










哈利:“你應該學會贏得別人的尊重。”上網站: 蹦躂噠 最近一直在整理各方面的經典語錄,經典名言,經典臺詞,和笑話梅林的胡子啊!!!


speak to me, Slytherin,greatest of the Hogwarts Fou

2.我莊嚴宣誓我沒幹好事 I solemnly swear that I am up to no good


Bone of feather, unknouingly given, you will renew your son


Flesh of the servant, willingly given you will revive your master


Blood oh the enemy,forcibly taken you will ressuttrct your foe

6. 倒掛金鐘 LevicorpusAs you must be aware -- even if you're not a Pottermaniac, we daresay -- the seventh and final instalment of J K Rowling's Harry Potter series is due on July 21.

And we are revisiting the books, just to dive again into the delightful world of wizards and spells. So, here goes HarryPotter and the Order of the Phoenix, the movie version of which is playing at a theatre near you right now.

The fifth part of the tales of the boy wizard begins with a bang, with Dementors attacking Harry and Dudley Dursley right near the Dursleys' house. Harry fights them off -- thanks to his stag-form Patronus -- but gets an owl saying he has been expelled from Hogwarts because of using the Patronus Charm in front of a Muggle.

But a nearly adult Harry finds it insulting that the Order doesn't include him, and that it includes his most hated Hogwarts professor, Severus Snape.

Adding to Harry's woes is a Ministry of Magic hearing, which, if it goes against him, could see him really expelled from Hogwarts.

It's Dumbledore to the rescue once again, as he stands between Harry and a ministry eager to prove the Boy Who Lived a liar.


鄧佈利多:you are of course wonder why I brought you here tonight


哈利:actually,sir,after all these years,i just sort of go with it


鄧:take my arm



鄧:harry,I'd like you to meet professor Horace Slughorn



斯拉格霍恩:what you see before you is a curious little potion


it does cause you powerful infatuation or obsession


羅恩:I'm in love with her 我愛上她瞭

哈利:alright ,fine, you're in love with her,have you ever actually met her?


羅恩:no,canyou introduce me?


旁白:this year,the past,hols a dark secret


鄧:what you're looking at are memories


this is the most important memory I've collected


斯拉格霍恩:now get out of here at once!


鄧:it is also a lie


and only he


you are the chosen one ,harry


can unlock the truth


赫敏:hey,she's only interested in you because she thinks you're the chosen one


哈利:but i am the chosen one


okay ,sorry ,i'm .... kidding


旁白:from warner brother's pictures


鄧(貌似):without this memory ,we leave the fate of our world to chance




赫敏(貌似): you need us ,harry


哈利(對snape):fight back ,you coward

還手a ,你這個懦夫


這是是1分53秒的那個預告片,就這麼多,別的我再找找看Albus Dumbledore: Minister, the evidence of the Dark Lord's return is incontrovertible.

Cornelius Fudge: He's not back!


Harry Potter: [to Voldemort] You're the weak one. And you'll never know love... or friendship... and I feel sorry for you.


Dolores Umbridge: [walks in front of Harry with a straight face] Something wrong?

Harry Potter: [hesitates and looks at his scared hand] No

Dolores Umbridge: [bends down] Good. Because I know that you know deep down that you deserve to be punished.


Hermione Granger: You found it Neville, the room of requirement. It becomes available to anyone who really needs it.

Ron Weasley: Really, so if you really needed the toilet and you walked past?

Hermione Granger: Charming Ron, but yes that's right.


[Dumbledore has arrived at Harry's trial, which was moved up]

Cornelius Fudge: Oh! Albus... I see you got our notice about the time change of the hearing...

Albus Dumbledore: No, it seems to have been lost, but by a happy coincidence, I arrived at the Ministry three hours early.


[Harry has just left Snape's office and is now standing in a corridor until he hears crying]

Fred Weasley: [to Nigel] What's your name?

Nigel 2nd Year: [crying] Nigel.

George Weasley: [about the scars on their hands] It's alright, it's not so bad anymore.

Fred Weasley: Yeah, see? Ours is just fading away.


Severus Snape: I may vomit.


