1. Her sense of humour could brighten you entire day and her wise words were always exactly what you needed to hear.她的幽默感總是可以使你整天都感到非常開心,而她智慧的話語更是能道破天機。

2. B. His nose is very big, so he doesn';t like it. 他的鼻子很大,所以他不喜歡它。

3. Her hair is brown and curly.她有著一頭棕色而

4. The prosification of Wangzengqi's novels reflects in: literary sketch of figures; 汪曾祺小說的散文化表現為:人物描寫的散文化;

5. 在郎平排球生涯的頭一次冬訓裡,教練們開始給郎平吃“小灶”。長跑——郎平圍著四百米跑道一圈又一圈向前跑……頭好脹啊,胸口生疼,腿已經抬不起來瞭,停下嗎?不!大腦清晰地發出指令,步子繼續向前邁……汗水早把頭發濕成一縷一縷,汗珠從額上流到嘴裡又苦又澀。多想一下子躺到跑道上,攤開四肢放松啊!突然,一絲奇怪的笑容爬上她的嘴角——她忽然想起小時候,總盼著嘗嘗再跳不動皮筋的滋味,而今果真嘗到瞭,又苦又澀。

6. The principles of quantum theory hold the field as the convincing account of the physics of the microworld. 量子論原理對微觀世界物理現象的描述仍然是最令人信服的。

7. Accordingly, physicists describe the position of a particle probabilistically. 因此,物理學傢是以機率方式描述粒子的位置。

8. Earthlings is a documentary about mankind's dependence on animals for pets, food, clothing, entertainment, and use in experimentation. 是描述人類對於寵物、食物、衣著、娛樂、及動物實驗上對動物的依賴的紀錄片。

9. The form AABB as an adjective in northeastern dialect can describe people or things lively about their appearance, feature and state with a distinctive emotion. 西南方言中的AABB式描述詞是一種可以生動描畫人或物的情貌特征形態的描述詞,帶有鮮明的感情顏色。

10. A. When he laughs, we see his even teeth. 當他笑的時候,我們看見他有一口整齊的牙齒。

11. The rugged face of the old sailor老水手滿是皺紋的臉上(百度)

12. A. She eats too much these days , so her face is getting round . 她最近62616964757a686964616fe78988e69d8331333363366163吃得太多瞭,所以她的臉變圓瞭。

13. 她給我頭一個印象就不很好.瞧她那長相,多不順眼:矮矮的個子,身體微微發胖. 一張圓圓的臉,架上一副鑲肴圓圓鏡片的大眼鏡,走起路來總是急匆匆的,整個樣子就像 那滾在高低不平的小道上的大皮球,蹦蹦跳跳,缺少一種溫文爾雅的教師風度。

14. She was not only admired but also genuinely respected by members of both sexes. 無論男人或是女人,不僅羨慕她,而且打心裡尊重她。

15. but she wears short skirts ,I wear Tshirts ,she is cheer captain and I am on the bleachers 但是她穿短袖,我穿體血衫,她是拉拉隊隊長,我隻是個棒球隊隊員。

16. A. He was born a hooked nose. 他天生是鷹鉤鼻。

17. He wears small,round glasses and they make him look smart. 翻譯:他戴著一副又小又圓的眼鏡並且它們使他看起來很神氣。

18. Using delicate brushwork , the artist portrays the appearance and the expression of the character vividly. 作者用細致的筆伐,將人物的外貌和神情描畫地惟妙惟肖。

19. Her hair is brown and curly.她有著一頭棕

20. Discovered by accident during building work, the artefact initially sat unrecognised in a cupboard. Jo Butler, the house's owner, described what they found. 在建築物施工期間發現的瓶子,最初的人工品毫不知情的放在碗櫥裡,房子的主人喬巴特勒描述他的所見。

21. 濃密的眉毛叛逆地稍稍向上揚起,長而微卷的睫毛下,有著一雙像朝露一樣清澈的眼睛,英挺的鼻梁,像玫瑰花瓣一樣粉嫩的嘴唇,還有白皙的皮膚……

22. Artist cutting pen with exquisite detail to portray characters and painted the surrounding environment. 作者用細致的筆伐,將人物的外貌和神情描畫地惟妙惟肖。

