1. 我們經常忽略那些疼愛我們的人,卻疼愛著那些忽略我們的人。

2. On the heart, a coquettish. Look at the mark thin lover, troy.

3. 很多人在長期獨身後會感到情感空虛,在他們眼中,婚姻就好似經濟困頓的人看待買彩票中大獎一般。

4. 我那卑微的等待,何時才能被你發現。

5. Happiness is fantasy, hope is false.

6. You said commitment, one by one back to laugh at me.

7. 你做瞭我的逃兵,卻成瞭她的蓋世英雄。

8. 一個人時,善待自己;兩個人時,善待對方。

9. 我會一直愛著你,不會讓你失望,你的愛是溫暖我的力量。

10. 是不是在寂寞的時候才會想起我。

11. ⑦人生重要的不是所站的位置,而是所朝的方向。

12. You are not the wind, I am not sand, and then lingering also can not reach the end of the world.

13. 喜歡的歌,靜靜地聽;喜歡的人,遠遠地看。

14. Feelings like hair, long will bifurcation.

15. I will be proud to say to you, let you repay my debt.

16. 到最後,刻骨銘心的都淡忘。

17. 把我想的太復雜,說明你也不簡單。

18. 給不瞭你要的幸福,所以選擇退出。

19. Sometimes you want to dig, people may not want to see.

20. You love the way she lies, I love the way you love her.

21. Stretch out your hands, you want to stay, you just caught a beautiful excuse.

22. Wandering in the past, you let me very tired.

23. 幸福皆幻想,希望皆虛妄。

24. 不要說祝我幸福,你沒資格。

25. 累瞭,疲倦瞭,不會在愛你瞭。

26. 一次原諒,會換來兩次背叛。

27. We separated, leaving only the time and memories.

28. 我是那破蛹的蝴蝶,縈花飛,心映淚。

29. 我想和你走一生,你卻隻願共享一段情。

30. 會離開就別說愛我,會推開就別抱緊我。

31. You let go of my hand, said the rest of my life apart.

32. 我和我的影子獨處,它說它有悄悄話想跟我說,它說它很想念你,原來,我和我的影子都在想你。

33. 眼不見,心不念。

34. 別在沒我的地方,哭我怕沒人給你擦眼淚。

35. (史記)天時不如地利,地利不如人和。

36. Love is a carefully designed lie.

37. Maybe you're just an episode and I'm the only one.

38. My acting must be very good, I am sad no one knows.

39. Don't listen to the slow song don't revisit don't drink drunk and don't think of him.

40. 記憶是塵,紛紛揚揚在空氣裡訴說著過往。

41. 寂寞是沒人陪你,孤獨是沒人懂你。

42. 在所有不幸中,最不幸的事是曾經幸福過。

43. Glass is fragile heart

44. 分手過多話語隻是一種詮釋悲傷的發泄方式。

45. 有點失落,以前沒覺得,怎麼現在感覺失落瞭呢?

46. Life is sad at times, but it is up to you to make your own life happy.生活有時候是讓人壓抑的,但你能盡力讓自已的活得高興。

47. 我隻能讀著不給的空白,獨自一人在原地徘徊。

48. I have never abandoned the love, only love abandoned me.

49. Tired, tired, not in love with you.

50. You are my in the mind of a wall to block foreign injury.

51. 或許你隻是個插曲,我卻當作唯一來對待。

52. 我喜歡你,喜歡到費盡心思不去喜歡你。

53. 寧可讓自己後悔,也別給自己留下遺憾。

54. 疼到麻木才可以高興得痛快淋漓。

55. 失望攢夠瞭就放手,不打擾是我最後的溫柔。

56. 一切的一切,都是我在咎由自取,怪不得別人。

57. ---奧修《蓮心禪韻》想想自己的錯,會忘卻別人的過。

58. 懂我的人,何必解釋。

59. 自己證明自己不要愁悶憂鬱,不要悲觀嘆息,不要遇到困難就想放棄,不要遇到挫折就想逃避。

60. 如果他總在為別人撐傘,你又何必為他等在雨中。

61. 眼淚的存在,是為瞭證明悲傷不是一場幻覺。

62. 要學會自己咽下所有的失望,才會走得更遠更長。

63. Without my bother, you can be ok?

64. Some stories are too late to start, it was written yesterday.

65. Forgive me, there is no reason to be forgiven.

66. 可不可以跟世界請個假,我想暫時離開一下。

67. 屬於我光芒四射的笑容,我何處尋找?

