1`不要喪啦 說不定你也是別人心中偷偷藏起來的光

Don't be sad.Maybe you are the light hidden in other people's heart 

2`活著本來沒有什麼意義 但是隻要活著就可以找到有趣的事情 就像你發現瞭花我又發現瞭你一樣

Living is meaningless, but as long as you live, you can find interesting things, just as you found flowers and I found you

3`人生很多事 就像智齒 最佳的解決方式 是拔掉  而不是 忍受

A lot of things in life are like wisdom teeth. The best solution is to pull them out rather than endure them

4`我的迷茫和膽怯一直都在 但我告訴自己 就算是萬丈深淵 走下去 也是前程萬裡

My confusion and timidity have always been there, but I told myself that even if it is a deep abyss, it is a long way to go


The world is healed by those who are willing to help themselves


6`世界上美好的東西不太多 立秋傍晚吹來的風 和笑起來要命可愛的你

There are not many beautiful things in the world, the wind blowing in the evening of autumn, and you who are so cute and laughing

7`如果擔心現在才開始學某樣東西 年紀已經太大的話 不妨這樣想 就算因此放棄不學 年紀還是照樣會變大的

If you are worried that you are too old to start learning something now, you might as well think like this: even if you give up, you will still get older

8`新鮮感是要和舊人去體驗新事物 而不是和新人去循環舊事物

Novelty is to experience new things with old people, not to recycle old things with new people

9`要活成兩種樣子 發光和不發光 不發光的時候 都是在為發光做準備

To live in two ways, light and no light. When it doesn't glow, it's all preparing for the glow


It's also a kind of romance to place your heart beating and all your love on being alive

11`世界燦爛盛大 也有人歡迎你回傢

The world is splendid and grand, and some people welcome you home

12`生活裡的開心 60%來自美食 還有40%來自陪你吃飯的人

60% of the happiness in life comes from delicious food, and 40% comes from the people who accompany you to dinner

13`我頻繁記錄著 因為覺得生活值得

I record it frequently because I think life is worth living

14`這個世上本不存在完全契合的愛 互相磨合 其實比天造地設更加重要

There is no perfect love in this world. In fact, running in with each other is more important than being made in heaven

15`當你在夜晚孤軍奮戰時 漫天星光因為你而閃爍

When you fight alone at night, the stars twinkle because of you

16`走的橋多 不一定走的路就多 吃的鹽多 不一定吃的飯就多 走路的時候有伴就不覺得路遠 吃飯的時候有伴就吃得香

If you have more bridges, you don't have to eat more salt on your way, or eat more rice. If you have company when you walk, you don't think it's far away. If you have company when you eat, you can eat well

17`我最不懂事的時候曾經對他說你走吧 你會找到更好的人的 他回瞭一句讓我至今震撼的話 他說我從來不想要什麼更好的人 我隻想要眼前的人

When I was the least sensible, I told him that if you go, you will find better people. He answered a sentence that shocked me so far. He said that I never want better people, I just want the people in front of me

18`你是天賜的禮物 我遲來的救贖 你是不滅的星光 日復一日的美夢

You are a gift from heaven, my late redemption. You are an immortal star, a dream day after day


1.Live a good life meet slowly(好好生活 慢慢相遇)

2.To meet is to sig on(遇見即是上上簽)

3."Everything wins萬事勝意"

4.Want to be your well_known joy(想要成為你眾所周知的歡喜)

5.You're the one I'm still in love with(你是我退去新鮮感仍然心動的人)

6.You are as romantIC as the star(你與星光同樣浪漫)

7.As long as it's you it's okay to be late(隻要是你晚點沒關系)

8.You're all over my eyes(滿眼皆是你)

9.Looking for no one like you(尋尋覓覓無人像你)

10.I hope l am not chosen but loved(希望我不是被選擇而是被熱愛)

11.Don't worny,I love you(不用擔心我在愛你)

12.You are my romance hidden in the stars(你是我藏在星星裡的浪漫)

13.Around the galaxy there are no brighter stars than you(環遊遍瞭整個星系找不到比你更亮的星星)

14.No one can match you(你無人能及)

15.Your preference is salvation(你的偏愛便是救贖)

16.I will run to you with tenderness(我要載滿溫柔奔向你)

17.Stay with me all the time(一直陪著我不要離開)

18.I hope you're here for me(我希望你為我而來)

19.You are my alien(你就是我的天外來物)

20.You are the best for me thank you(於我而言你是最好的)