1. The shortest answer is dong.(最簡單的回答就是幹)

2. Don't cry because it is over,smile because it happened.

3. Contant dropping wears the stone.(滴水石穿)

4. Good company on the road is the shortest cut.(行路有良伴就是捷徑)

5. Your name is such ordinary but it affects my mood all round.你那麼平凡的名字卻影響我那麼多的情緒。

6. Thereisonesmallstepforaman,agiantleapformankind.某人的一小步就是人類的一大步。

7. To the world you may be one person,but to one person you may be the world.

8. Laugh Until You Cry; Cry Until You Laugh.笑到終於哭出來;哭到終於笑出來。

9. Nothingjusthappens,it'sallpartofaplan.沒有事情隨隨便便發生,都是計劃的一部分。

10. Don't try so hard,the best things come when you lease expect them to.

11. Never frown,even when you are sad,because youn ever know who is falling in love with your smile.

12. Pain past is pleasure.(過去的痛苦就是快樂)

13. Miracleshappeneveryday.奇跡每天都在發生。

14. 請記住,你是能讓世界灑滿陽光的人。

15. The life of the traveler why can't forget.生命的過客何必念念不忘。

16. To waste,then forced.用力的浪費,再用力的後悔。

17. Do or do not. There is no try.要麼做,要麼滾!

18. Nothing is impossible for a willing heart.(心之所願,無所不成)

19. I love you not because who you are,but because who I am when I am with you.

20. Deathisjustapartoflife,somethingwe'realldestinedtodo.死亡是生命的一部分,是我們註定要做的一件事。

21. Life is simple.You make choices and you don't look back.人生很簡單,做瞭決定就不要後悔。

22. Iwasmessedupforalongtime.這些年我一塌糊塗。

23. Youhavegottoputthepastbehindyoubeforeyoucanmoveon.放下包袱,繼續前進。

24. Ifthereisanythingyouneed,Iwillnotbefaraway.隻要你需要,我就在這裡。

25. Bettertodowellthantosaywell。他山之石可以攻錯。

26. Wisemenlearnbyothermen'smistakes;foolsbytheirown。吾生待明日,萬事成蹉跎。

27. Life is always better with a smile.倘若還能笑一笑,日子總算不會太難過。

28. My eyes have shallow sea land old clap vita etched a bay miss.我眼中有淺淺的海,前塵舊事拍岸,侵蝕出一灣想念。

29. 深愛,是一場誰都輸不起的遊戲。

30. 你是年少的喜歡 也是我餘生的甜蜜

31. 遇見你以後,我睜眼便是花田,閉眼是星空。

32. (英國劇作傢莎士比亞.W.)Everymanxxxswork,whetheritbeliteratureofmusicofpicturesorarchitectureofanythingelse,isalwaysaportraitofhimself.(SamuelBrtler,Avericaneducator)每個人的工作,不管是文學、音樂、美術、建築還是其他工作,都是自己的一幅畫像。