68. It is said that time is a good medicine, but cure all skin trauma.

69. 不奢求永遠,因為太遠。

70. Like the song, quietly listen to; like the people, far to see.

71. 忘瞭你,甚至忘瞭我自己。

72. Always say I want to say too much I have a disease that you have really love too.

73. 其實我很難過,隻是驕傲不讓我說。

74. Every smile on the face, there are hidden sadness.

75. You scold me silly, then red eyes.

76. 下面是小編帶來的傷感的英文文案,歡迎大傢閱讀。

77. I is the most true most true expression, utterance but silence.

78. Forget, so cool, unique, but the most acacia!

79. 愚昧將使你達不到任何成果,並在失望和憂鬱之中自暴自棄。

80. Can't remember together of the day, remember to break up the day.

81. Will leave just don't say love me, would open don't hold me tight.

82. 放下該放下的你,退出沒結局的劇。

83. 總有那麼一個人,不管他以前如何對你,你總會找到原諒他的理由。

84. 心動隻要一瞬間,心碎也隻在一轉眼間。

85. 在你以前未曾有,在你以後不會再有

86. Is I push you to leave, what qualifications I have to sad.

87. 有些事,有些人,一轉身就一輩子。

88. 別讓過去悄然偷走瞭你的當下。

89. 愛情怎麼能容許介入,心酸怎麼能說清楚。

90. 我明白一切的一切,都是我庸人自擾。

91. Disappointed enough to let go, do not disturb my last tender.

92. If you leave me, please don’t comfort me because each sewing has to meet stinging pain.

93. Exhausted, I also want to embrace the gentle.

94. 我站在你左側卻像隔著一條銀河。

95. 這些正面和反面情緒似乎成瞭我的面具。

96. 如果你累瞭,請你回頭,我一直都在。

97. 你罵我傻,然後紅瞭眼眶。

98. I want to say words, say a sentence I wish you happiness.

99. Sea level far away haze, sad how to calm white.

100. 以為把故事當成笑話講給旁人自己就不會難過。

101. Use a smile to pretend you don't care, you don't care.

102. Each Meixinmeifei person, behind there was a dig heart and lungs.

103. my world as you well no, you will be a blank。

104. If you are tired, please look back, I have been in.

105. 下輩子我要做你的心臟,我難受瞭,疼的是你。

106. 7喜歡一個人,是不會有痛苦的。

107. 離開後,別說祝我幸福,沒有你我怎麼幸福。

108. 除瞭心是冷的,其他地方全溫和。

109. 有時候寧願沉默都不願意去掙紮所謂的堅持。

1. 等待你的關心,等到我關上瞭心。

2. Memories will always be embellish, towards the direction of your imagination.

3. 但,一個喝茶卻是少而又少。

4. 假如有一個人愛你,那麼你就是重要的。

5. In addition to the heart is cold, all mild elsewhere.

6. 好像和誰關系很好又好像都隻是泛泛之交。

7. 不斷地有得到和失落。

8. I love him, in addition to do not love me, other what all good.

9. 你連她說謊的樣子都愛,我連你愛她的樣子都愛。

10. 有沒有一個地方,讓我可以不懼悲傷的躲藏!