Severus Snape: [about his veritaserum] I have no other stocks. You have used it all interrogating students and used the last of it on Ms. Chang.


Ginny Weasley: Reducto!


Dolores Umbridge: [to Harry] As I told you, Mr. Potter, naughty children deserve to be punished.


Lucius Malfoy: [walking with Bellatrix slowly up to Harry] Haven't you always wonder what was the reason for the connection between you and the dark lord. Why he was unable to kill you when you were just an infant. Don't you want to know the secret, of your scar. All of the answers are there, potter, in your hand. All you have to do is give it to me, I can show you everything.

[all of the death eaters start closing in around them]

Harry Potter: I've waited fourteen years...

Lucius Malfoy: I know.

Harry Potter: Think I can wait a little longer. NOW!

Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Ginny Weasley, Luna Lovegood, Neville Longbottom: STUPIFY!


Ron Weasley: Hermione, you are truly the most wonderful person I have ever met and if I'm ever rude to you...

Hermione Granger: Then I'll know you've gone back to normal.


Lord Voldemort: You're a fool, Harry Potter, and you will lose everything.


Dolores Umbridge: Is there something you would like to say?

Minerva McGonagall: [angrily] Yes, there are several things I would like to say!


Harry Potter: [to Snape] Does this mean he can read my mind?

Severus Snape: Read it. Control it. Unhinge it.


Albus Dumbledore: [looking up at Fudge] Charges?

Cornelius Fudge: The Charges to the acussed are as follows...


Harry Potter: [to Fudge] I'm not lying.


Nymphadora Tonks: Don't call me Nymphadora!

[on being introduced to Harry]


Luna Lovegood: [regarding Hogwarts's Food] I hope they have pudding.


Dolores Umbridge: Wands away. There will be no need to talk.

Hermione Granger: No need to think is more likely


Dolores Umbridge: [holding clipboard and smiling at Trelawney] Could you please predict something for me?

Sybil Trelawney: [stops teaching and looks over at Umbridge with a surprised and unhappy face] I'm sorry.


Lord Voldemort: Crucio!


Bellatrix Lestrange: Avada Kedavra!


Harry Potter: [to Dumbledore] LOOK AT ME!... What's happening to me?


Hermione Granger: [looking out the window] He's really out there isn't he?


Luna Lovegood: I hope there's pudding.


Harry Potter: How come you're not at the feast?

Luna Lovegood: Lost all my possessions. Apparently people have been hiding them.

Harry Potter: That's awful!

Luna Lovegood: Oh its all good fun, but as its the last night, I really do need them back.

Harry Potter: Do you want any help finding them?

Luna Lovegood: I'm sorry about your godfather, Harry.

[clasps his hand comfortingly]

Harry Potter: Are you sure you don't want any help looking?

Luna Lovegood: That's alright. Anyway my Mum always said, things we lose have a way of coming back to us in the end

[looks up at a pair of sneakers hanging from the ceiling]

Luna Lovegood: ... if not always in the way we expect. I think I'll just go have some pudding.


Cho Chang: You're a really good teacher, Harry.


Hermione Granger: Hi. So, you all know why we're here. We need a teacher. A proper teacher. One who's had real experience defending themselves against the Dark Arts.

Slightly Creepy Boy: Why?

Ron Weasley: Because You-Know-Who's back you tod!

Slightly Creepy Boy: [Looking at Harry] Say's him.

Hermione Granger: Say's Dumbledore.

Slightly Creepy Boy: Say's Dumbledore because he say's. If Potter could tell us how Diggory got killed...

Harry Potter: Look, I'm not here to talk about Cedric so if thats all you're here for you can just clock out. Let's go Hermione, they're just here cause I'm some sort of freak.

Luna Lovegood: Is it true you can produce the patronus charm?

Hermione Granger: Yes.

[looks at Harry]

Hermione Granger: I've seen it.

Dean Thomas: Blimey, Harry. I didn't know you could do that.


Ron Weasley: Blimey!


Hermione Granger: Harry please, they are going to be here any minute.


Dolores Umbridge: How dare you!


Dolores Umbridge: [to Harry] Detention Mr.Potter!


Sirius Black: [to Harry about the picture] The original Order of the Phoenix.