33. Stupidisasstupiddoes.蠢人做蠢事(傻人有傻福)。

34. Itisnousedoingwhatyoulike;youhavegottolikewhatyoudo.(WinstonChurchill,Britishprimeminister)不能愛哪行才幹哪行,要幹哪行愛哪行。

35. 資源來源於網絡

36. Actions speak louder than words.(行動比言語更響亮)

37. God helps those who help themselves.(天助自助者)

38. Iamamanofmyword.我是信守承諾的人。

39. Two heads are better than one,(三個臭皮匠賽過諸葛亮)

40. Make yourself a better person and know who you are before you try and know someone else and expect them to know you.

41. You must think you're luckier than many people.你要相信你比許多人都幸運。

42. 不是我熬夜,是黑夜需要我這顆璀璨明亮的星。

43. Lifewaslikeaboxofchocolates,youneverknowwhatyou'regoingtoget.生命就像一盒巧克力,你永遠不知道下一顆是什麼味道。

44. Adoptingtherightattitudecanconvertanegativestressintoapositiveone.

45. Remember,you'retheonewhocanfilltheworldwithsunshine.

46. I don't give a shit on your care the least about me.我不在乎你對我的不在乎。

47. Iwanttogohome.我想回傢。

48. Amancanbedestroyedbutnotdefeated.

49. Between us are only separated by one step, and I can not move you.我們之間僅隔一步,而我卻不能邁向你。

50. Life is a pure flame,and we live by an invisible sun within us.

51. 正確的態度能將負面壓力轉換為正面壓力。

52. Knowing something of everything and everything of something.(通百藝而專一長)

53. Mindactsuponmind.心有靈犀一點通。

54. Close your eyes, and see yourself, you are clearly visible.閉上眼,看不見自己,你卻清晰可見。

55. Lonely lonely, I am still thinking about someone.孤獨寂寞的時候,我會靜靜的想著某人。

56. Itwaslikejustbeforethesungoestobeddownonthebayou.Therewasamillionsparklesontheriver.就像太陽在落山前映射在河口上,有無數的亮點在閃閃發光。

57. Awisemanchangeshismind;afoolneverwill。說得好不如做得好。

58. All things are difficult before they are easy.(凡事必先難後易)

59. I'mnotasmartman,butIknowwhatloveis.我並不聰明,但我知道什麼是愛情。

1. Idon'tknowifweeachhaveadestiny,orifwe'realljustfloatingaroundaccidental—likeonabreeze.我不懂我們是否有著各自的命運,還是隻是到處隨風飄蕩。

2. Storms make trees take deeper roots.(風暴是樹木深深紮根)

3. East or west ,home is best.(東好西好,還是傢裡好)

4. While there is life ,there is hope.(有生命就有希望&;留得青山在,不怕沒柴燒)

5. The tongue is boneless but it breaks bone,(人言可畏)

6. Paper plane fly farther take away my heart.紙飛機飛的再遠帶不走我的心情。

7. A true friend is some one who reaches for your hand and touches your heart.

8. 兩顆相愛的心之間不需要言語。

9. better late than never.(遲做總比不做好,晚來總比不來好)

10. Great hopes make great man.(偉大的理想造就偉大的人)

11. Life is merely a drop of nectar on the lotus leaf.生命隻不過是荷葉上的一滴甘露。

12. afriendinneedisafriendindeed.患難之中見真情

13. If you don't live for something, you'll die for nothing.活著無所追求,至死都會一無所有。

14. Knowingsomethingofeverythingandeverythingofsomething。今日事今日瞭。

15. 人可以被毀滅,但不能被打敗。

16. Thereisanawfullotyoucantellaboutapersonbytheirshoes.通過人傢的鞋可以瞭解別人很多的東西。

17. Greatworksareperformednotbystrengthbutbyperseverance。通百藝而專一長。

18. Itmademelooklikeaduckinwater.它讓我如魚得水。

19. No pains no gains!(沒有痛苦就沒有收獲)

20. Youarenodifferentthananybodyelseis.你和別人沒有任何的不同。

21. You use your gentle eyes, killed who want to forget you.你用你那溫柔的眼神,殺死瞭我要遺忘你的我。

22. 除去一開始的新鮮感,陪伴與懂得更加重要。

23. Timeismoney.一寸光陰一寸金。

24. I love you even if you fall in love with another of her.我喜歡你,哪怕你愛上瞭另一個她。

25. 我原本是叼著煙在小巷堵人的 ,直到遇見你 ,我開始留意櫥窗裡的白裙子。

26. Time is we do not come loose.時光不老我們不散好麼?

27. ThatistheoutstandinganswerI'veeverheard.這是我聽過最好的答案。

28. Shithappens!不好的事情發生瞭。

29. Oneofthesedaysisnoneofthesedays。沒有恒心隻有力量完不成偉業。

30. Timeflies.時光易逝。

31. 我隻愛吃草莓,草莓汁不行,草莓糖不行。就像我喜歡你,脾氣像你不行,長的像你不行,不是你不行

32. No man or woman is worth your tears,and the one who won't make you cry.

33. Alittleofstingingrain,andbigoldfatrain.牛毛細雨,瓢泊大雨。

34. wisdom in the mind is better than money in the hand,(腦中有知識勝過手中有金錢)

35. Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.(沒有熱情成就不瞭偉業)

36. Todaymustborrownothingoftomorrow。少壯不努力,老大徒傷悲。

37. The worst way to miss some one is to be sitting center beside him knowing you can't have him.