We deduce brilliance in insipid and advance in the interweaving of warm and cold. This is life.我們在平淡中演繹精彩生活感悟的英文翻譯,在冷暖交織中前行生活感悟的英文翻譯,這就是生活。

On the road of life, we are happy in the present, not for whom to change, also do not miss a touch of their own scenery.在生命的路上生活感悟的英文翻譯,我們怡然於當下,不為誰改變,也不錯過屬於自己的那一抹風景。

In the journey of life, we should be happy in every landscape, relieved in every look back.在生命的征途中,我們應欣然於每一程山水,釋然於每一次回眸。

There is the noise of the day, there will be the loneliness of the night.有白晝的喧囂,就會有黑夜的孤寂。

People who have experienced warmth and coldness will cherish the sunshine more.經歷瞭冷暖的人,會更加珍惜陽光的燦爛。

If you want to succeed, you have to experience setbacks and frustrations.渴望成功,就得經受挫折和坎坷的歷練。

Follow the rough in a touch of sunshine, you can pass through the thorns.循著坎坷中的一抹陽光,就能穿過荊棘。

Holding an umbrella in the wind and rain, you can walk through the mud.在風雨中撐一把雨傘,便可以走過泥濘。

People who have tasted all kinds of life are always happy with the plain.嘗盡人生百味的人,往往能欣然於平淡。

Running water is not rotten, water can be cleaned by 100 feet, life is like this, life lies in movement.流水不腐,水流百尺能自凈,人生如此,生命在於運動。