1. Be careful! Don't play on the street.

2. hold sth in one’s hand

3. come on 快點,加油,來吧

4. from... to... 從……到……

5. We must stop and look both ways before we cross the road.

6. You need to take bus No.718……

7. learn about瞭解

8. --What do you think of math? / How do you like math ?

9. do better in sth 在某方面做得較好

10. 在哪一層樓用介詞on.

11. Thank you all the same .

12. 指路:

13. --What time does the class begin?

14. I study Chinese, English, politics, geography and some other subjects.

15. 常常有那麼一個夢,溫馨又甜蜜。我總能朦朧的看見,一條裙子,一雙舞鞋,還有一個微笑。我每天每天都在做著這個夢,這個神奇的夢。夢中的她們,總是跳著優雅的舞,永遠這樣笑著,跳著。

16. obey the traffic rules

17. far from距離……遠

18. It’s good to help children and old people to cross the road.

19. park cars 停車

20. go to bed 上床睡覺

21. take the No. 718 bus 乘坐718路公共汽車

22. What’s the matter?

23. for a little while 一會兒

24. 芭蕾舞演員精彩的單腿飛轉,那是力的旋律;健美運動員塊塊隆起的肌肉,那是力的線條;賽跑健將風馳電掣般的沖刺,那是力的速度。

25. Wait for your turn when the lights are red.

26. tell sb. about sth告訴某人關於某事

27. make sb./sth. +v.

28. --Happy New Year!

29. 選擇疑問句

30. --Why (為什麼)do you like English ?

31. How far is it from here?

32. have classes 上課

33. at the moment“此刻,現在”= now.

34. kitchen fan 廚房排氣扇

35. 4米長 six point four meters long

36. on the corner of 在…轉角/拐彎處

37. on foot 步行

38. outdoor activity 課外活動

39. --What’s your home like?

40. 我們發現她們不但是表現神和人,就是草木禽獸:如蓮花的花開瓣顫,小鹿的疾走驚躍,孔雀的高視闊步,都能形容盡致,盡態極妍!

41. There are many beautiful flowers in the garden, but there aren’t any trees in it.

42. plan v.計劃 plan to do sth

43. on Monday 在星期一

44. close to 距離……近,緊挨著的

45. at the end of ...在……的盡頭

46. write a letter 寫信

47. do(one’s) homework 做作業

48. have an English class 上英語課

49. in the country 在農村

50. 粉色的蓬蓬裙,讓芭蕾舞者更好的展現舞蹈的靈魂,它是那麼美麗優雅,不需要太多語言去形容,它就是純白的至高無上的象征。

51. keep money 存錢

52. --Thank you.

53. 沒有任何一種成功存在僥幸,穿上華麗的舞服,登上絢爛的舞臺,芭蕾舞演員的臺前是光鮮亮麗的。優美的舞姿,高雅的姿態,一舉一動都充滿著迷人的氣息。然而,臺上一分鐘,臺下十年功呀!美麗背後自有辛酸!芭蕾舞演員的苦,或許你都無法能想象。

54. across from 在…對面

55. --Sorry, I don’t have any.

56. change to變成

57. watch TV 看電視

58. listen to music 聽音樂

59. be動詞的過去式為was/were,其否定式為was not/wasn’t和were not/weren’t.

60. 一般疑問句以及簡略回答:

61. on weekdays

62. --How far is it from here? (問距離) 離這有多遠?

63. a ticket for speeding 超速罰單

64. turn left/right向左轉/向右轉

65. have a soccer game 舉行足球比賽

66. go across穿過

67. learn by oneself自學

68. mail letter 郵寄信

69. They live in a big farmhouse in the country.

70. There is something wrong with my kitchen fan.

71. 不規則動詞 am/is-was are-were do-did (詳情見書後不規則動詞表)

72. 珠纓旋轉星宿搖,花蔓抖擻龍蛇動。舞低楊柳樓心月,歌盡桃花扇底風塗香莫惜蓮承步,長愁羅襪凌波去。隻見舞回風,都無行處蹤。 偷穿宮樣穩,並立雙趺困。纖妙說應難,須從掌上看。

73. get/be hurt受傷

74. What else _____ you do ? I_____ also perform ballet.

75. Can you tell me something about it?

76. _____ he draw pictures when hewas five years old ? No, he _______.

77. I’ll get someone to check it right now.

78. after breakfast / lunch / supper

79. go to the zoo / park

80. I have four classes in the morning and two in the afternoon.

81. She goes to bed at about a quarter to ten.

82. --How often do you go to the library?

83. 在幾點常用介詞at, 在星期幾常用on。在早上、下午、晚上常用in.

