要慷慨,對一切人要有禮貌。

2. 父愛如山,厚重而無言。

3. 我已經預約瞭,做你三生三世的'小棉襖。

4. 曾經有你,未來有我。

5. You are a tree, leaning against the spring of your imagination, summer, leaning against you lush, fall against you mature, winter musters your meditation.

6. 父愛如山,大愛無言。

7. Father's teachings are like a lamp, lit up the future for me, and my father's care is like an umbrella for me to shelter the wind and rain.

8. Love as an umbrella Zhefengdangyu for you; love like rain, washing wash your soul; love is like a road, with you through life.

9. 父親,是男孩到男人的一門必修課。

10. 在孩子面前表達對母親的愛,如贊美、贊美或微笑。夫妻在孩子面前互相愛慕是給孩子愛的方法。

11. 最深的海,不是太平洋,而是情深似海。

12. 父愛是一四季度開花的樹,花香四溢。

13. 老爸,現在換我,做你的靠山。

14. You are the sun in the sky, giving us the warmest hope in life.

15. 父子之情在心,而不在於血肉關系。

16. The father is the wide ocean, even in the moment I will accomplish nothing, forgive me, put me into his warm chest.

17. Father's love is a beacon in my journey of life. When I lose my way, it illuminates my journey.

18. 父在觀其志,父沒觀其行;三年無改於父之道,可謂孝矣。

19. 感恩父親,是他給瞭我健康的身體。

20. Father's love is like a mountain, tall and lofty, which makes me afraid to climb.

21. 父愛同母愛一樣的無私,他不求回報。

22. Things parents, a few of them, do not see Chi, and king is not illegal, work without complaining.

23. 和父親一樣醇厚,越品越有味道。

24. Love is all human feelings, which is also the cradle of human survival.

25. My father was born, my mother Xi Ju, ask me, I long for me, livestock, educating me, take care of me, i.

26. 父親的肩似山,任你依靠。

27. Father's love is invincible and invincible.

28. 感恩父親,願您一生平安,幸福快樂。

29. Life without Yin father without strict mentorship, and can have a little.

30. 父愛如山,情深言淺。

31. 父親是土地的兒子,更是土地的詩人。讀懂土地一直是父親的責任,父親每天都在它的身上刻畫著美麗的詩篇。

32. Dear Dad, Happy Father's Day. I wish you a happy and prosperous year after year.

33. 爸爸的關懷像一把傘,為我遮蔽風雨。

34. 關心孩子的思想與學業。做父親的應經常抽出時間與孩子一起談談話,講講故事,多方面去滿足孩子的求知欲。

35. 爸爸的愛不智能,因為二十四小時常亮。

36. 生活的歡悅,大都來自您的付出。

37. 時光慢些吧,不要再讓你變老瞭。

1. 父親不需要用多好的語言來贊美他,像一頭任勞任怨的牛!

2. You have paid too much for my family. Father, hard work!

3. it is wise father that knows his own child.瞭解自己孩子的父親是睿智的父親。

4. 父愛如傘,為你遮風擋雨。

5. Love is like wine, with time, the loss of time decreased. Love is more like a stone, stand by my side to protect me, so that I would not fall again on the road of life.

6. 每個老爸,都曾是一枚小鮮肉。

7. May Dad be healthy, happy and happy forever, and I love you forever!

8. The son of wisdom makes a father happy, but a foolish son is a shame to his mother.

9. Feelings of the father and son in the heart, not in the flesh and blood relationship.

10. 天下無不是的父母;世間最難得者兄弟。

11. 我在努力長大,請你慢慢變老。

12. 你包容他的啤酒肚,他包容你的壞脾氣。

13. 我的爸爸,他是全世界最好的爸爸。

14. 父愛如酒,不隨時間、歲月的流失而減弱。父愛更如石,堅定的站在我身邊保護我,使我不在人生路上一再跌倒。

15. 父愛是太陽,即使在烏雲密佈的日子裡,我也能感受到他的光芒。

16. I don’t know who my grandfather was:I am much more concerned to know what his grandson will be.我不知道我的祖父是誰,我更加關心的是他的孫子將成為什麼樣的人。

17. Have thought the moment, be happy; have feelings of pleasure, happiness; have fatherly love is happiness.

18. 您是一棵大樹,春天倚著您幻想,夏天倚著您繁茂,秋天倚著您成熟,冬天倚著您沉思。

19. 父愛是光,照亮迷茫的前方。

20. 父愛是一片汪洋的大海,濃鬱而深遠。

21. Love is the sun, let us grow up healthy.

22. Father, care of the fire of life; love is like fire, lit the lamp of hope; love like a lamp, illuminate the road ahead; love is like a road, guide my life.