11. Do you think my enthusiasm to break the inexhaustible?

12. If not because of who care, his mother will be so angry.

13. Put down the down you, quit the drama does not end.

14. Will hear myself talk too much hair oh.

15. Think of me is too complicated, you will not be easy.

16. I like you, like so much trouble to don't like you.

17. 關於你的那些她,我隻能一笑而過。

18. 但好像都覺得設計和貿易並不適合自己,於是放棄瞭各自的專業,一起開一間咖啡店,賣起瞭卡佈基諾和提拉米蘇。

19. 自娛自樂自悲自喜自導自演自生自滅。

20. 我不敢說和誰關系很好,我怕是我一個人自作多情。

21. 你給世界一個什麼姿態,世界將還你一個什麼樣的人生。

22. 世界上最大的樂趣就是分享,無論愛情還是友情。

23. 水杯易破碎人心可以說

24. Memories are memories, because we can not go back.

25. Happiness is like in a flash, come fast, go too fast.

26. Fishing on a cold to cold than half of your speech.

27. Softhearted is sick, but you are life.

28. 絢麗過後的愛,總是匆匆的凋零,總是像煙花點燃瞭生命,燦爛瞭夜空,最後塵埃落定,繁華若真。

29. The youth has yet to start, old already coming!

30. Breaking up is not terrible, terrible is the heart to him, he is not rare.

31. 如果不是因為在意,誰***會那麼愛生氣。

32. 你的世界我曾來過。我的世界你在哪?

33. Love makes man grow up or sink down.

34. 誰蒼白瞭我的等待,諷刺瞭我的執著。

35. 年華逝,青春難駐,天涯何處是歸路!

36. I shouldn't hold too hot dream, such as tomorrow, like you.

37. The witty moonlight, deduce sadness under the stars with me.

38. I thought you were my sun, but I can't hold the light.

39. 別聽慢歌別故地重遊別喝酒半醉別再想他。

40. 請放手,這無奈的感情。

41. 像一名打瞭敗仗的將軍,承受著一小我的兵荒馬亂。

42. Better to let oneself regret, also do not leave the regret to oneself.

43. 服務承諾經常很像蝴碟,漂亮的回旋隨後看不到

44. 後來我們都走在各自的路上,誰也沒有再等誰。

45. 我們每個人是可以被打-倒的,但任何人也阻止不瞭我們從地上爬起來,親愛的朋友,讓我們把心態調整好,積極面對內心與外界,重獲新生吧。

46. 每一次我想你,全世界每一處便都是你。

1. 說太多,不如沉默。想太多,我會難過。

2. 就算是真的心疼的你的,也要忍住管住嘴不說。

3. I dare not say who is a very good relationship, I am afraid I love a person.

4. 我會驕傲的對你說滾,讓你償還對我的債。

5. How can love allow intervention, how sad to say clearly.

6. 腦子裡有兩個我,一個想見你,一個想躲你。

7. 經常在夢裡出現的人,大多數都遙不可及。

8. 《聲聲慢》尋尋覓覓,冷冷清清,淒淒慘慘戚戚。

9. is our love doesn't come, still can not love。

10. Promise, will thoroughly smash a fragile soul.

11. Say good-bye is my obsession is me.

12. 有時候需要裝得傻一點,才不會讓自己難受。

13. While love each other, life and death. After break up, I don't know you.

14. 我不敢奢求太多,隻想把瞬間當成永遠,把現在都變成回憶,一點一滴。

15. 分手,所有的理由終究都會成為借口。

16. 我們分開瞭,留下的隻有時間和回憶。

17. Your world I have been here. My world, where are you?

18. Forget you, forget me.

19. Memories so heavy, how do I back.

20. 我不是不會愛上別的人,而是我更加懂得珍惜你,能在一起不容易,已經選定的人就不要隨便放手。

21. 徘徊在過去,你讓我好累。

22. Originally forever, just a misunderstanding.

23. 有時候交談變得空洞,沉默卻想溝通。

24. 不哭泣並不代表我幸福,不言語不代表不在乎。

25. 縱使我有千方百計,也得不到你的一絲關心。

26. Sometimes prefer silence is not willing to go to the so-called struggle.

27. 可是我不相信他們會是神,我們相信他是和你我一樣的性情中人。

28. Please let go, the helpless feeling.

29. I don't like to contact other people, but I don't care about it.

30. 看瞭一夜的聊天記錄,結果傷心哭瞭一夜!

