1. 她臉上的笑容像鉆石一樣閃閃發光。

2. bawl (口語) 大哭,大喊 小孩常見這種哭法,多因為抗議或者要讓別人註意到他。喊叫聲多於哭聲。

3. in low spirits 情緒低落

4. —陣激動聲穿過他們。

5. Don‘t try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to.

6. 他的腦子裡充滿瞭明亮的光。

7. delighted 欣喜的;愜意的

8. 她太緊張瞭,嚇得發抖。

9. 他心裡好像有種說不出的滋味,好像全世界的蛇膽都在自己肚子中翻騰,他受不瞭,想把這種苦吐掉,但是這東西剛倒嘴邊,又硬生生地咽瞭回去,空留他一口苦澀。

10. somebody’s eyes water(風、煙霧等) 使眼睛淌眼淚

11. cry one’s eyes out(口語)痛哭流涕,哭得很傷心

12. She began to sob again, burying her face in the pillow

13. 當我的名字被呼喚時,我能感覺到我的心在我的喉嚨裡。

14. 她渾身顫抖,覺得如坐針氈。

15. If I because of loses the sun to sob, will lose the star.

16. be close to tears/be on the verge of tears快要哭瞭

17. No matter how far we will be very good.

18. irritated 惱怒的

19. 她臉色蒼白地站在那裡,舌頭打結。

20. Time is we do not come loose.

21. Destroy the torture you.

22. in a bad mood 心情非常差

23. anxious 焦慮不安的

24. 他氣得大發雷霆。

25. turn on the water works(口語)(撒嬌)哭出來,(故意)哭起來

26. bring tears to somebody’s eyes (因傷感而)流淚。

27. fight back tears 抑制住淚水

28. I would sob at the door and be no good to anyone.

29. 他靜靜地站著眼淚順著面頰流瞭下來。

30. And forever has no end.

31. 他用灼熱的目光怒視著我。

32. Memory abstruse eyes.

33. He set me up by telling me a sob story.

34. uneasy 不安的;不安心的

35. 他摔倒在地上,痛得不省人事。

36. I’d just sit in the dark and weep.

37. 她大哭,像是大雨傾盆。

38. The worst way to misomeone is to be sitting right beside them knowing

39. 他轉過身來,眼裡充滿瞭恐懼。

40. 他講一個悲傷的故事給我聽,使我落入圈套。

41. One of the small children began to wail with terror.

42. 他的臉露出愉快的神色。

43. 望著眼前精心準備的那碗湯,心裡像吃瞭蜜一樣甜。我伸瞭一個懶腰,躺在沙發上想象媽媽回傢後的驚喜的情形,不禁大聲笑瞭起來。

44. The exhausted mother smiled at ________________________(聽到新生兒的哭叫聲).

45. 他高興地笑瞭,露出瞭一排潔白整齊的牙齒。

46. 她心疼得像刀絞一樣,眼淚不住地往下流。

47. Crowded I always not see you.

48. Fellow citizens, above your national, tumultuous joy, I hear the mournful wail of millions!

49. Jack’s face flushed/burned with embarrassment.

50. If you can hold something up and put it down, it is called weight-lifting; if you can hold something up but can never put it down, it's called burden-bearing. Pitifully, most of people are bearing heavy burdens when they are in love.舉起放得下的叫舉重,舉得起放不下的叫負重。可惜,大多數人的愛情,都是負重的。

51. get mad at somebody 生某人的氣

52. 辛辣味嗆得我直翻白眼,恨得牙根直發麻,手指骨節癢,想揍他一頓。

53. 我充滿瞭憤怒。

54. 他氣得臉色陰沉。

55. I just want to cherish now.

56. 他哭瞭這麼久,眼睛又腫又紅。

57. break down(因情緒失去控制而)痛哭,大哭

58. 她嚇得臉都白瞭。

59. I never back.

60. I suddenly feel myself like a doll,acting all kinds of joys and sorrows.

61. be curious about 對......感到好奇

62. 她鼻子一酸,流下淚來。

63. embarrassed 感到尷尬的

64. Her face paled with fright.

65. Her cheeks were wet with tears.

66. 幸福從她的眼中散發出來。

67. 她臉上露出瞭得意的笑容,心裡比吃瞭蜜還甜。

68. 這消息使他臉上蒙上瞭一層陰影。

69. 她的臉因劇痛而扭曲。

70. _________________(女人們在尖叫); some of the houses nearest the bridge were on fire

