1、In Switzerland , no matter in German-speaking areas, French –speaking ares and Italian - speaking areas , people all say "Enjoy the food "before dinner. 在瑞士,無論是德語區、法語區,還是意大利語區,人們都習慣在開餐前先說一句祝福語:“好好享用美食吧!”

2、The boats, the foreman boasts softly, are sleek, energy-saving and recyclable. 領班自豪的說,那小艇光滑漂亮,節能又環保,可以循環使用,就好像是在說自己的孩子那樣溫柔。


4、Good beans should be smooth and shiny. 好的豆子應該又滑又亮。

5、If necessary, your definition may consist of several sentences. 必要 的話,你的定義可多達數句。

6、He hacked off her long dark hair, saying he preferred it short. Then he told her she couldn't wear skirts or nice shoes, in case other men found her attractive. 他剪掉瞭她烏黑亮麗的長發,因為他喜歡看短發的她;又跟她說不能穿裙子或者好看的鞋子,這是為瞭防止其他男人發現她的美。

7、If you don't keep it clean in some Connecticut high schools, you could wind up shelling out a Benjamin, for a sassy slip-up. 在康州有些中學,你要是嘴巴不幹不凈,一句粗話脫口鬧不好就要你賠上一百美刀。

8、Editor features include syntax highlighting, SQL formatting, content assist, statement parsing and validation, and semantic validation. 編輯器具有語法高亮顯示、SQL 格式化、內容補全、語句解析與驗證和語法驗證等特性。

9、Aet me show you what we have. This dress is very beautiful. It's the latest fashion. And here's a green jacket that matches. 讓我給你看看我們這的衣服。這條裙子非常漂亮,是最新時裝。這件綠色上衣正好相配。


11、Always thought the original administrative And the sentence. 老是想到原行政老陳的那句話。

12、Bassanio (B), Antonio's best friend, was in love with Portia (P), a rich and beautiful lady who also loved him. 巴薩尼奧是安東尼奧最好的朋友,他愛上瞭一位富有、漂亮的女子鮑西婭,她也愛他。


14、"The Luo fine Lin Yang wears beautiful small chin and says to the Qin Dynasty, " sees your exterior, this disease seems also good of almost. 洛晴琳揚著漂亮的小下巴,對秦朝說道,“看你的樣子,這病好像也好的差不多瞭。

15、If you want a golden rule that will fit everybody, this is it:Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful. 如果你想聽一句對人人都適用的金玉良言,那就是:不要讓你的房子裡有一件你不確信它有用的東西,或是你不認為是美的東西。

16、"Why not preen, " Mr. Johnson added, "when there are so many fabulous fashions to embark upon?" “有如此多極好的時尚物品可選,”約翰遜先生補充著:“為什麼不把自己打扮得漂漂亮亮的呢?”

17、Fermi's suggestion was more than a verbal hypothesis. 費密的見解不僅是詞句上的假設。

18、High quality: The Cutters has a very good smooth finish, beautiful shape, and durable which are produced by this equipment. 高質量:生產的刀具,刀面有很好的光潔度,刀型漂亮美觀,經久耐用。


20、Brandish is fastened 2004, the longing that we are taking more beauty and anxiously expect goodly stride 2005 brand-new. 揮別 2004,我們帶著更多漂亮的憧憬和美好的企盼邁入全新的 2005。

21、Beautiful combs, pure tortoise shell, with jewelled rims--just the shade to wear in the beautiful vanished hair. 漂亮的梳子,完全是貝類制作的,並有珠寶鑲邊——與已經失去的頭發正好相配的東西。


23、All I could think about was Emma, Alyson, and Katie, my three beautiful girls, and all the wonderful things they'd never do, never see. 我腦海裡能想到的就是我的三個漂亮的孩子 Emma, Alyson, and Katie,和那些她們再也沒機會做,再也沒有機會看到的世界上所有美好的事情。

24、So we can't believe a word of his. 看來他的話我們一句也不能信。

25、This " gnomic " seem to circulate very long, academic basis is " the distance produces the United States " , alleged far see a flower, see posse hemp nearly. 這句“格言”好像流傳很久瞭,理論依據是“距離產生美”,所謂遠看一朵花,近看一團麻。

26、That must have done the trick because when Saturday arrived, Jean appeared at her daughter's home bearing her famous chocolate-chip cookies and a beautiful birthday cake. 這幾句一定是達到預期的目的瞭,因為星期六的時候,喬安娜帶著自己最拿手的巧克力條餅幹和一隻漂亮的生日蛋糕出現在女兒傢。


28、The girl was disobliged by a tackless remark. 姑娘被一句不得體的話冒犯瞭。

29、She''ll knock your socks off: she''s the most gorgeous-looking woman I''ve seen for a long time. 我好久沒有見到過這樣漂亮的女孩瞭,她簡直是美得驚人。