31. 你說不離開可怎麼手放開的那麼快。

32. 因為得不到所以裝作不想要。

33. Give you the tender, love me half of the displaced.

34. [Overexert masque manauez solitaire. ]

35. Say too much, not as silent. Think too much, I will be sad.

36. I'm always here, waiting for you.

37. 回憶起過去,就連呼吸都是痛的。

38. 如果不是真心,請不要對我太好,我很傻,會當真。

39. 傷感的英文文案

40. Finally lost you, but I have tried my best.

41. I have no reason to not let you go, also have no reason to let you turn back.

42. Then we all walk in their own way, no one waiting for who.

43. 原諒,已經沒有瞭被原諒的理由。

44. 你說過的承諾,一個個回頭嘲笑我。

45. 感情,要不令人完善,要不令人沉淪。

46. 夜晚,是最難過的,它太長瞭。

47. 你是我心裡的一道墻,擋住外來的傷。

48. 時光真殘忍,奪取瞭好多,卻告訴我那是成長。

49. I write thoughts on paper, folded into a boat drifting into the distance.

50. 有時侯已經失望到瞭極點,但突如其來的驚喜卻讓你久久不能回神。

51. You never try to figure out my mind, but I also blame fickle and difficult.

52. 說分手的是我念念不忘的也是我。

53. As a defeated general, under a person's war.

54. 久違的熟悉感總能引起令人心酸的懷念。

55. Lies when all comfort, warmth even more false I also relieved.

56. Recall the past, even breathing is pain.

57. 我會堅強到讓你們心疼。

58. 故事我忘瞭,你我也不要瞭。

59. 我的目光蒸發成雲,再下成雨卻舍不得淋濕你。

60. The past has in the past, it never stops to go!

61. 後來再遇到喜歡的人我都會想做朋友就好瞭。

62. Some things, not don't care, but care about and how.

63. Sometimes the conversation becomes empty, but silence wants to communicate.

64. 時間沒有讓我忘瞭你,而是讓我習慣瞭想你。

65. 與其嫉妒別人的幸運不如感嘆別人的付出。

66. 旁人能看見你的疤,但終究感覺不到你的痛。

67. 有朝一日你動瞭情,千萬得先守秘密,在沒弄清楚對方底細之前,千萬別掏出你的心。

68. 沉默並比代表我懦弱,這是我的智慧。

69. 把她的地位放在遊戲之上,畢竟她是那個肯能會陪你一輩子的人。

70. Enjoyment from sad since hi self-directed emerge of itself and perish of itself.

71. 當你痛苦時你要想這痛苦也不是永恒的。

72. 有些話勸得瞭別人,卻勸不瞭自己。

73. Whether in the lonely time will think of me.

74. 心中種下快樂,就不會悲傷。

75. 總是說我想太多說我有病那你有沒有真的心疼過。

76. People always treasure the ones that haven't been, but forget what they have.

77. 風雨本是無心起,奈何花葉傾心落。

78. 刺蝟,清清淡淡旳說著莪旳幸福。

1. 孤單不是因為沒有朋友,而是沒有人住在你心裡。

2. 如果他總為別人撐傘,你何苦非為他等在雨中。

3. Many sad in your eyes are just making a fuss!

4. If he's always on the umbrella for others, why are you waiting for him in the rain.

5. 不要試圖給自己找任何借口,錯誤面前沒借口,錯就是錯。

6. -張可久《塞鴻秋》生不會相思,才會相思,便害相思。

7. 海平面遠方開始陰霾,悲傷要怎麼平靜純白。

8. 誰卑微瞭承諾,放肆瞭寂寞,又丟下瞭我?

9. if someone love , you are important。

10. Don't live for others, to live for yourself.

11. Do you want to go you go, I'll give you want freedom.

12. 我已經放棄瞭放棄。

13. Some things like sand on the track, the sea would be smooth.

14. Will not be the day, I walked into your heart, but saw others.

15. 我在張漾的眼中看到我自己,唉,我自己,如此美麗。

16. 你不是風兒,我不是沙,再纏綿也到不瞭天涯。

17. 那句傢太遠瞭,拆散瞭多少人。

18. 用微笑裝作不在意你的嘲笑,不關心你的'離去。

19. 迷茫,在這個時刻。

20. 前世的風,今世的塵,無窮無盡的哀傷的精魂。

21. We walked through the happiness, but can't walk insipid.

22. I understand everything, it's all my trouble trouble until trouble troubles you.

23. 你真幽默,用分手來試探我有多愛你。

24. borrow your life-long sorrow, go away, say goodbye.