23. She eats too much these days , so her face is getting round . 她最近吃得太多瞭,所以她的臉變圓瞭。

24. 她露出來的一排牙齒白得像剛剛去瞭皮的杏仁。

25. While the Bohr model does not correctly describe an atom, the Bohr radius keeps its physical meaning as a characteristic size of the electron cloud in a full quantum-mechanical description. 盡管玻爾模型並沒有正確地描述原子,玻爾半徑還是保有瞭它的物理意義,代表著 電子雲大小的完全 量子力學描述。

26. Chinese figure paintings are particular over conveying spirit through form, expressing inward world by portraying appearance. 中國人物畫講究以形寫神,形神兼備,強調對人物外貌特征的描繪是為瞭表現人物的內心世界。

27. A. She eats too much these days , so her face is getting round . 她最近吃得太多瞭,所以她的臉變圓瞭。

28. He was born a hooked nose.

29. marvelous: 極好的;非凡的 BsC中國英語學習網

30. 亞妮站在亭子的右邊,她紮著兩條小羊角辮兒,一雙大眼睛眨呀眨的,透出一副機靈、頑皮勁。

31. “She’s pretty, she’s nice, she’s intuitive, ” Robin said, casually ticking off the qualities. “她很美,人很好,直覺不錯,”羅賓說,輕描淡寫地描述瞭一翻那人的特點。

32. 近瞭,更近瞭,組長終於來到他的身邊,像一座泰山定在他面前,嚷道:“快交作業,快交作業!”他“嘿嘿”一笑,表情是那樣滑稽,又是那樣神秘,猛然,他把頭一紮,像一條滑溜溜的泥鰍從組長胳膊旁閃過,腳底像抹瞭油一樣飛奔逃走瞭。

33. When he laughs, we see his even teeth.

34. She had the most beautiful blue eyes I had ever seen.

35. A metaphor describes one thing as something else. For example, to describe someone shy, you could say She's a mouse. 暗語中用一個事物來描述另一個事物,例如:描述某個人害羞,你可以說,她是一隻”老鼠。

36. 老頭兒瘦骨嶙峋的胸脯猶如一條一條的百葉窗。

37. She described the woman to the police. 她向警方描述瞭那個女人的外貌。

38. she saw the ashen face of one of the officers.她馬上看到一個臉上毫無血色的臉(原創)

39. She really cared about other people and was an extremely talented listener. 她總是很關心身邊的人,並且擅長傾聽。

40. A nickname also can describe a person, place or thing. 昵稱也可以描述人、 地點或事物。

41. They also rated answers for any descriptions of people or animals , for sensory descriptions and for emotions or actions. 他們又將此與人或動物的描述,感覺的描述和情緒以及行為聯系在一起) (不太對勁兒。 )

42. He is a fine young man,ahout years old,tall and wellbuilt,with a kind face and a nice smile.他是一個可愛的年輕人,大約xx歲,身材高大健壯,憨厚的臉上帶著善意的微笑.

43. When one tries to describe a particular sensory quality, he typically resorts to reference to public things—describing a color as orange or heliotrope, a smell as like that of rotten eggs. 當人們試圖描述某個特殊的感覺性質時,典型的做法是訴諸公開的事物,例如,把某種顏色描述為橘子的顏色或天芥菜的顏色,把某種氣味描述為像臭雞蛋的氣味。

44. Her face brightened up. 她喜形於色。

45. Remember you can describe people’s appearances or feelings by using You look . . . / You look . . . e.g. 記住描述某人的外貌或者感情用You look .