23. 父親的重量,以愛作刻度。

24. 感恩父親,是他讓我讀懂瞭父親的含義。

25. 父親平時要親吻、擁抱、撫摸孩子,讓孩子經常體驗父親愛的溫暖。

26. 父親是一棵松,撐起生命的晴空。

27. 父母之年,不可不知也。一則以喜,一則以懼。

28. 看水是水,看山是你。

29. 每個女兒都是父親的“掌上明珠”。

30. 硬核男人,爸氣十足。

31. 父愛是一片**的大海,濃鬱而深遠。父愛是我人生旅途中的一盞明燈,在我迷路時,照亮我的行程。

32. 有榜樣,更能劈開風浪,去闖。

33. 父愛是一棵大樹,即使在烈日炎炎的夏日,也會為我撐起一片蔭涼。

34. 父親的情似酒,任你陶醉。

35. Fatherly love with motherly love and selfless, he does not return; the father is an unknown to the public, in a kind of aeriform in feelings, only by people can experience.

36. The word love is how ordinary, but this kind of love is so extraordinary.

37. ixxxve had a hard life, but my hardships are nothing against the hardships that my father went through in order to get me to where i started. - bartrand hubbard

38. 父愛如山,我們卻輕易裝得下。

39. that is the thankless position of the father in the family-the provider for all, and the enemy of all. - j. august strindberg

40. i cannot think of any need in childhood as strong as the need for a fatherxxxs protection. - sigmund freud

41. The father is in view of its ambition, the father did not see; three years without a change in the way the father is filial.

42. 感恩父親,是他每天為我們默默祝福。

43. Father's love is like a book, plain on the surface, but full of knowledge.

44. After four seasons, I will never forget my father's love. Happy Father's Day, Dad!

45. In the eyes of the parents, the child is often part of the self, the child is his ideal self another chance.

46. 守護不缺席,無論是現在還是將來。

47. So is the will of a living daughter curb’d by the will of a dead father. (A Merchant of Venice 2)一個活生生的女人的意願,卻被過世的父親的遺囑所限。——《威尼斯商人》

48. Father's love is like the warm wind in spring, gentle but not publicized.

49. Father! To God, we can't find a more sacred call.

50. 托得起父親的責任,承得住如山的父愛。

51. 通往幸福的路,我陪著你走。

52. 我們隻能在父親面前,得進寸尺。

53. Filial filial piety also born Shun Zi, also born son of disobedience disobedience.

54. 父愛如山,呵護生命的火;父愛如火,點燃希望的燈;父愛如燈,照亮前行的路;父愛如路,指導我的人生。

55. 即使回傢的路再黑,有他我都不怕。

56. The father is a piece of sea, let your soul even in the face of good tolerance is still Lightning flashes and thunder rumbles.

57. 父愛,是傳承,是一種永恒。

58. 父愛如山,讓愛回響。

59. 父兮生我,母兮鞠我,撫我,畜我,長我,育我,顧我,復我。

60. 父愛是冬天的陽光,溫暖如春。

61. 父愛如傘,為你遮風擋雨;父愛如雨,為你濯洗心靈;父愛如路,伴你走完人生。

62. 恐懼時,父愛是溫暖的懷。

63. 父愛是被子,他使你感到溫暖。

64. As a father, the greatest pleasure lies in: in their lifetime, can be based on their own way to inspire and educate their children.