25. My eyes evaporated into clouds, and then into the rain but could not bear to wet you.

26. You dear John, I break righteousness, parallel to the line forever from now on!

27. 我們都是普通人,不必夢幻著遠在天際的玫瑰花園,而忽略瞭就在窗前悄然綻放的玫瑰花朵。

28. I hesitate in human, can't find your heaven.

29. 莽撞,可能使你後悔一陣子。

30. 碎瞭一地的諾言,拼湊不回的昨天。

31. 因為愛你,所以害怕失去你!

32. 過去的真能過去,現在的就真的是現在瞭嗎?

33. 能笑到快要斷氣的人自然也可以哭得無聲無息。

34. To unmb the pain to laugh off my.

35. Even if it is really love you, but also to hold back the mouth.

36. 有些事不像沙岸上的腳跡,海水一來就能抹平。

37. 是不是曾經沒心沒肺,現在就會撕心裂肺。

38. 不會靜靜想著你發呆。

39. Waiting for your concern, wait until I shut the heart.

40. Planted in your heart, it will be sad.

41. 習慣不能忘記一切,隻能麻木一切。

42. ThecruelestthingintheworldisthatyouknowIlikeyou,butthinkyoudon'tknow.勇敢的離開,就像風箏那樣,飛向,藍得那麼灼熱的天。

43. 既然不信任,你累我也累,不如就此放手可好?愛情這東西沒有一個人可以說累,因為你沒資格說累。

44. 為瞭你我能舍棄一切,包含你。

45. Once, you said you love me. That moment, I thought it was forever.

46. 我一直在這裡,等風也等你。

47. back to have in the past, returned to the original。

48. Every time I think of you, everything around the world.

49. 青春還未開始,蒼老早已來臨!