46. a friendly smile will help you to win others heart. 友好的笑容能幫助你贏得別人的心

47. her hair is brown and curly. 她有著一頭棕色而卷曲的頭發。

48. when he laughs, we see his even teeth. 當他笑的時候,我們看見他有一口整齊的牙齒。

49. It is showed that the classical limit of the double wave description could have the same results as those of pure classical mechanics. 討論含時外電場中帶電諧振子的雙波描述,給出相關物理量的時間演化方程,得到雙波描述的經典極限與純經典描述相一致的結論。

50. fabulous: 極好的;絕妙的 BsC中國英語學習網

51. 那個被我撞倒不管的、有著寶石般明亮眼睛並系著紅領巾的小姑娘,聲音是那樣甜 嫩,目光是那樣晶瑩,在她的旁邊,我感到自己的粗俗,羞得無地自容。

52. A. His eyes are deepset because he has worked till midnight for a long time. 他的眼睛深陷,因為他這段時間經常工作到深夜。

53. 我看見他戴著黑佈小帽,穿著黑佈大馬褂,深青佈棉袍,蹣跚地走到鐵道邊,慢慢探身下去,尚不大難。可是他穿過鐵道,要爬上那邊月臺,就不容易瞭。他用兩手攀著上面,兩腳再向上縮;他肥胖的身子向左微傾,顯出努力的樣子。這時我看見他的背影,我的淚很快地流下來瞭。(摘自《背影》)希望對你有幫助

54. she has long brown curly hair wih be riotous with colour glasses.她帶著五顏六色的眼鏡還有長棕色卷發(原創)

55. awesome: 極好的;很棒的 BsC中國英語學習網

56. She is charming when she smiles. 她笑起來的時候很可愛。

57. A. She eats too much these days, so her face is getting round. 她最近吃得太多瞭,所以她的臉變圓瞭。

58. 一個小女孩輕快地跑著,如夕陽中的安琪兒在空中飄舞。我的目光隨者她飛舞。她 停止瞭歌唱,小心地朝一隻白色的蝴蝶走去,她的臉好紅好紅,不知是晚鮁染紅她的雙頰 還是晚霞從她的臉頰飛起。

59. Born of a poor farmer’s family,Li Hua had little schooling. 英語作文中描述人物外貌的常用詞語

60. Born of a poor farmer’s family,Li Hua had little schooling. 英語作文中描述人物外貌的常用詞語 1. 漂亮的beautiful

61. Thesis writing custom scenery photographic film-based photography of the people and the sense of the process of thought, of the film to do a brief description of the film. 論文主要寫拍攝風俗風物攝影之人物為主的拍攝過程及所感所想,對所拍的片子做一簡單描述。

62. When she smiled, she showed her white even teeth.

63. He is a fine young man, ahout years old, tall and wellbuilt,with a kind face and a nice smile.他是一個可愛的年輕人,大約xx歲,身材高大健壯,憨厚的臉上帶著善意的微笑

64. According to author's study on appearance depictions in the novel, the outward appearance also predicts the destinies and ends of characters by the physiognomy . 通過對作品的外貌描寫分析可以發現,曹雪芹在人物外貌中暗示瞭人物的命運和結局,這一寓示是憑借傳統的相學方式來完成的。

65. years old,tall and wellbuilt,with a kind face and a nice smile.他是一個可愛的年輕人,大約xx歲,身材高大健壯,憨厚的臉上帶著善意的微笑.

66. you look like a million dollars. = you look outstanding.=you look like a movie star.(你看上去帥呆瞭。)。

67. Often the appearances from the sky are described as creatures, such as a dragon or lion or scorpion. 天空中的狀貌經常被描繪為生物,比如龍,獅子或蠍子。

68. The microscope works by scanning a focused beam of electrons across an object. 掃描電子顯微鏡是通過掃描聚焦在物體上的電子束來工作的。

69. B. She has a double chin. 她有雙下巴。

70. He was born a hooked nose. 他天生是鷹鉤鼻

71. His technique is to describe history through its players, with all their foibles. 他的特點就是用人物的弱點去描述歷史。

72. B. His nose is very big, so he doesn't like it. 他的鼻子很大,所以他不喜歡它。

73. The millionaire's definition of the just-right wife is more elegant, whereas the poor man's definition is a more common, everyday description. 闊佬對理想妻子的描述更文雅一些,窮人的描述則是較為通俗。