71. lump in one's throat 悲傷到哽咽

72. impulsive 沖動的;易沖動的

73. 他喜極而泣。

74. 他的表情突然嚴肅起來。

75. 她緊張得說不出話來。

76. depressed;upset 沮喪的;失落的

77. I will weep and wail for the mountains. 我要為山嶺哭泣悲哀。

78. 她激動得滿臉維紅,心裡像有隻小鹿,在歡樂地蹦跳。

79. 孩子們互相追逐著。他們的臉。上充滿瞭喜悅。

80. 他聽瞭,立刻瞪起瞭眼,臉上暴起瞭一道道青筋,憤怒地盯著我。

81. 關鍵詞

82. get annoyed 氣憤;生氣

83. in high spirits 情緒高漲

84. 她覺得自己的心好像被人從身上撕開瞭。

85. Color rushed/flooded to her cheeks when she realized she was being watched.

86. If I ____________________(因為失去太陽而哭泣), will lose the star.

87. The patient gave out a scream of pain.病人痛苦地尖叫一聲。

88. amused 喜悅的;開心的

89. Hold me if I need to weep.

90. 他緊握拳頭,牙齒嘎嘎作響。

91. With malice towards none,with charity for all!

92. 花兒在燦爛地微笑,鳥兒在快樂地歡叫,我的心情啊,像吃瞭蜜一樣甜。

93. 一聲尖叫劃破瞭寂靜的夜空。_____________________________________________________________________

94. wild with joy 欣喜若狂的

95. 常用短語

96. 人們在害怕、生氣或痛苦時會尖叫。

97. 大傢心說不出有多高興,腳下好像生瞭風,走得又快又有勁。

98. blue 很憂傷的

99. 她的耳朵一響,一個字也聽不見。

100. Pain is only aware of their own has not changed only you know.

101. 我的心跳的很快。

102. 她的心跳得厲害,幾乎窒息而死。

103. In severe cases, the skin can crack and weep.

104. 在她駕駛考試時,她像熱鍋上的螞蟻。

105. 短語

106. I wanted to tell her, __________________________________(她們會流淚哭泣,但從不嚎叫).

107. She wept tears of joy.

108. Joyful/Joyous 喜悅的;愉悅的

109. Fellow citizens, above your national, tumultuous joy, _______________________(我聽到千萬人的悲慟號哭).

110. get all worked up 沖動

111. People scream in fright, in anger, and in sudden pain.人們在害怕、生氣或痛苦時會尖叫。

112. Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.