Hermione Granger: [Harry walks in, Hermione runs to him and hugs him] Oh, Harry!

[pause, she lets go]

Hermione Granger: Are you all right? We overheard them talking about the dementor attack. You must tell us everything.

Ron Weasley: Let the man breathe, Hermione.

Hermione Granger: And this hearing at the Ministry. It's just outrageous! I've looked it up, they simply can't expel you. It's completely unfair!

Harry Potter: There's a lot of that going around, Hermione. So what is this place?

Ron Weasley: Headquarters.

Hermione Granger: Of the Order of the Phoenix. It's a secret society. Dumbledore formed it back when they first fought You-Know-Who.

Harry Potter: You couldn't have put this in a letter, I suppose. I've gone all summer without a scrap of news.

Ron Weasley: We wanted to tell you, mate. Really, we did. Only...

Harry Potter: Only what?

Hermione Granger: Only Dumbledore made us swear that we wouldn't tell you anything.

Harry Potter: [pause] Dumbledore said that? But why would he want to keep me in the dark? Maybe I could help. After all, I'm the one who saw Voldemort return, I'm the one who fought him, I'm the one who saw Cedric Diggory get killed!


Dolores Umbridge: [to Harry, Hermione and the Centaurs] I WILL have order!


Dolores Umbridge: [standing with her Inquisitorial squad holding Cho Chang hostage] Get them!


Ron Weasley: [walks up to Hermione] Don't worry, I'll go easy on you.

Hermione Granger: [to Ron sarcasticly] Oh, thank you Ronald.


Harry Potter: [in train station] Sirius, what are you doing here?

Sirius Black: [walking up to him] I had to see you off, didn't I?


Mrs. Weasley: [at the dinner table on Christmas] Sit down everyone, sit down. That's it, now present time.


Harry Potter: [teaching the DA] Stunning is one of the most important spells in your arsenal. It’s sort of a wizards bread and butter really.


Dolores Umbridge: [pointing her wand at Harry, Ron and Hermione in the Forbidden Forest] For the greater good. I want to do what must be done.


Dolores Umbridge: [in a calm, relaxed voice] You know, I really hate children.


Harry Potter: Expelliarmus!


Harry Potter: [to Snape] He's got Padfoot! He's got Padfoot at the place where it's hidden!

Dolores Umbridge: Padfoot? What is Padfoot? And where what's hidden? What is he talking about Snape?

Severus Snape: [pause] No idea.


Luna Lovegood: [talking about her missing possessions] I suspect the Nargles are behind it.


Albus Dumbledore: You have the authority to dismiss my teachers. You do not, however, have the authority to banish them from the grounds. That power lies with the headmaster.

Dolores Umbridge: [smiles] For now.


Hermione Granger: [to Harry] When are you going to get it into your head? We're in this together!

Dolores Umbridge: [appears behind them] That you are!


George Weasley: You know Fred, I always believed our future lay outside the realms of academic achievement.


Luna Lovegood: [petting a Thestral's beak] They're called Thestrals, they're really not bad but people avoid them because they're...

Harry Potter: …different...


Hermione Granger: GRAWP!

[Grawp looks in her face]

Hermione Granger: PUT! ME! DOWN!


Hermione Granger: Now!

[Grawp complies]

Harry Potter: [while Hermione comes back in the midst of the trio] Seems you've got an admirer!


Albus Dumbledore: It was foolish of you to come here tonight Tom. The Aurors are on their way.

Lord Voldemort: By which time I will be gone, and you will be dead!


Ron Weasley: [takes a huge bite out of a sausage]

Hermione Granger: [gives Ron a disgusted look]

Ron Weasley: What? I'm Hungry.


Dolores Umbridge: Let me make this quite plain. You have been told that a certain Dark Wizard is at large once again. This is a lie.

Harry Potter: It's not a lie! I saw him. I fought him.

Dolores Umbridge: [shouting] Detention, Mr. Potter!

Harry Potter: So according to you, Cedric Diggory dropped dead OF HIS OWN ACCORD.

Dolores Umbridge: Cedric Diggory's death was a tragic accident.

Harry Potter: [angrily] It was murder! Voldemort killed him! You must know!