30、So is all said at once. Virtue is the link of all perfections, the center of all the felicities. 此句話比什麼都重要。美德是集眾善之鏈,是一切幸福的中心。

31、Jesse Livermore loved beautiful women and his wife Dorothy loved throwing parties often for 100 people or more. 傑西·利物莫爾喜歡漂亮女人而他的妻子多蘿西愛好舉辦社交舞會,經常有過百人參加。


33、The places in question would be deep in craters at the moon’s poles—places, in other words, where the sun don’t shine. “某些角落”可能是月亮上隕石坑洞口的深處,換句話說,可能是太陽照不到的地方。

34、And yet I done your bidding with my eyes shut and never a word of hope! 我卻閉著眼睛按你說的去做,可是連句見亮兒的話都聽不到。

35、But good fortune did not last long. The King had daughters in plenty, one prettier than the other, but he had no son. 可是好運不長,國王有許多女兒,一個賽一地個漂亮,可惜沒有兒子。

36、What does this useful command line do? tasklist /m "mscor*" tasklist /m "mscor*" 這句命令是幹嘛的?

37、you look like so pretty,I like you! 你看起來好漂亮,我喜歡!

1、I wish i had a green thumd like Mrs. lee, look at the beautiful roses in her yard. 我多麼希望我能像李女士那樣有一雙好手,看她院子裡長那麼多漂亮的玫瑰花。

2、First, a gold-plated nickel, nickel side is a female angel dancing on one side and engraved with "I wish you a happy New Year, " the beautiful words. 一是一塊鍍金的鎳幣,鎳幣一面是翩翩起舞的女天使,另一面則刻上“祝您新年幸福”的美好字句。

3、A yummy mummy would have several children and yet remain a "girl-about-town", dressing fashionably and appearing well-groomed and carefree. 漂亮媽媽“可能有好幾個孩子,不過還是保持著”城內名媛“的地位,衣著時尚,舉止得體,一副憂煩不擾的樣子。

4、Tutti was four years old when she said this. 圖蒂在xx歲的時候說這句話。

5、In the early 1960s, "Where's the beef" was one of the most popular expressions in the United States. 在xx年代初,“牛肉到哪裡去瞭?”這句話風靡全美,成為最流行的話。

6、If the shape does not support any of the use cases for a particular handle (out-going or in-coming), then that handle does not appear. 如果形體不支持特定句柄(輸出或者傳入)的用例,然後該句柄便不會消失。

7、Frankly, I do not consider the concept of modern female to be in accordance with feminine beauty. 讓我明白地說一句吧—依我看,“現代”與“女性美”是互相矛盾的概念。

8、So do what you need to do to eat at home more often. Buy nicer silverware and plates. Buy marinated or precooked stuff to save time/ hassle. 買漂亮點的銀餐具和盤子,買醃好的或者預加工好的食物,這樣就可以節約時間,減少麻煩。

9、No sooner had Campanella said so than another mass of shining gentians went away. 卡姆潘尼路還沒說完這句話時,又經過另一片滿滿發亮的龍膽花叢。

10、Elizabeth:Oh My God! What a beautiful bamboo basket! This is exactly what I like! It's so nice of you, Xiao Chen. Thank. 伊麗莎白:我的天啊!多麼漂亮的竹籃子!這正是我所喜歡的!你真好,小陳。謝謝。


12、I'll put in a good word for Elsie when I see the manager. I'd like her to get the job. 我見到經理時,會為埃爾西美言幾句的。我希望她獲得工作。

13、But Jerry Sloan can send Paul Millsap down to the scorer's table to check in, and Millsap could very well produce a double-double. 但是傑裡·斯隆能用好米爾薩普這枚棋子,而米爾薩普也能打出漂亮的兩雙。


15、Teacher Of this, no principles and no empty preaching, this is real, with the University a few years I have spent a good time, and finally I took to the podium to support. 老師的這句話,沒有大道理,也沒有空洞的說教,可就是這句實實在在的話,伴我度過瞭大學幾年美好的時光,也終於支持我走上瞭講臺。

16、我認為他說的那句話是錯誤的。 I calculate he is wrong in saying that.

17、And so both of them carried on, alternately putting in their words, while she just cried. She herself knew the rationale. What is a woman's duty? 他們紛紛的你一句,我一句,她隻是哭,她也知道自己理曲,婦人的職務是什麼?

18、Pull out your best jeans and most attractive tops. 拋開你漂亮的牛仔和最好的上裝。

19、He didn't so much as say thank you. 他甚至連句道謝的話也沒有說。

20、Daniel, how can you not feel the pressure and still put such a perfect full stop to the meeting just now? 小偉,你怎能好似完全沒有壓力,並為這場同聲傳譯畫上瞭這麼完美的句號?