113. 我哭瞭,腦海裡回想著那不堪回首的一幕幕。我在心裡糾結著疼痛,絕望、憤怒、痛恨,一切的一切,都隨著淚水似潮水一般湧上心頭。

114. There are lots of shining siliery thread on my back,controlling all my action.

115. A bright smile appeared on his face.

116. To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.

117. 頓時,我好像掉進瞭冰窖裡,從心頂涼到瞭腳尖。

118. ashamed 感到羞恥的

119. 他緊緊地抿住嘴,握著拳。

120. Your kiss still burns on my lips, everyday of mine is so beautiful.你的吻還在我的唇上發燙,從此我的日子變得如此美麗。

121. “Now look what you’ve done!” Shirley wailed

122. Don’t spend time with someone who doesn’t care spending it with you.

123. indifferent 漠不關心的;冷漠的

124. 這樣的想法使我嗚咽得更厲害。

125. 我欣喜若狂,三步並作兩步就跑過去。

126. I am about to lose my mind,You have been gone for so long.

127. 他試圖抓些東西靠在她身上。站著別動。

128. He felt his cheeks burning with shame.

129. 那我就坐在黑暗中流淚好瞭。

130. 她幾乎凍僵瞭,臉色蒼白,眼睛通紅。

131. A tear slid down her cheek.

132. She began to sob, holding herself in as if weeping were a disgrace.

133. 她洋溢著幸福。

134. This thought caused me to sob even harder.

135. Wonderfully melodic and tuneful, ___________________(他的歌讓我潸然淚下).

136. 她淚流滿面。

137. No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won‘t make you cry.

1. Atrue friend is some one who reaches for your hand and touches your heart.

2. weep 哭泣、落淚 這是稍微復雜一點的哭,因為感到悲傷而weep,聲音比cry略小,聽得出悲切之意。女人常用這種哭聲博取男人的同情。

3. 姐姐頓時歡天喜地,嘴咧得如同一朵綻放的荷花,久久地合不攏。

4. 過瞭一會兒,他長長地抽泣瞭一聲,但立即用閑著的那隻手捂住瞭自己的臉。

5. thrilled 興奮的;極其激動的

6. No person deserves your tears, and who deserves them won’t make you cry.

7. I left because you never asked me to stay.

8. Mace still remembers the pitiful wailing of the trapped and the wounded.

9. 他的聲音因憤怒而顫抖。

10. Laugh, and the world laughs with you, weep, and you weep alone.

11. She buried her face in her hands and began to sob.

12. 我的腦子一片空白。

13. 再也不要哭泣瞭,我的姑娘。

14. get a face like a wet weekend 滿臉的愁雲慘淡

15. Newborn babies begin their life with a wail.

16. 我的外公六十多歲瞭,兩斑白,頭頂中間光禿禿的,像個小球場,周圍是稀稀的幾根頭發,臉龐圓圓的,整天笑瞇瞇的,肚子挺得高高的,像個彌佛。他整天離不開一隻小茶壺,走路的時候捧著,看報的時候摸著,就連睡覺的時候也要把茶壺放在頭邊,好像怕人偷走似的。

17. moan 嗚咽 這種哭聲長而低,多因為痛苦。不過,moan還有其他用途:to make a long low sound expressing pain, unhappiness,or sexual pleasure [=groan]The sick child moaned a little, and then fellasleep. 這個生病的小孩嗚嗚咽咽地哭瞭一會就睡著瞭。

18. be weary of 對......感到厭倦

19. hysterically 歇斯底裡地

20. Know, how again recover also just air.

21. After a moment, he let out a long sob, quickly covering his face with his free hand.

22. The exhausted mother smiled at the wail of her newborn baby.

23. I love you, the ends of the earth, to does not abandon!

24. 緊閉的窗戶外狂風呼嘯。

25. North of the city to the north is not to miss.

26. 句子賞析

27. 她喜極而泣.

28. Don‘t cry because it is over, smile because it happened.

29. 她全身發抖,感覺如坐針氈。

30. She _________________(抽泣瞭起來), holding herself in as if_________________(哭泣是件丟臉的事似的). (disgrace)

31. 我會呆在門口哭泣而對任何人都沒好處。

32. 她的眼中閃爍著激動的光芒。

33. somebody sucks 某人惡心到我瞭(一般指極其憤怒的時候)