50. You are my first,you are my last.

51. Others can see your scars, but ultimately feel your pain.

52. In fact, you do not have a cold, I have never thought of entanglement.

53. You are still my weakness, but not in my armor.

54. 我把車窗偷偷搖下來,看不見你臉上點點悲哀,後照鏡裡反射我的無奈。

55. 記憶總是會添油加醋,偏向你想象的方向。

56. Most of the time you can doubt me, but I love you.

57. 我本不該擁抱太過炙熱的夢,比如明天,比如你。

58. The world laugh at me too hypocritical, I laugh at the world is too realistic.

59. Habit cannot forget everything, only numb to everything.

60. Some words to persuade others, but not to persuade themselves.

61. 漸漸的,不安也瀟灑的死去瞭。

62. (後漢書)盛年不重來,一日難再晨,及時當勉勵,歲月不待人。

63. I wait for the person is you, you and other people who is?

64. Time would not stop, only life continues to accelerate.

65. 曾經信誓旦旦的承諾,如今變成不值得一提的心酸。

66. Some things, some people, a turn round is a lifetime.

67. 你走瞭,留給我那刻苦銘心的回憶。

68. In the face of you leave, I chose to not cry.

69. 人成各,今非昨,秋如舊,人空瘦。

70. Is there a place, can let I don't fear sad hide!

71. 都說時間是良藥,但治好的全是皮外傷。

72. 偶爾的抱怨發泄一下,也是十分必要的。

73. 當時說在一起的是你,現在說到此為止的也是你可惜的是不能一難過就抱著你。

74. The time did not let me forget you, but let me used to miss you.

75. i will be strong enough to make you feel bad。

76. Hedgehog, clear light of my happiness.

77. The enemy is no longer read.

78. 你放開我的手,說餘生分開走。

79. 我最愛的他,除瞭不愛我,其它什麼都好。

80. 你想走就走吧,我給你想要的自由。

81. 他找不到人瞭,才會記得你。

82. 一些人,隻能做過客。

83. 一個能控制住不良情緒的人,比一個能拿下一座城池的人強大。

84. The initial strangers, and eventually not Joseph.

85. 假如你知道我有多想念你那該多好。

86. 祝我久居深海,孤獨終老。

87. 不必讓自已過得像個嘲笑

88. 既然我決定瞭要愛你瞭,就不怕傷心。

89. Promises are often like the butterfly, which disappear after beautiful hover.

90. Those she about you, I can only laugh it off.

91. 過往在歲月的歡聲笑語中,漸行漸遠。

92. After break up thoughts, destined to finance.

93. Ending is already written, let's take what to change?

94. Even though I have everything I can do, I can't get your attention.

95. 回憶那麼重,我怎麼背的動。

96. 謝謝你曾經讓我心動,如今隻剩下心痛。

97. Don't lose heart, heart won't die.

98. 一憂一喜皆心火,一榮一枯皆眼塵,靜心看透炎涼事,千古不做夢裡人。

99. You can not care, can ignore me, then, I can.

100. Don't break my heart again, it's you.

101. 世界上最淒美的是遺憾。

102. 我淋過最大的雨,是你在烈日下的不回頭。

103. 分手不可怕,可怕的是把真心給他,他不稀罕。

104. You did me a deserter, became her the greatest hero in the world.

105. 你說要保護我,後來的大風大浪卻也都是你給的。

106. Finally understand,I really do not

107. 一個人要傻等多少回,才知自己隻是多餘。

108. For you, i am willing to give up everything, including you.

109. not crave forever, because too far。

110. I'mexhaustedandstillcan'tgetyou.風箏有風,海豚有海,我在你之外。

111. Do you know? All my teeth are strong.

112. Slowly grew up but I was silent, but do not know more happy.

113. In fact, I know, I'm waiting for the joy of redemption.

114. 有些故事還來不及真正開始,就被寫成瞭昨天。

115. Loneliness is no one to accompany you, loneliness is no one to understand you.

116. 你從不揣摩我的心思,卻還責怪我善變難懂。

117. 照顧每個人的感受,註定自己不會好受。

118. 傷感是很華麗的節奏,奏出難忘的旋律。

