1. History is the result of intellectuals'cultural 句子屋

2. 牛能拉犁,狗能看傢。

3. 貧農特別吃沒有文化的虧,特別需要受教育。77H句子屋

4. 強權做不到的,是文化的力量,將無異議的碎片組成有意義的拼圖。77H句子屋

5. 書不僅是生活,而且是現在過去和未來文化生活的源泉。77H句子屋

6. 真正的文化以同情和贊美為生,而不是以憎厭和輕蔑為生。77H句子屋

7. We call the changes that humans make to the environment the result of culture, that is, spiritual guidance of the 句子屋

8. 地理環境決定文化的發展,而文化的傳統會影響歷史的進程。77H句子屋

9. Poor peasants suffer from illiteracy and need education in 句子屋

10. Overcoming nationality is the triumph of 句子屋

11. 我們需要文化,就像需要空氣一樣。77H句子屋

12. Only when readers have spiritual food to consume, can literature live forever!77H句子屋

13. We need culture, just as we need 句子屋

14. Education is not an industry but a career、Culture is state, not 句子屋

15. 粗絲難織細絹,粗人難做細活。

16. Dahe nationality is the same as Chinese culture, and even the root of Japanese culture is the same line of Chinese 句子屋

17. Reading is the most direct means to absorb knowledge culture, while deep reading is the integration of knowledge 句子屋

18. True culture lives on compassion and praise, not hatred and 句子屋

19. 審美的感官需要文化修養……借助修養才能瞭解美,發現美。77H句子屋

20. The higher the culture, the more attention paid to 句子屋

21. 自由不是讓你想做什麼就做麼,自由是教你不想做什麼,就可以不做什麼。F’twannado.

22. 不怕事難,就怕手懶。

23. 山大無柴,樹大空心。

24. What power cannot do is the power of culture, which makes meaningful mosaics of undisputed 句子屋

25. 物質的解放是人類文化與精神解放的必要條件。77H句子屋

26. Corporate culture is the criterion for finding new 句子屋

27. Culture is something that the common people do not think about until they are 句子屋

28. 歷史是知識分子文化活動的結果。77H句子屋

29. Knowledge is the crystallization of precious gemstones and culture is the luster of 句子屋

30. 隻有讀者有精神糧食可以消費,那文學才能一直活下去!77H句子屋

31. A person's educational level can express a person's 句子屋

32. The relationship between culture should be absorption and integration, not plunder and 句子屋

33. 吃一塹,長一智。

34. There is no culture in my mind and no harmony of human nature、I can't live without culture any 句子屋

35. Liquor has no nationality、It is a special form of cultural language commonly used in the 句子屋

36. 現在中國文化需要上課的人,比需要下課的人多。77H句子屋

37. 酒是沒有國籍的,它是一種世界通用的特殊形態的文化語言。77H句子屋

38. Geographical environment determines the development of culture, and cultural tradition will influence the process of 句子屋

39. 教育不是產業是事業。文化是狀態不是變態。77H句子屋

40. 我的腦子裡沒有文化,沒有人性的和諧。我不能再過沒有文化的生活瞭。77H句子屋

41. 人要實心,火要空心。

42. Books are not only the source of life, but also the source of cultural life in the past and in the 句子屋

43. 人是人的作品,是文化、歷史的產物。77H句子屋

44. The future of world culture is the revival of Chinese 句子屋

45. 不怕一萬,隻怕萬一。

46. 文化越高,勞動越受重視。77H句子屋

47. 對付男人得有智慧,女人可以沒文化,但不能沒智慧。77H句子屋

48. 說人別說短,打人別打臉。

49. 文化的關系應是吸收和融合,絕不是掠奪與征服。77H句子屋

50. 靜時常思己過,閑談莫論人非。

51. 人心換人心,八兩換半斤。

52. 不伴隨力量的文化,到明天將成為滅絕的文化。77H句子屋

1. Men need wisdom、Women can be illiterate, but not without 句子屋

2. 文化的旅程是苦,是澀,在這千年的嘆息中講述苦旅。77H句子屋

3. 文化是小康之後老百姓才去想的事兒。77H句子屋

4. 知識是珍貴寶石的結晶,文化是寶石放出的光澤。77H句子屋

5. Aesthetic senses need cultural accomplishment..、Only by virtue of self-cultivation can we understand and discover 句子屋

6. 世界文化的未來,就是中國文化的復興。77H句子屋

7. Material emancipation is a necessary condition for human cultural and spiritual 句子屋

8. 閱讀是汲取知識文化最直接的手段,而深閱讀則是對知識文化的融會貫通。77H句子屋

9. The journey of culture is bitter and astringent, telling bitter journey in the sigh of this 句子屋

10. Man is the work of man, the product of culture and 句子屋

11. Nowadays, Chinese culture needs more people to attend classes than to finish 句子屋

12. 我們稱人類對環境所做的改變為文化,即精神指導**的結果。77H句子屋

13. 企業文化是找尋新工作的標準。77H句子屋

14. Culture without power will become extinct 句子屋

15. 一個人的文化程度可以表示一個人的心德。77H句子屋

16. 克服民族性是文化的勝利。77H句子屋

17. 大和民族和中國的文化同門同種,甚至日本文化的根,就是中國文化的一脈。77H句子屋