34. 她掩面哭泣。

35. Some people are worth melting for.

36. 抱著我,假如我需要哭泣。

37. get on one's nerves 惹到某人瞭

38. 她的出現使我的呼吸停止瞭。

39. 小孩中的一個嚇得大哭起來。

40. 他看起來像熱鍋上的螞蟻。

41. on top of the world 開心得不得瞭

42. sorrow;grief 悲痛;悲傷

43. I weep with you without shame and without honor.

44. 她高興得又跳又笑又唱。

45. drive somebody mad 被氣瘋瞭

46. down in the dumps 心情特別難受

47. Suddenly he heard, or thought he heard, _________________(傳出一聲嗚咽) in the brushes.

48. A scream broke the silence of the night.一聲尖叫劃破瞭寂靜的夜空。

49. Just because someone doesn‘t love you the way you want them to,

50. 她的臉被痛苦淹沒瞭。

51. 他心中湧起一陣恐懼。

52. 他怒不可遏地吼叫著,這聲音像沉雷一樣滾動著,傳得很遠很遠。

53. Being on sea, sail; being on land, settle.

54. No matter how many times I said, Come here, Bong-Soon she _______________________________(都不予理會,隻是嚎叫著).

55. melancholic 抑鬱的;憂鬱的

56. I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you.

57. I _________________(與你一起流淚) without shame and without honor.

58. 看著這景象,憤怒的人群如同漲滿河槽的洪水,突然崩開瞭堤口,咆哮著,勢不可擋地湧進瞭大廳。

59. The wind wailed outside the closed windows.

60. 我慢慢抽泣起來,心裡滿是絕望。

61. Wonderfully melodic and tuneful, his songs have made me weep.

62. show curiosity about 對......表現出好奇心

63. pleased/content 滿意的;滿足的

64. push one's buttons 故意氣死某人

65. 這消息的震驚使我喘不過氣來。

66. shake with fears 害怕得瑟瑟發抖

67. No matter how many times I said, Come here, Bong-Soon she refused to obey and cried with a yowl.我不斷地呼喚她:奉順,來這裡!她都不予理會,隻是嚎叫著。

68. 我此刻心情舒暢,就像藍天的白雲那樣安閑、自在。

69. 笑聲在房間裡縈繞。

70. 紅紅不知不覺進入瞭夢境,夢見自己長出瞭五色翅膀,在藍天裡飛呀飛,真8快樂無比。

71. show one's anger 表示生氣

72. 聽到這個不幸的消息,他痛哭起來。

73. 她將手捂住臉哭瞭起來。

74. 他因為羞愧而感到臉頰發燒。

75. He kissed her on both cheeks and got on the train.

76. Make yourself a better person and know who you are before you try

77. My normally mild-mannered dog_________________(失去瞭理智), __________________(在廚房裡又跳又叫)until someone, anyone, would give her even the smallest morsel of cheese.

78. 她咬著嘴唇,把眼睛從威洛太太的眼睛裡移開。

79. reduce somebody to tears 使某人不禁流淚

80. 他無法隱藏在他臉。上的驚喜。

81. He had a slight frown on his face.

82. 新生兒痛哭一聲便開始瞭他們的生命。

83. Women were screaming; some of the houses nearest the bridge were on fire

84. Don′t cry because it is over, smille because it happened.

85. 她絕望地抱住頭,跪下來。

86. 他被悲傷壓垮瞭,哭瞭。

87. The woman used her _________________(悲傷故事來贏得同情) from the press.

88. Without pain, without sacrifice, we would have nothing.

89. 一滴淚順著她的臉頰滑落下來。

90. 他站在那裡,面色蒼白,說不出一句簡單的話。

91. A riot of colours to wait.

92. 平靜的湖面激起瞭浪花,我的心情也像浪花一樣歡騰。

93. 寫作練習

94. Her nose twitched and she began to weep.

95. 我的內心十分激動,像波濤洶湧的大海一樣。

96. 英語測驗得瞭100分,小明抑制不住內心的喜悅,像小鳥一樣飛進瞭傢門。

97. tears roll/run down one’s cheeks 淚水順著臉頰淌下來

98. 那人大叫瞭一-聲,驚退瞭幾步。

99. His face looked a little confused.

100. Wish one day, you will suddenly told me that you still love me.

101. furious 極其惱怒的

102. 他站在那兒,臉色變得灰白。

1. 在這個黑暗而絕望的時刻,他想到瞭一個絕妙的主意。

2. 她的心裡充滿瞭幸福。

3. 她屏住呼吸,一動也不敢動。

4. Weep no more my lady.

5. I love you not for whom you are, but who I am when I ’m by your side.

6. sick to one's stomach 憂心忡忡

7. 釋義

8. 仇恨,像怪獸一般吞噬著我的心,使我不思飲食,坐立不安。

9. 他一聽到這個字就勃然大怒。

10. in rage 生氣;憤怒

11. My hands are sweaty. 我太緊張瞭。

12. 他不覺得悲,但心中又不知是什麼滋味,然而他忽而明白瞭:他現在心裡早就麻木瞭!他嚼著口中的菜,卻覺得那菜似是泥做的,但要真是泥做的,也應該有些泥滋味吧!