119. 謊言全當安慰,多些溫情即便虛假我也寬慰。

120. How long is forever? How far is it forever?

1. 別再傷我的心瞭,裡面住的可是你。

2. Is not used to have, now will the piercing.

3. Can you please leave the world, I would like to leave for a while.

4. I have been the biggest rain, you are in the hot sun does not look back.

5. 還要多久、我才能穿上婚紗嫁給我愛的人。

6. 人這一生總會愛上那麼一個人,他可能並沒有多好,你隻是剛好就喜歡那幾分好。

7. 已經離開的人,卻永活在舊日的流年裡。

8. There are two in my mind, one wants to see you, and one wants to hide from you.

9. 姻從來不能用來挽救一段破碎的愛情,破碎的愛情隻能得到破碎的婚姻。

10. 你應該相信他,也相信自己,你有那個能力讓他為你付出。

11. Do not let yourself live like a joke.

12. Leave also kind of happiness, hope this time I'm not escape.

13. 別說我花心,曾經我比誰都用心。

14. 鏡子是我最好的朋友,我哭的時候它從來不會笑。

15. My humble waiting, when you can find.

16. 年輕的淚水不會白流痛苦和驕傲這一生都要擁有。

17. 直到一天,你遇到一個人,你們彼此相愛。

18. 逞能的假面,孤單的思念。

19. 選擇離開就不要寬慰我,要瞭解每一次縫補也會遭受穿刺術的痛。

20. 或許依賴,是對我自己最大的傷害。

21. Because love you, so afraid to lose you!

22. 放不下一個人,大概是沒有重新開始的勇氣。

23. Memory is dust, swirl tells the past in the air.

24. 如果你希望成功,就不要灰心,因為灰心就會失望,失望就會動搖信念,動搖信念就會失敗。

25. 翩浮的惆悵,晃若細長的觸角,肆無忌憚地鉆入肌膚的毛孔,像藤蔓一樣伸展,入心入肺地纏繞,讓我們窒息,讓我們疼痛,讓我們麻木。

26. 有著就喪失的逐漸。

27. 我生命裡的溫暖就那麼多,我全部給瞭你,但是你離開瞭我,你叫我以後怎麼再對別人笑。

28. Sad is a very beautiful rhythm, create memorable melodies.

29. 我沒照顧好自己,是對不起我自己,與你無關。

30. 我不喜歡主動聯系別人,但絕不是不在乎。

31. 不奢望,就不會有失望,一個人,我照樣精彩地過。

32. 真正的愛情一個精心策劃的謊話

33. I won't let you a person, you would rather a person.

34. He can't find a person, will only remember you.

35. 沒有話題的情侶,分手是必然的。

36. 知道嗎?我所有的堅強,都靠硬撐。

37. When you reach out to me, I thought I could go with you all my life.

38. A little lost, had not felt, how now feel lost?

39. Then I finally forget you, even mention only smile.

40. 不是不懂,隻是不想說明,不是不痛,隻是不再傷心。

41. Break up too many words is just one way to interpret sadness vent.

42. Sometimes need to pretend to be a little silly, will not let oneself uncomfortable.

43. The more of the person you like, the more don't know how to speak.

44. 悲傷因為你,快樂卻不是你。

45. Can't give you want happiness, so choose to leave.

46. 在你最回味的旅程裡,我才能給你的獨傢微笑。

47. Don't give up, maybe the one you love is loving you.

48. 你的空間,我為什麼要用寂寞獨擋一面?

49. Time is cruel, captured a lot, but tell me that is growing.

50. 從陌生到熟悉,我以為我在靠近幸福,但那幸福卻有莫名的疼。

51. Broken a promise, put together back yesterday.

52. If it is not true, please do not be too good for me, I am very silly, will take it seriously.

53. 甚麼時候,我們才肯為自己擁有的一切滿懷感激?以為愛情可以克服一切,誰知道她有時毫無力量。

1. 我在懷念,你不再懷念的。

2. [對不住,我長不出你愛的樣子]

3. 我們曾如此渴望命運的波瀾,到最後才發現:人生最曼妙的風景,竟是內心的淡定與從容……我們曾如此期盼外界的認可,到最後才知道:世界是自己的,與他人毫無關系。

4. 離開也種幸福,希望這一次我不是逃避。

5. 不過後來我才明白,一個人是註重現實,還是喜歡幻想,本身沒有對錯。

6. 所以我奉勸你,如果一直都是這樣,就別僵持著瞭,沒意思,放手吧,去找個你愛的和最愛你的人,如果她愛你,也許等你放手之後她又回心轉意也說不準呢,往往有些人就是不懂得珍惜身邊屬於自己的一切等失去瞭才知道珍惜,努力做一個男子漢,放開她讓她後悔去吧。

7. 你是我患得患失的夢,我是你可有可無的人。

8. Take care of everyone's feelings, is doomed to be not good.

9. 承諾,會徹徹底底砸爛一個人脆弱的靈魂。

10. 冰,溶化瞭,是水;淡而無味的水!

11. 當初說沒有瞭對方會活不下去現在你死瞭嗎?