74. A. Her hair is brown and curly. 她有著一頭棕色而卷曲的頭發。

75. 她又看見瞭一隻蝴蝶,便調皮地奔過去,蝴蝶上下飛舞,她目不轉睛盯著蝴蝶,終於蝴蝶停在瞭一朵花上,她躬著背,手中間隔著點空隙,腳尖小心翼翼踮著,汗珠從她的臉上滴落下來,她躡手躡腳地走到蝴蝶旁,猛地一彎腰,雙手把花朵上的蝴蝶一捧。又小心地把雙手露出點縫,把頭靠在手縫上看,一不小心讓蝴蝶飛出瞭雙手,她又急又氣撅著小嘴,雙手往腰上一插,但馬上又像隻小鹿似的蹦跳著追趕另一個目標去瞭。

76. Homer wrote the Odyssey in 800 B. C. , and many passages speak of the afterlife and conversations with ghostly figures occupying the afterlife. 荷馬在公元xx年時寫到奧德賽這個人物,文章中多處描寫到他是如何描述來世和很多以鬼魂代表來世的觀點。

77. Describe a present that someone gave you. Talk about who gave it to you, describe it and say why you like it. 請描述別人送你的一樣禮物。太醫談誰送給你的,描述禮物並說說你喜歡的原因。

78. Her hair is brown and curly. 她有著一頭棕色而卷曲的頭發。

79. Differences Between Plants and Animals There are several characteristics which distinguish plants from animals. 這篇描述文用對比的方法對植物與動物之間的不同點逐一作瞭描述。

80. If you want to describe how something or someone looks, use look(s) / look(s) e.g. 如果你想描述某物或者某人的樣子,用look(s) /看起來。

81. Because of her fair skin and kindness, we all like her very much.

82. Innovative applications of biopolymers are described. 描述瞭生物聚合物的創新應用。

83. cool: 好;妙;帥;酷;涼 BsC中國英語學習網

84. The reason that the novel is extremely moving lies in its moral value which is conveyed by the writer's description of characters and scenes with feelings. 建立在人物描寫、景物描寫之上的抒情,張揚瞭人的道德化價值,這正是《人間筆記》能夠撼人心魄的因由所在。

85. He had a brown skin, black hair, bright eyes and strong white teeth.他生著褐色皮膚、黑頭發、明亮的眼睛和堅固的白牙齒。

86. she has long brown curly hair wih be riotous with colour glasses.她帶著五顏六色的眼鏡還有長棕色卷發

87. excellent: 優秀的;傑出的 BsC中國英語學習網

88. The renormalizable quantum field theories are the main theories to describe the particle phenomena in the high-energy physics. 描述粒子物理學的核心語言是可重整化的量子場論。

89. Her hair is brown and curly.她有著一頭

90. He had a brown skin,black hair,bright eyes and strong white teeth.他生著褐色皮膚、黑頭發、明亮的眼睛和堅固的白牙齒.

91. In the quantum world, objects are described by wave functions. 在量子的世界中,物體都是以波函數來描述。

92. 我屏住呼吸,兩手彎成弧形,慢慢地靠近它,然後猛撲向前,兩手迅速地一扣。哈哈,看你往哪裡跑!婷婷也蹲下來看。我慢慢松開手,哎,我手裡攥著的隻是那棵螞蚱趴過的草。“怎麼回事,我明明看見這趴在這裡麼。”表妹說:“螞蚱蹦瞭出去,你沒註意罷瞭,那不,它在那兒。”我順著表妹手指的方向看去,螞蚱果然在那兒。我又跑過去一扣,嘿,又跑瞭。我環視著草叢,啊,這竟然躲在我的腳底下。我盯著它,輕輕地蹲下來,兩手在離螞蚱大約10厘米高的位置,猛地一扣,“抓住瞭,抓住瞭!”我高興極瞭,表妹也興奮地圍著我跳。