23、c Words like‘said’ and‘asked’ are followed by a comma. We put a full stop after them only when they come at the end of a sentence. 在said, asked等詞後面用逗號, 隻有當它們位於句尾時, 才在它們的後面用句號.

24、At the same time, each soliton of the second-order soliton pairs splits into two fundamental solitons that one is bigger and another smaller. 此外,在同樣的中心距離下,二階亮孤子對的耦合周期比一階亮孤子對短。


26、Yes, Ithink they are our good friends and helpers. 這是你在哪照的照片?好漂亮呀!


28、To be fair, it's hard to imagine what markets were anticipating from the Federal Reserve. 說句公道話,想象不出之前市場對美聯儲究竟是如何期待的。

29、He had a fine, curled beard and a straight eagle-like nose, and was really rather good-looking as giants go. 他有一部好看的拳曲的胡子,一個筆直的鷹鉤鼻,就巨人來說,算是相當漂亮的瞭。

30、And what I mean by that is that the first thing that comes out of folks' mouths cross-gender, we're talking about the other gender, is always the negative first. 我說這句話的意思是當人們說起異性的時候,通常第一句話都是消極的。


32、Only if every citizen takes on his responsibility as a member of a family, a nation and the world can all of us wish to have a more beautiful future. 第二句話引申說--每個公民都要盡自己的責任,我們才能擁有美好的明天。



35、Theyare beautiful and we shall make good use of them. 它們很漂亮,我們一定好好利用。

36、In flash on mode, the camera exposes for the background first, then adds just enough flash to illuminate your portrait subject. 在強制閃光模式下,相機首先對背景曝光,接著會恰到好處的照亮你要拍的人物(這句話有點兒別扭)。

37、To be fair, it is not all his fault. 說句公道話,這不全是他的錯。

38、I calculate he is wrong in saying that. 我認為他說的那句話是錯誤的。

1、Revealing to say is a , you two lights decline; 拆穿說一句,你們二位的光降;


3、A man was very proud of his newly - built house when many a person came to congratulate him, singing praises of his tasteful design, its strong structure, its fashionable furniture. 有一個人建瞭一座新屋,許多人前來道賀。他們紛紛誇他的房子設計得好.結構穩固,擺設漂亮。贊美聲使得他很得意。

4、Jim: Yes, the beautiful combs, pure tortoiseshell, with jewelry rims-just the color to wear in your beautiful hair. 吉姆:是的,那套漂亮的梳子,純龜甲的,鑲珠寶的,那顏色正好配你的發色。

5、William Somerset:"Ernest Hemingway once wrote, "The world is a fine place and worth fighting for" I agree with the second part . " 沙展說“歐內斯特·海明威曾經寫過:“這個世界是個美好的地方,值得為之奮鬥。”我同意後半句。”

6、If you want to apply for a job at the office where I work, I'll put in a good word for you. 如果你想申請我所在單位的工作, 我可以替你美言幾句。

7、If you have not associated an input context with the window before, the returned handle is for the default input context. 如果先前沒有輸入上下文與些窗口相關聯,函數將返回的句柄將是默認輸入上下文(的句柄)。

8、I shall ignore that uncalled-for remark. 我不會理會那句不負責任的話的。

9、Even the compliment did not soften the asperity of the maimed beauty. 就連這句奉承話,也沒有使這個殘廢的美人兒稍微平和一點兒,不那麼刻薄。

10、Otherwise, put on your sweetest smile, tap the offender on the shoulder, and try one of these carefully worded lines 不然你隻好面帶最甜美的微笑,拍一下冒犯他人者的肩膀,然後字斟句酌地試試


12、The poet Wallace Stevens puts it beautifully when he says that poetry should make the visible a little hard to see; in other words it should be a defamiliarizing of that which has become too familiar. 詩人華萊士,史蒂文斯在解釋這點時說得很漂亮,他說,詩應給能見之物塗上一點朦朧的色彩,換句話說,詩應將熟悉的事物陌生化。

13、Please tell the last one to switch off the last light before leaving, "this statement makes many vagrants in this city sigh inwardly." 麻煩最後一個離開深圳的人,把燈關掉。”這句話令多少在異鄉漂泊的人暗自唏噓。

14、Mark Twain once said he could go for two months on a good compliment. 馬克·吐溫曾說,隻憑一句 贊美 的話他就可以充實地活上兩個月。


16、He still loves high-sounding phrases which may mean everything possible or nothing at all. 他至今仍然喜歡那些包羅萬象而又空洞無物的響亮詞句。

17、She broke in: "You've really been to Russia?" 她插瞭一句,“你真的去俄羅斯瞭?”