有很多小醜電影,不知道你說的是哪一部。 比如:老版蝙蝠俠第一部,蝙蝠俠黑暗騎士,還有最新的自殺小隊裡面有小醜和小醜女。


Can't rely on anyone these days,you gatta do anything yourself.

Don't we?

That's okay,I came prepared




Oh, sings the black face, sings the white face program? from the beginning do not start to hit, the victim will be dizzy, your continually attack will not have



In fact you did not let me disappointed. You sit and let 5 individuals died. And so, for you so that you blame Dante. Hi Even I have felt that this cold-blooded.


Do not like them generally shallow, not like you! I know you want to integrate into them. But for them, but you are a weirdo ... ... like me! Indeed, now they need you. Once the crisis is over, they no longer need you, you will be like as a leprosy patient to carry out the expulsion. They talk all day ethics, credo, once full of trouble when they face the whole city was completely thrown. Their morality and values with their own lives change. I will prove to give you the look, when things become very worst of times, these ... ... ... uh ... civilized people claiming they will kill each other.


應該夠瞭吧why are you so serious1.真面目:為瞭扮警察實施搶劫,“小醜”首次素顏見人,別說臉上的疤,光眼神就夠狠毒瞭。 2.扮護士:為殺仇人,“小醜”戴著假發扮成女護士潛入醫院。這也是希斯·萊吉爾首次在銀幕上男扮女裝。 3.愛挑釁:在警局裡,“小醜”向蝙蝠俠一再“保證”,會讓他看到自己精心準備的一系列好戲。 4.愛恐嚇:在這一幕裡,面目猙獰的“小醜”說出瞭他的經典臺詞:“幹嘛這麼嚴肅?!” 5.愛轉舌:“美女,你看上去有些緊張啊?”愛轉舌頭是“小醜”明顯的精神疾病癥狀之一。 6.愛炫耀:“小醜”酷愛故弄玄虛,他此刻說的“夥計,好戲開始瞭!”就很招人牙癢癢。 7.享快感:沒有什麼能比折磨別人或是犯罪計劃得逞給“小醜”帶來更大的身心快感瞭。 8.哈哈哈:扭曲而歇斯底裡的笑聲是“小醜”的恐怖商標,折磨蝙蝠俠就讓他笑得更歡瞭。 9.受虐狂:面對蝙蝠俠,“小醜”毫不掩飾他的受虐狂本色——“來吧,給個更痛快的!”

Can't rely on anyone these days,you gatta do anything yourself.

Don't we?

That's okay,I came prepared




Oh, sings the black face, sings the white face program? from the beginning do not start to hit, the victim will be dizzy, your continually attack will not have



In fact you did not let me disappointed. You sit and let 5 individuals died. And so, for you so that you blame Dante. Hi Even I have felt that this cold-blooded.


Do not like them generally shallow, not like you! I know you want to integrate into them. But for them, but you are a weirdo ... ... like me! Indeed, now they need you. Once the crisis is over, they no longer need you, you will be like as a leprosy patient to carry out the expulsion. They talk all day ethics, credo, once full of trouble when they face the whole city was completely thrown. Their morality and values with their own lives change. I will prove to give you the look, when things become very worst of times, these ... ... ... uh ... civilized people claiming they will kill each other.


應該夠瞭吧You wanna know why I got these scars ? My father was...a drinker...and...a fiend.And one night he goes off crazier than usual.Mommy gets the kitchen knife th defend herself.He doesn't like that...not one bit.So me watching he takes the knife th her laughing while he does it.He turns to me and says:"Why so serious?"He comes at me with the knife."Why so serious?"He stick the blade in my mouth."Let's put a smile on that face."And...why so serious?

你想知道我嘴上的傷疤是怎麼來的麼?我爸爸曾經是。。。個酒鬼。。。也是個惡魔。一天晚上,他變得比以往更加瘋狂。媽媽拿起菜刀自衛。我看著他拿著刀走向媽媽一邊笑一邊做著。他轉向我對我說:“幹嘛真沒嚴肅?”他拿著刀向我走來“幹嘛這麼嚴肅?”他把刀塞進瞭我的嘴裡。“笑一笑吧!”。。。。幹嘛這麼嚴肅?“why so serious”。最經典的就是這句。“幹嗎這麼嚴肅。”

這句話間接反映瞭小醜的內心世界,仔細看過電影的人應該都知道,這句話是整部片子最大的噱頭。1“See,madness as you know is like gravity… all it takes is a little push.” 你看,瘋狂就像地心引力,有時候需要做的不過是輕輕一推。 2. “Introduce a little anarchy,upset the established order,and everything becomes chaos,I’m an agent of chaos,and you know the thing about chaos? It’s fair.” 制造點小小騷動,打亂原有的秩序,然後一切就變得混亂瞭,而我就是混亂的代表,你知道混亂的好處不?它能帶來公平。 3. “Don’t talk like one of them,you’re not! Even if you’d like to be. To them,you’re just a freak–like me. They need you right now. When they don’t…they’ll cast you out. Like a leper. See,their morals,their code: it’s a bad joke. They’re dropped at the first sign of trouble. They’re only as good as the world allows them to be. You’ll see,when the chips are down these civilized people will eat each other.” 別跟他們那樣滿口仁義道德,你不是他們中的一員!再怎麼著你都融不進去。對他們來說,你也不過就是個和我一樣的怪胎。他們現在需要你。等他們不要你瞭,回頭他們就要排擠你瞭。瞧瞧他們的道德準則,他們的法律法規:不過是個難聽的笑話。一有危險他們就原形畢露。太平盛世的時候他們才能相安無事。我會證明給你看,危機關頭,這些所謂的文明人就會自相殘殺。 4 . “I don’t want to kill you. What would I do without you? Go back to ripen off mob dealers,no,no,no,no,you…You complete…me.” 誰說我想殺你瞭?沒你我可怎麼辦喲?走老路去耍耍毒品販子,不,不,不,不,是你啊……是你讓我變得完整。 5. “You… you just couldn’t let me go could you? This is what happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object. You are truly incorruptable aren’t you. You won’t kill me because of some misplaced sense of self-rightousness. And I won’t kill you because…you’re just too much fun. I get the feeling that you and I are destined to do this forever.” 你啊……你就是不能眼睜睜讓我死去是不?一股無法阻擋的力量裝上一個不可撼動的物體時就會這樣。你還果然就是威武不能屈是不是?因為自己心裡那點所謂正義感的錯覺,你就不肯殺瞭我。而我呢,也舍不得殺你,是因為你這傢夥真是太有意思瞭。我有一種感覺,咱倆註定是要鬥一輩子的。 6. “I’m like a dog chasing cars. I wouldn’t know what to do if I caught one…I’d just do things.” 我就像一隻追著車跑的狗一樣,即使追上瞭,也不知道要該要做什麼。 7. “Let’s put a smile on that face!” 臉上來點兒笑吧! 8. “It’s a funny world we live in,speaking of which,you wanna know how I got these scars?” 咱這世界可真夠好笑的,說起來,想知道我這臉上的疤哪兒來的麼? 9. “I believe… whatever doesn’t kill you simply makes you…stranger.” 我相信……那些殺不死你的,隻會讓你變得更離奇。 10. (When told that he has a 50% chance of living) “Ummm,Now we’re talkin.” (雙面人告訴他隻有50%活著的機會)嗯,你總算開竅瞭。 11.Ever dance with the devil in the moonlight 可曾在月光下與魔鬼共舞 12.“Why so serious?” 為什麼那麼嚴肅?``````````````````````````````````