93. Robinson is one full of labor of enthusiasm, great person, persistence. 魯賓遜是一個充滿勞動熱情的人、偉大的人、堅毅的人。

94. He had the most beautiful blue eyes I had never seen. 她有一雙我從未見過的漂亮藍眼睛。

95. He had a brown skin,black hair,bright eyes and strong white teeth. 翻譯:他生著褐色皮膚、黑頭發、明亮的眼睛和堅固的白牙齒。

96. 在我眼裡,這的確是秋天最絢麗的風景。

97. special: 特別的;不尋常的 BsC中國英語學習網

98. 簡短的引證解釋:指內容簡單,言詞不長。阿英 《高爾基和中國濟難會》:"我們的黨即使有這一材料,也是不容易保存下來的,很可能隻剩下我寫的這幾行簡短的記錄瞭。

99. It is difficult to describe the characters in this show. 很難描述這部劇裡的人物。

100. fantastic: 極好的;瞭不起的 BsC中國英語學習網

101. When he laughs, we see his even teeth. 當他笑的時候,我們看見他有一口整齊的牙齒。

102. You have to use the people you write about as subheads. 你必須用被描述人物作小標題。

103. 妹妹小魯,今年6歲,已經上一年級瞭。她生得小巧伶俐,小臉很淸秀,典子挺挺 的,下巴尖尖的,小嘴巴,眼睛雖然是單眼皮,卻很好看。特別是一笑,嘴角就浮起一對 小酒窩,更討人再歡瞭。

104. It contains descriptions of four fictional people, but the descriptions each have different sets of properties. 它包含對 4 個虛構人物的描述,但是每個描述都有不同的屬性集。

105. he was born a hooked nose. 他天生是鷹鉤鼻。

106. He wears black hat and black jacket and dark blue cotton他帶著黑佈小帽,黑佈大馬褂,深青色佈棉袍 (《背影》朱自清)

107. 他轉過身,安靜而秀美的面孔,幽黑的眼中落滿星光。東方凌甚至不敢確定他是否看到瞭自己,他的眼眸就仿佛是清澈的流水,可以在不知不覺間穿透你的思維。他有一張兼具俊美和帥氣這兩種不同特質的臉。瞳仁占據瞭眼睛的一大部分,黑黑的,好像無底的深潭,鼻梁直挺得像用尺子量出來的一般。他輕抿唇角,嘴邊露出一個若隱若現的細小酒窩,五官精致無瑕,湊在一起卻又給人一種英氣逼人的凜冽感覺……

108. 她從書海裡抬起那雙美麗的眼睛,蓬松松的頭發輕輕一甩,露出白凈的臉龐,芬芳如蘭,美麗照人。

109. she was young,with a fair,calm face that showed a certain strength.

110. b. he had the most beautiful blue eyes i had ever seen. 她有一雙我從未見過的漂亮藍眼睛。

111. Conclusion The local field effect B is not used to describe A-B effect, but phase factor is that can completely appropriate description magnetic field physical quantity. 結論A-B效應不能用局域場B來描述,能夠完全恰當的描述磁場的物理量是相因子。

112. She has a double chin. 她有雙下巴。

113. Everyone looked at her in astonishment. 大傢都驚訝地看著她。

114. B. He had the most beautiful blue eyes I had ever seen. 她有一雙我從未見過的漂亮藍眼睛。

115. 英語:英語(English)屬於印歐語系中日耳曼語族下的西日耳曼語支,由古代從歐洲大陸移民大不列顛島的盎格魯、撒克遜和朱特部落的日耳曼人所說的語言演變而來,並通過英國的殖民活動傳播到世界各地。根據以英語作為母語的人數計算,英語是最多國傢使用的官方語言,英語也是世界上最廣泛的第二語言,也是歐盟,最多國際組織和英聯邦國傢的官方語言之一。