Dolores Umbridge: [shouting] Enough!


Bellatrix Lestrange: [to Harry] How dare you speak his name! YOU FILTHY HALF BLOOD!


Mrs. Arabella Figg: [she has been asked to describe "them"] One was very huge... the other, very skinny.

Cornelius Fudge: We mean the dementors, not the boys!


Lord Voldemort: You lose old man.

Harry Potter: [Harry possessed by Lord Voldemort] Kill the weak one and you'll never know love or friendship.


Hermione Granger: Ron, just because you have the emotional range of a teaspoon!


Dolores Umbridge: Please, tell them I mean no harm.

Harry Potter: Sorry, Professor, but I must not tell lies.


Ron Weasley: So what was it like?

[speaking about Harry's kiss]

Harry Potter: Kind of... Wet.

Ron Weasley: [Ron Laughs]

Harry Potter: Because she was crying.

Ron Weasley: That bad at it are you?

Hermione Granger: I'm sure Harry's kissing was above satisfactory. Besides, Cho spends most of her time crying.

Ron Weasley: You'd think a bit of snogging would cheer her up!


Sirius Black: [to Harry] Nice one, James!


[last lines]

Harry Potter: We've got something he doesn’t have. We've got something worth fighting for.


Severus Snape: [watches a touching memory between Harry and Sirius] I may vomit.


Harry Potter: [fighting Bellatrix Lestrange] Crucio!

Lord Voldemort: [taunting Harry] You have to mean it, Harry. You know the spell. She killed him. She deserves it.


Dolores Umbridge: [during an inspection] You applied first for the Defense Against the Dark Arts post, is that correct?

Severus Snape: Yes.

Dolores Umbridge: But you were unsuccessful?

Severus Snape: Obviously.

Sirius Black: Get away from my Godson!


Ron Weasley: Maybe you don't have to do this all by yourself, mate.


Harry Potter: [on getting to the Ministry] So how are we going to get to London?

Luna Lovegood: We fly, of course.


Arthur Weasley: Your hearing in the Ministry is to be before the entire Wizengamot.

Harry Potter: I don't understand. What has the Ministry of Magic got against me?


Harry Potter: We need somewhere, where we can practice spells.

Ginny Weasley: The Shrieking Shack?

Harry Potter: No, that's too small.

Hermione Granger: The Forbidden Forest?

Ron Weasley: Not bloody likely!

Ginny Weasley: Harry, what happens if Umbridge finds out?

Hermione Granger: Who cares? It's kind of exciting, isn't it? Breaking the rules.

Ron Weasley: Who are you and what have you done to Hermione Granger?

Hermione Granger: Anyways, at least one good thing happened today.

Harry Potter: Oh yeah, and what's that?

Hermione Granger: Cho couldn't keep her eyes off you, could she?


Cornelius Fudge: [referring to Lord Voldemort] He's back!


Kingsley Shacklebolt: You may not like him, Minister, but you can't deny: Dumbledore's got style.


Remus Lupin: Now fear makes people do terrible things Harry. The last time Voldemort gave power he almost destroyed everything we hold most dear. Now he's returned and I'm afraid the Minister will do almost anything to avoid facing that terrifying truth.

Sirius Black: We think Voldemort wants to build up his army again.

[Everyone turns to look at Sirius]

Sirius Black: 14 years ago he had huge numbers at his command, not just witches and wizards but all manner of dark creatures. He has been recruiting heavily and we have been attempting to do the same. But gathering followers isn't all he's interested in...

[Moody coughs loudly from the corner]

Sirius Black: We believe, Voldemort may be after something.

Alastor 'Mad--Eye' Moody: Sirius!

Sirius Black: Something he didn't have last time.

Harry Potter: You mean, like a weapon?

[Sirius opens his mouth to speak]

Mrs. Weasley: No! That's enough! He's just a boy, you say much more and you might as well induct him into the Order straight away.

Harry Potter: Good! I want to join! If Voldemort's raising an army then I want to fight!1赫敏:你這個大——混蛋——羅恩——韋斯萊!






6哈利:伏地魔......羅恩:別說他的名字!To be or not to be? That sounds a question!