“重要”不隻有“important” | 這樣練口語,發音和表達都很地道

“重要”不隻有“important” | 這樣練口語,發音和表達都很地道

...has an important role play in... 在...方面其重要作用

• Water↗ has a very important role to play↗ / in maintaining a healthy body. ↘


cannot emphasize enough... 非常強調...的重要性;...怎麼強調都不夠

• I cannot emphasize enough / the importance↗ of a good teacher.↘


couldn’t go a day without... 沒有...一天也活不瞭(強調某事/物非常重要)

• I’m a bookworm ↗/ and I enjoy doing some bedtime reading.↘ I just couldn’t go a day ↗/ without reading books.↘
