1. Their betray disorganized the party.

2. the party is on friday evening.(聚會定於周五晚上舉行。)

3. Orderly Multi-party Democracy--On Pattern of Party System with Chinese Characteristic;

4. Did you enjoy yourselves in the party?

5. The party wants her as leader.(這個政黨希望由她做領袖。)

6. Don't forget to take your party frock for the cocktail party on the return evening journey.

7. I'm calling to RSVP for the party.

8. The party faces defeat in the election.(這個黨面臨選舉失敗。)

9. The party was a fizzer.(聚會搞砸瞭。)

10. The party thrived under his leadership.(這個黨在他的領導下興旺起來。)

11. 有的形容詞造句可以用一對反義詞或用褒義詞貶義詞的組合來進行,強烈的對比能起到較好的表達作用。如用“光榮”造句:“講衛生是光榮的,不講衛生是可恥的。”用“光榮”與“可恥”作對比,強調瞭講衛生是一種美德。

12. The party began to splinter.(那個黨開始分裂。)

13. The party went with a bang.(聚會十分圓滿。)

14. Are you going to Dave's party?(你要去參加戴夫的聚會嗎?)

15. The party was stupefyingly dull.(這次聚會無聊透瞭。)

16. 用比擬詞造句,可以借助聯想、想象使句子生動。如用“仿佛”造句:“今天冷極瞭,風刮在臉上仿佛刀割一樣。”

17. The party was a huge success.(聚會辦得非常成功。)

18. advance group or party

19. She is evident at party.

20. A political party should hold together.(一個政黨應當團結一致。)

21. The party was arranged quickly.(聚會很快就安排好瞭。)

22. Plates overflowed with party food.(聚會上的食物碟滿盤盈。)

23. We don't cover party politics or economics.

24. The rift within the party deepened.(黨內的分歧加深瞭。)

25. The aforesaid goods shall be manufactured by party C for party B with machines supplied by party B.

26. a party political broadcast by the Labour Party

27. FYI, the party starts at 8 tonight!

28. a farewell dinner [party]

29. 用關聯詞造句,必須註意詞語的合理搭配。比如用“盡管……可是……”造句:“盡管今天天氣很糟,但是大傢都沒有遲到。” 這就需要在平時學習中,把關聯詞的幾種類型分清並記住。

30. He purged extremists from the party.(他把極端分子清除出黨。)

31. The party was denied legal status.(那個黨沒有獲得合法地位。)

32. It's just an excuse for a party.(這隻是借故一起聚會。)

33. 用形容詞造句,可以對人物的動作、神態或事物的形狀進行具體的描寫。如用“鴉雀無聲”造句:“教室裡鴉雀無聲,再也沒有人說笑嬉鬧,再也沒有人隨意走動,甚至連大氣都不敢出瞭。”這就把“鴉雀無聲”寫具體瞭。

34. mountaineering party | climbing party

35. Reinforcing inner-party authority surveillance and advance inner-party harmony;

36. The party soon warmed up.(聚會很快活躍起來。)

37. Party A will sell to any third party only on orders previously quoted and approved by Party B.

38. Couldn't you ask Juan to the party?(你不能邀請胡安參加這個聚會嗎?)

39. ^v^Receiving party^v^ shall mean, with respect to any particular Confidential Information, the party that received same from the Disclosing party.

40. Third party shall mean any entities or persons other than party A, party B, party C or the joint venture .

41. Rediscovery of Chengduxu s Proclamation on Discontinuity of the ^v^inner-party cooperation^v^ between the National Party and Communist Party;

42. 先把要造句的詞擴展成詞組,然後再把句子補充完整。如用“增添”造句,可以先把“增添”組成“增添設備”、“增添信心”或“增添力量”,然後再造句就方便多瞭。

43. party issuing contract

44. party interested

45. The couple met at a party.(這對夫婦相識於一個派對。)

46. Let's have a party.

47. party paper; an organ of the party

48. Vincent: Good party.

49. The party was planned weeks ahead.(聚會提前幾個星期就已籌劃好瞭。)

50. early party organs of the Chinese Communist Party

51. A contracting party to GATT

52. The party was great.(這聚會真有意思。)

53. The party was a blast.(聚會非常熱鬧。)

54. The surprise party was Jane's idea.(那次驚喜聚會是簡的主意。)

55. RSVP: Will you come to the party?

56. We threw a huge birthday party.(我們舉辦瞭一次盛大的生日派對。)

57. 在分析並理解詞義的基礎上加以說明。如用“瞻仰”造句,可以這樣造:“我站在廣場上瞻仰革命烈士紀念碑。”因為“瞻仰”是懷著敬意抬頭向上看。

58. Preparation for the party started early.(聚會的準備工作很早就開始瞭。)

59. The party went off A-OK.(聚會進行得還順利。)

60. The party was a fizzer.

61. Inner-party democracy:The basic way of inner-party thought integration

62. They ignored the official party line.(他們忽略瞭政黨的官方路線。)

63. ^v^Party^v^ means a party to this Agreement.

64. His party held office on sufferance.(他的政黨險勝。)

65. He's party leader in name only.(他隻是名義上的政黨領袖。)

66. If one party fails to honor the contract, the other party is entitled to rescind it.