116. 爸爸雖人到中年,可老掛著忠厚坦誠的笑容,加上日漸發福的身體,活脫脫像個“彌勒”。

117. She is a slim girl, while her boyfriend is well-built. 她很苗條,她的男朋友很魁梧。

1. There is always a smile of contentment on her face. 她臉上總是掛著心滿意足的微笑。

2. She is charming when she smiles. 她笑起來的時候很有魅力.

3. wonderful: 精彩的;絕妙的;令人驚奇的 BsC中國英語學習網

4. He wears small,round glasses and they make him look smart.他戴著一副又小又圓的眼鏡並且它們使他看起來很神氣.

5. The descriptions given by classical mechanics and double wave quantum mechanics both are complete. There is no problem in physics for the two descriptions. 經典力學和雙波量子力學對這體系的描述為完全描述,物理上不引起任何問題。

6. She always dress very elegant and tidy.

7. When he laughs,we see his even teeth. 當他笑的時候,我們看見他有一口整齊的牙齒.

8. A friendly smile will help you to win others heart. 友好的笑容能幫助你贏得別人的心。

9. What is a broad-brush description of things, what is described in fine lines? 什麼是對事物的粗線條描述什麼是細線條描述?

10. A friendly smile will help you to win others heart. 友好的笑容能幫助你贏得別人的心.

11. He wears small,round glasses and they make him look smart.他戴著一副又小又圓的眼鏡並且它們使他看起來很神氣

12. A. She eats too much these days , so her face is getting round . 她最近吃得太多瞭,所以她62616964757a686964616fe58685e5aeb931333361326265的臉變圓瞭。

13. NewYorkers were charmed by the book's colorful, offbeat characters. 紐約人被書中多彩的、不落俗套的人物描寫迷住瞭。

14. years old,tall and wellbuilt,with a kind face and a nice smile. 翻譯:他是一個可愛的年輕人,大約xx歲,身材高大健壯,憨厚的臉上帶著善意的微笑。

15. Hollywood movies sometimes give false characterizations of people. 好萊塢電影有時對人物會有不實的描述。

16. 嬰兒長得很小,頭隻有我的大洋娃娃這麼大;臉圓圓的,紅紅的,像隻大蘋果。她 睡得很甜,兩隻眼閉得緊緊的,像兩條線;兩道眉毛像彎彎的新月;小嘴巴經常一動一動 的,好像在吃奶。她渾身被小被子包住,還用繩子紮緊,一動也不能動。

17. She is charming when she smiles. 她笑起來的時候很有魅力。

18. 她是初三時轉入我們班的,大大的眼睛,彎芎的眉毛。記得那時的她戴者一頂白色 圓頂帽,臉色很是蒼白,始終帶著笑意,就像一株冬駕覆蓋下的蠟梅花,讓人感受到一股 穿透寒冬的力《■>;於是,我在心裡給她起名叫“蠟梅花”。

19. years old, tall and wellbuilt,with a kind face and a nice smile.他是一個可愛的年輕人,大約xx歲,身材高大健壯,憨厚的臉上帶著善意的微笑

20. she id a girl with long straight hair 她是留著長長直發的女孩

21. She has a very pleasant smile and she always has a twinkle in her eye.

22. The girls had blond curls. 小姑娘長著金色卷發。

23. Can Quantum-Mechanical Description of Physical Reality Be Considered Complete? 物理現實的量子力學描述能否認為是完備的?

24. 隨著樂曲的明快節奏,紅絲絨幕佈升起來瞭。五光十色的燈光在舞臺上左旋右轉,忽明忽暗。一位年過半百的老奶奶輕松自如地出現在舞臺上。她身著印度綢褂,滿面春風,隻見老奶奶伸出左手向上舉起又落下,又伸出右手做同樣的動作,雙腳不停地踏地。一會兒做個“對佛掌”的姿勢,一會兒又做個“烏龜伸脖”的姿勢,真夠勁!她一個“請”的動作,竟請出來瞭4位老奶奶。她們一會兒變成一行,一會兒變成兩行,優美的“八步舞”跳得好極瞭。

25. cute: 漂亮的;可愛的;逗人喜愛的;聰明的 BsC中國英語學習網

26. amazing: 使人十分驚奇的;令人驚訝的 BsC中國英語學習網

27. He described the physical world as the integral of void plus being. 他將物理世界描述為,虛無和原子的總和。