65. 作為一個父親,最大的樂趣就是在於:在其有生之年,能夠根據自己走過的路來啟發、教育子女。

66. 好好睡一覺吧,剩下的我來扛。

67. 隨心所行,讓愛不再沉重。

68. 父愛是一座大山,挺拔而偉岸。

69. 深沉如山,永遠的超級英雄。

70. 人生內無賢父兄,外無嚴師友,而能有成者少矣。

71. My father does not need to use good language to praise him, like a hard working cattle!

72. 父愛同母愛一樣的無私,他不求回報;父愛是一種默默無聞,寓於無形之中的一種感情,隻有用心的人才能體會。

73. Father's love is green and upright like pine.

74. 父親,你無時無刻不在用你的愛包圍我。

75. 孝順還生孝順子,忤逆還生忤逆兒。

76. 站在爸爸的肩頭,看向世界的盡頭。

77. 父親眼裡,我們永遠是長不大的孩子。

78. 夠強大,才能守護整個傢。

79. 父愛是良言,讓我們作出正確的判斷。

80. those who trust us educate us. - t. s. eliot

81. it is a wise father that knows his own child. - william shakespeare

82. words can't tell how much you mean to wish you happiness on this special day.

83. Love is the sun, even on cloudy days, I can feel his light.

84. 父愛是一片大海,讓你的靈魂即使遇到電閃雷鳴依然仁厚寬容。

85. 做你的小棉襖,冬暖夏涼。

86. You are a mountain, you are a Sichuan, with the spirit of mountains and rivers, only then can I have the source of my happy life.

87. 父愛是風,把你的煩惱通通吹走。

88. The world has no parents; the world's most rare brothers.

89. 在父母的眼中,孩子常是自我的一部分,子女是他理想自我再來一次的機會。

90. when i was a boy of14, my father was so ignorant i could hardly stand to have the old man around. but when i got to be21, i was astonished at how much the old man had learned in seven years. - mark twain

91. 父愛無涯,父愛如水。

92. on this special day, i want to say i'm proud of you,appreciate all you've done for me and i love you.

93. it doesnxxxt matter who my father was; it matters who i remember he was. - anne sexton

94. Father, such as the sea as deep and wide.

95. 爸爸的教誨像一盞燈,為我照亮前程;爸爸的關懷像一把傘,為我遮蔽風雨。

96. 父愛,如大海般深沉而寬廣。

97. The father is a world of waters of the sea, rich and profound. Love is a lamp in my journey, when I get lost, make my trip.

98. Love is a tree, even in the scorching summer, will I hold a shade.

99. 父不慈則子不孝;兄不友則弟不恭;夫不義則婦不順也。

100. 愛可能不善言表,但愛是一諾千金。

101. The father is good, let us make a correct judgment.

102. Dad, the heart is always the most stylish, the best father, I wish you a happy Father's Day!

103. 父愛如海,是深邃而難懂。

104. 歲月侵染發鬢白,由自未改拳拳心。

105. 爸爸的肩膀,是我人生的第一輛車。

106. 輾轉難眠的夜晚,到處都是你的影子。

107. 擋住風雨,沉吟不語。

108. a father is always making his baby into a little woman. and when she is a woman he turns her back again. - enid bagnold

109. Love is boundless, love like water.

110. 教我們挺胸的人,為我們彎腰的人。

111. 父愛是人類一切感情中的至情——也是人類得以存活的搖籃。

112. 肩膀夠硬,才挑得起傢庭的重擔。

113. 往後餘生,你的健康快樂我來承擔。

114. 父愛是一道光輝,讓你的心靈即使瀕臨與黑暗也能看見光明大道。

115. 當我來到這個世界,他就有瞭超能力。

116. 父愛如山,無限能量。

117. 父愛像一本厚重的書,耐人尋味。

118. 父愛這字眼是多麼的平凡,但這種愛是多麼的不平凡。

119. 父親和兒子的感情是截然不同的:父親愛的是兒子本人,兒子愛的則是對父親的回憶。

120. 父親是一盞燈,照亮我的美夢。

121. 父愛是寬闊的海洋,即使在我一事無成的時刻,也會包容我,把我納入他溫暖的胸膛。

122. 父親心靈的面積,是三室一廳!

123. 這份愛,餘溫太久,從未消退。

124. 父子不僅血肉至親,更是靈魂相依。