12. Life looks be like simple, life is so hard.

13. Far from eyes,far from heart

14. The smile that belongs to me, where I am looking for?

15. 回憶之所以是回憶,隻因我們再也回不去。

16. After the exam, this life, this class, the basic is not together.

17. 隨欲而安的緲茫,虛空的一如既往。

18. 別因為你身邊的***,而放棄你愛的人。

19. 心軟是病,可你是命。

20. 回得瞭過去,回不瞭當初。

21. I shouldn't have embraced too much, like tomorrow, like you.

22. “你是喜歡我紮馬尾還是披頭發?”“我不喜歡你。

23. Open not happy according to day, no who cannot leave the who.

24. 又是一個雨夜,寂寥的雨,是心中的淚。

25. 很多時候你都可以懷疑我﹐除瞭我說愛你的時候。

26. I'm sorry! I shouldn't be thinking of you.

27. I miss, you no longer miss.

28. Thank you once let me move, now only heartache.

29. Pride in the corner, all of De's good, you still silent.

30. 139、喜歡一個人是痛苦的,可每個人都要經歷痛苦才會長大。

31. have islose the beginning

32. With a glass of pure water, in the face of the complexity of a lifetime.

33. 那些離別和失望的傷痛,已經發不出聲音。

34. The wind and rain is inadvertently, but how to spend the leaves fall.

35. 我難過的不是你不愛我瞭,而是你從來都沒有愛過我的事實。

36. 你已經把我傷的徹徹底底。

37. Time passed, the youth in hard, is the end of the world where return!

38. 世界笑我太虛偽,我笑世界太現實。

39. The most painful now, was once the most beautiful time.

40. Young tears will not flow the pain and pride in this life must have.

41. 不要太期待,不要太依賴不要等我累瞭,才說你愛我。

42. 有些事,不是不在意,而是在意瞭又能怎樣。

43. 不要為他人而活,要為自己而活的精彩。

44. 當我離開你以後才發現自己愛笑的眼睛已是冷淚盈眶說久伴我後深擁我再嘲笑我終離開我我們分手瞭,他回去找初戀瞭,我知道心被擰碎的感覺瞭。

45. Don't say my heart, once I than anyone.

46. 我從未遺棄愛情,隻是愛情拋棄瞭我。

47. Don't exaggerate the lonely is not such as hand!

48. don’t let the past steal your present。

49. 我等的人是你,你等的人又是誰?

50. 時間不願停住腳步,隻有生活在不斷加速。

51. The next life I want to be your heart, I suffered, the pain is you.

52. 可是真的隻是如果。

53. 記不清在一起的日子,記不住分手的日子。

54. 漁船孤燈寒風徹骨冰冷不及你言語半分。

55. 愛情要完結的時候自會完結,到時候,你不想畫上句號也不行。

56. 我想說千言萬語,卻說瞭句祝你幸福。

57. To be silent is to be weak, it is my wisdom.

58. The past can really past, now is really now?

59. 詼諧的月光,陪我演繹星空下的哀傷。

60. 相思樹,流-年渡,無端又被西風誤!

61. Who betrayed the promise, unbridled lonely, and left behind me?

62. Heart just for a moment, only in a blink of an eye.

63. 埋葬瞭自己的初懷,遺忘瞭自己的傷痛。

64. Don't give up just because you bitch, the one you love.

65. Finally, I made two hundred million, a frustrated, a memory.

66. You are humorous, with the break to test how much I love you.

67. You are my dream I am worry about personal gains and losses, you are not essential.

68. To be lonely is not because you have no friends, but no one is living in your heart.

69. 我知道,你好想念你媽媽。

70. 風心上物,本為風騷出。看取薄情人,羅衣無此痕。

71. People can laugh to breath naturally can cry soundless and stirless.

72. 現在才明白,原來我確實什麼都不是

73. A pardon, will change for the two betrayal.

74. 終於還是失去瞭你,但我已經盡力瞭。

75. 用一杯水的單純,面對一輩子的復雜。

76. 我們在錯誤的時間相遇,在正確的時間卻又分開……當眼淚流下來,才知道,分開也是另一種明白。

77. 我覺得一個人會莫名的悲傷,就是性格細膩敏感容易受外界的影響。

78. 其實你不用冷淡,我從未想過糾纏。

79. The world's most poignant regret.

80. 們害怕歲月,卻不知道活著是多麼的可喜。

81. 我們走過瞭幸福,卻沒能走過平淡。

82. 別等不該等的人,別傷不該傷的心!

83. 結局已經寫好,咱們拿什麼改變?

84. 想起那些忘記塵世之痛的快樂,你是我生命裡最特別的贈予。

85. 相愛時,生死不離。分手後,我不認識你。

86. There are so moment, I feel the world is gray.

87. 原來地久天長,隻是誤會一場。

88. 幸福就像在一瞬間,來得快,去的也快。

89. 有一些失去瞭,好像秋天枯敗的花瓣總會有新開放的機遇,而有一些錯過瞭一時,就錯過瞭畢生。

90. After leaving, don't wish me happiness, how happy I am without you.

91. Sorry, I do not love you.

92. 對不起!我不該還想著你。

93. 這個憂傷而明媚的三月,從我單薄的青春裡打馬而過,穿過紫堇,穿過木棉。

94. The pain of parting and despair, has made no sound.

95. 最心痛的現在,曾是曾經最美好的時候。

96. The wind blows over, people laughing on the loose.

97. 是我們愛不來,還是不能愛。

98. 縱然傷心,也不要愁眉不展,因為你不知是誰會愛上你的笑容。

99. 伱的身上,永遠停留有她的體溫。