13. jealous;envious 嫉妒;眼紅

14. The woman used her sob story to gain sympathy from the press.

15. make somebody cry讓某人哭,惹某人哭

16. 牙齒咬得“格格”作響,眼裡閃著一股無法遏制的怒火,好似一頭被激怒的獅子。

17. Suddenly he heard, or thought he heard, a sound as of a sob in the brushes.

18. The weeping family hugged and comforted each other

19. have alumpin one’s throat(因感動、悲傷而)哽咽,喉嚨哽住

20. wear a long face 愁眉苦臉

21. You are the air, is my life.

22. Meet each other, do not waste this lifetime.

23. 他看起來有點因惑。

24. weep with joy 喜極而泣

25. You are not my lover How to know my deep.

26. 我的心撲通撲通的跳個不停,好像要跳出來瞭。

27. 爸、媽又吵架瞭,吵得我心煩意亂的,她獨自在樓上,她該怎麼辦呢,她悲傷地哭泣著。

28. 讀音

29. As soon as the ball was hit, Cook dropped his head, bent at the waist, balled his fists and screamed at the ground in frustration.

30. 他忽而死死盯著那水果攪拌機,好象他自己的心在那兒攪拌、流血,再把那破碎的心植回胸膛,卻也隻剩一攤死水。

31. 意識到有人在看她,她頓時漲紅瞭臉。

32. My normally mild-mannered dog lost her mind, yowling and dancing around the kitchen until someone, anyone, would give her even the smallest morsel of cheese.

33. burst into tears 放聲大哭,突然哭起來

34. “Everything’s my fault,” she sobbed. 她嗚咽著說:“一切都是我的錯。”

35. 烏雲似乎一直籠罩著她的頭頂。

36. 他們沉浸在悲痛之中。

37. “看看你幹的好事!”雪莉哭訴道。

38. have tears in one’s eyes 眼裡含著淚水

39. 她開始哭起來,好像要把所有的悲傷都傾訴出來。

40. 我給她禮物時,他的臉上煥發出瞭光彩。

41. Laugh, and the world laughs with you, _________, and _________________.

42. Girls do not lose loving you.

43. Mace still remembers __________________________________(那些被困者和受傷者的令人同情的哀號).

44. The women began to wail in mourning. 女人們開始哀哭起來。

45. Every boring hour in life is unique.

46. 他的臉上露出瞭燦爛的笑容。

47. As soon as the ball was hit, Cook ________________________________________(垂下頭,彎腰,揮拳頭,沮喪地在地上尖叫).

48. 我漂浮在悲傷的海洋裡。

49. Tell me you are mine. I'll be yours through all the years, till the end of time.請告訴我你是我的。歲歲年年,我都屬於你,永遠永遠。

50. be fed up with 對......感到很煩燥

51. His face suddenly grew serious.

52. Her face lit up/brightened/glowed when I gave her the present.

53. be in tears 含淚,淚流滿面

54. 他親瞭親她的臉頰,然後上瞭火車。

1. 我的心裡像懸著一塊大石頭,怎麼也落不下來。

2. Patsy could hardly be heard above the baby’s yowls.

3. 他的臉上現出有點兒愁眉不展的樣子。

4. 一陣醉人的快樂浸透瞭她的心。

5. 例句

6. You must know, in my world, you are the king.

7. Smile like you have never been hurt.

8. 傑克窘得滿臉通紅。flush [flʌʃ] 臉紅

9. in the heat of the moment 一時沖動