
1.A Tale That Wasn'T Right
2.Botnek Grindhouse 
4.Cazzette The_Shining 
5.Coming To Life
6.Eagle Fly Free
7.Everyday Is Halloween
9.Fighting Words
10.Fire Still Burns

11.Go Away
12.Go To Hell
13.Halloween Night
14.Halloween Parade
15.Head Against A Wall
16.I Want Out
17.If You Are A Kid
18.I'M Alive
19.Nobodys Home

22.The Battle
23.The Crush
24.The Seer
25.The Simpsons Halloween 
27.Trick Or Treat
28.Wake Up 
29.Ways Of Man
30.Your Turn

1.Alloween, Halloween
2.And Children Scream
3.Big Black Cats
4.Bringing Luck And Fortune Too
5.Candles Glow
6.Causing Quite A Fright
7.Celebrating Halloween
8.Celtics Started Halloween
9.Create The Scene
10.Creepy, Crawly Halloween

11.Door To Door
12.For Something Sweet To Eat
13.Ghosts And Goblins Out Tonight
14.Halloween, Halloween
15.Jack-O’-Lanterns All Aglow
16.Kids In Costumes, What A Sight
17.Let’S Have Fun On Halloween
18.Now They Call It Halloween
19.October 31St Has Come
20.On Halloween Tonight

21.Painted Faces, What A Scene
22.Skulls And Bones
23.So The Ancient Stories Go
24.Spirits Go
25.Spooky, Kooky Halloween
26.They Celebrated Harvest Time
27.They Trick Or Treat
28.This Is What They Knew
30.Tonight On Halloween

31.Trick Or Treat
32.Vampire Bats
33.Very Scary Halloween
34.Witches Fly
35.With Gifts Of Food And Wine

1.I'm Jack-O'-Lantern with the great big grin.
I'm Jack-O'-Lantern with the candle in.
And woo~ went the wind.
And out went the light.
And away went the witch on the Halloween night.

2.Hello there!
Don’t be scared! Con’t you see?
We want candy!Give us some!
We’ll have some fun.
And we’ll come back for another one!
Trick or treat Trick or treat
Give me something good to eat.
If you don’t, that’s okay.
We’ll come back another day.
Trick or treat Trick or treat
Give me something good to eat.
not too big, not too small.
Just the size of a bowling ball.
Trick or treat Trick or treat
Give me something good to eat.
Give me candy Give me cookies
Halloween is coming.
Trick or treat. 不給糖就搗蛋
Smell my feet. 聞聞我的腳
Give me something good to eat. 給我好吃的東西
Ghosts, witches, and goblins, too. 鬼、巫婆、小精靈
Are waiting in the dark for you. 正在黑暗中等著你
The witch is riding on a broomstick. 巫婆正騎在掃把上
She is warming up the big black kettle. 她正熱著黑色的爐子
She is cooking small toads and spiders. 她正在煮蟾蜍和蜘蛛
She is feeding all the ghosts and goblins. 她正在喂所有的鬼和小精靈
We are all scared to death. 我們全部怕的要死
Trick or treat! Trick or treat! 不給糖就搗蛋、不給糖就搗蛋
Give me something good to eat! 給我好吃的東西
If you don’t, I don’t care. 如果你不給,沒關系
I’ll steal your underwear. 我會偷走你的內衣褲
I want something good to eat! 我要好吃的東西
Give me something nice and sweet. 給我好吃的東西
Give me candy and an apple, too. 給我糖果和蘋果
And I won’t play a trick a trick on you! 這樣我就不會捉弄你