1. 等久瞭,會是遺憾。

2. 等待,亦是一種愛。

3. 等待,是一個漫長的過程。

4. I've been waiting for 40 minutes, and now he has not come yet.I will wait for another 10 minutes, and if he does not come, I left. I do not like the unpunctual person.

5. 始終不能忘懷,那一次的等待。

6. 十年等待,再回首,餘生淒涼。

7. 靜靜的,先等風來。

8. 等待你的關心,卻等到我關瞭心。

9. Let life be beautiful like summer flowers and death like autumn leaves.

10. I don't fear insects or spiders. At great heights, I jump off, smiling. In the face of death I wink. But, when I look into your eyes, I'm in fear of how much I love you.

11. 鑰匙走瞭,鎖在等待。

12. I'd rather share one lifetime with you, than face all the ages of this worldalone我寧願和你共度凡人那短暫一生 也不願獨自看盡這世界的滄海桑田。

13. 831 means 'I Love You' - 8 letters, 3 words, 1 meaning.

14. so when we finally meet the person, we'll know how to be grateful.

15. I love you more than any word can say 。 I love you more than every action I take 。 I'll be right here loving you till the end.

16. 從容等待,美好自會來臨。

17. 等待,是你人生的一道風景。

18. 等待愛情,等待你!

19. the worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can't have them. 失去某人,最糟糕的莫過於,他近在身旁卻猶如遠在天邊。

20. 等待,是一種忘記時間的深情。

21. 有一種等待,是會心碎的。

22. the love,makes people forget the time,and the time also makes people forget the love.

23. 等待的心情,像溫柔的風。

24. don't waste your time on a man/woman, who isn't willing to waste their time on you.

25. we have knew the end when it`s began.

26. Some of us get dipped in flat, some in satin, some in gloss.

27. 靜待花開,耐心等待。

28. 所有的等待,終將如願。

29. 選擇等待,就要承受孤獨。

30. 人心,經不起冷落和等待。

31. don't try so hard, the best thing is coming when you least expectthem to.

32. 現在,對於明天,猶如等待未來。

33. 人生,需要耐心和等待!

34. 耐心等待,一切都會到來。

35. 等風,等雨,等秋色。

36. the worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them, knowing you can't have them. 最壞的想念就是坐在他們的旁邊,明知不能沒有他們。

37. 人們還繼續等待著,等待著。

38. 等待也是一種幸福,卻需要勇氣。

39. 靜靜地等待,和你告別。

40. 等待是一種煎熬,它烘烤著誓言。

41. 君可知,我把滄海守到桑田。

42. 餘生,不悔,不傷,靜靜等待。

43. 靜靜地等待,屬於我的愛情。

44. 耐心等待,就是春暖花開時。

45. 不管多久的等待,隻要你來。

46. don't try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to.

47. I waited 20 minutes, and you did not come. I left.

48. 等待,青絲縷縷,變為兩鬢斑斑。

49. Miss is a kind of pain, and miss is a kind of suffering, and the past is a kind of shadow can not be waved away, but the heart is unable to this pain and suffering, just want to tell you a word in the distance: that is! I miss you so much!

50. The more I know you, the more I love you.

51. 願每個等待,都有歸期。

52. you will know how time fly when you fall in love with lover.

53. 人生短暫,千萬別等待。

54. 默默的等待,靜靜的相守!

55. no man or woman is worth your tears, and one who is won't makeyou cry.

56. lonelyable will with you that you fall in love with someone.

57. 我在等風,也等你。

58. 一生很短,經不起等待!

59. Fourth letters of transit in the spring breeze as you south ten.

60. 等一朵花開,等一人歸來。

61. You are the dream of my every waking moment,and the spark of my every extinguished dream.

62. At the moment, the wind is quiet, but I smell the fragrance of flowers from afar, hear the distant rustle, see you in the distance.

63. If the distance between us 100 steps , I'm willing to walk 99 first , andthen wait for you take that last step , I'm willing to wait as long as it takes, because I LOVE YOU !

64. 回首三千,紅塵外,有心在等待。

65. 等待,是一生最初的蒼老。

66. Within you I lose myself, without you I find myself wanting to be lost again.有瞭你,我可能會迷失瞭自我。但失去你,我寧願沉醉迷失.

67. never fond even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile. 從沒找到當你孤單的時候,應為你根本就不知道誰在後面等你。

68. Why do I love you? Because you are and always have been my dream.

69. 等待中,街燈滅復明,明復滅。

70. to the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.

71. 等待,是一種智慧。

72. Now that I have chosen to be far away, I only care about wind and rain. (Wang Guozhen)

73. to the world, you may be one person, but to one person you maybe the world.

74. 世間所有美好,都值得等待。

75. I'm just waiting for you for 20 minutes. if you do not come, I'll go first.

76. 等待是一種付出,不要求回報。

77. 天青色等煙雨,而我在等你。

78. 別人在等傘,我在等雨停。

79. 耐心等待,靜待花開。

80. 等待禁煙予告,要選幽尋勝。

81. 十年等待,最後的最後擦肩而過。

82. 冬天,是等待,亦是思念。

83. 春暖花開的時候,等待播種插秧!

84. 我等你,一直一直等你。

85. 待到春風吹起,我在花下等你。

86. i love you not because of who you are, but because of who i am when i am with you.

87. 等待本身,已經足夠美好。

88. It takes a second to say I love you, but a lifetime to show it.

89. 默然等待千年,隻為在此相聚!

90. 耐心等待新熱點、新機會。

91. 人生充滿等待,需沉得住氣。

92. 總之歲月漫長,然而值得等待。

93. don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.