84. between……and 在…之間

85. go to school 去上學

86. get sb. to do sth.派人去做某事

87. no parking禁止停車

88. 彈樂器前要帶定冠詞the,而進行球類運動,剛不帶the。

89. at school 在學校、在上課

90. At school, my teachers and classmates are very friendly to me.

91. There is a lamp, a computer, some books and so on.

92. Classes begin at eight.

93. in the library 在圖書館

94. Everybody must be careful and obey the traffic rules.

95. 序數詞,前面要用定冠詞the。

96. in one's free time

97. 臺上燈光,一片柔和。一朵朵含苞待放的花蕾,吸著絲絲春雨,正徐徐綻放。盛開的荷花伴著陣陣縹緲的雲煙又慢慢飛入九天,一個身著粉紅紗衣的少女,撐著淡黃的油紙傘,翩翩起舞,如仙女,似蝴蝶,猶碧玉。蒙蒙細雨中,十幾個撐著傘的綠衣姑娘,如綠葉一般,嬌翠欲滴。風吹葉動,那位紅衣姑娘猶如一朵帶露的荷花,在一片片綠葉的掩映下,婷婷玉立,嬌艷動人。好一片蒙蒙細雨!好一個走雨姑娘!

98. difficult and boring 又難又乏味

99. take trains 乘火車

100. Don't put them here. Put them away.

101. see a doctor 看醫生

102. once a week 一周一次

103. — Is there a computer in your study?

104. be friendly to sb. =be kind to sb.

105. English is my favorite subject.

106. some of his photos= some photos of his 他的一些照片

107. on the playground 在操場上

108. talk with / to sb.與某人談話

109. show sb. around… 帶領某人參觀……

110. I ______ swim at the age often, but now I ____swim very well.

111. every day 每天

112. What time does the class begin?

113. 輕步曼舞像燕子伏巢、疾飛高翔像鵲鳥夜驚。美麗的舞姿閑婉柔靡,機敏的迅飛體輕如風。她的妙態絕倫,她的素質玉潔冰清。修儀容操行以顯其心志,獨自馳思於杳遠幽冥。志在高山表現峨峨之勢,意在流水舞出蕩蕩之情。

114. on the right 在右邊

115. at the school gate

116. keep on the right of the road

1. on weekends=on the weekend

2. go swimming 去遊泳

3. be kind to sb

4. on time 準時/in time及時

5. 舞蹈是一門藝術,優美的舞姿,給人以美的熏陶,婀娜多姿,讓人如癡如醉。

6. on the street corner

7. --I ‘m afraid it’s too loud.

8. learn(…)from… 向…學習…/從…中學…

9. What kind of home do you live in?

10. 情態動詞掌握情態動詞can/can’t, could/couldn’t的用法

11. at the foot of 在…的腳下

12. easy and interesting 容易又有趣

13. excuse me

14. after class 下課後

15. 她靈動的跳躍 飄逸著裙擺 好像襲來一股白色的幽香 她點點著舞步 輕抖著白紗 就像觸出幾抹湖水的漣漪。

16. --How do you usually come to school?

17. in the gym在體育館

18. for rent 出租

19. One year ago, he _____ do it atall.

20. have a rest 休息一下

21. 她用她的長眉,妙目,手指,腰肢;用她髻上的花朵,腰間的褶裙;用她細碎的舞步,繁響的鈴聲,輕雲般慢移,旋風般疾轉,舞蹈出詩句裡的離合悲歡。

22. t’s good to do sth.

23. be動詞的一般過去時,表示過去存在的狀態。

24. read books 讀書

25. in the morning / afternoon / evening

26. on Monday morning在星期一的早上

27. at the Lost and Found 在失物招領處

28. between…and… 在……之間…

29. --Your new bike looks very nice.

30. Work / Study must come first.

31. I also like P.E and music.

32. We must never play on the street. 我們絕對不能在街上玩耍。

33. --What class are they having?

34. after school 放學後

35. 行為動詞一般過去時態陳述句變否定句和一般疑問句:

36. clean the room打掃房間

37. from…to… 從……到……

38. -- Are you doing your homework?

39. 三餐前面不用冠詞。

40. live with sb. 和某人居住在一起

41. --How long can I keep them?

42. lot of = lots of 許多

43. There are many houses with big yards in the suburbs.

44. 規則動詞①在動詞後面直接加“ed”。play-played ②動詞以“e”結尾加“d”。move-moved ③動詞以輔音字母加y結尾改y為i加ed. study-studied ④動詞為重讀閉音節,雙寫詞尾的輔音字母加ed. plan-planned stop-stopped

45. I can’t hear you, the line is bad.

46. We have no more time.

47. The early bird catches the worm.

48. learn about the past瞭解過去

49. on the shelf在書架上(shelves 復數)

50. There are two bedrooms and a small study.

51. ____ you play the guitar ? No, I _______.

52. and so on ……等等

53. 動詞過去式的構成:

54. look for 尋找

55. 她跳著舞像美麗的蝴蝶般飛舞著,像婀娜多姿的柳條樣扭動著,美的讓人陶醉描寫舞蹈優美的句子描寫舞蹈優美的句子。

56. make cards 制作卡片

57. right now 立刻,馬上

58. 舞蹈是你的脈搏,是你的心跳,是你的呼吸,是你生命的節奏。也是對時間、動作、幸福、喜悅、傷心和羨慕的表達。

59. --What day is it today?

60. 一般過去式表示:

61. train stationn 火車站

62. 問路

63. How can we make the roads safe?

64. --What subject (學科)do you like best ?

65. You can’t miss it.你不能錯過它。

66. --What are you doing?

67. get up 起床