1. 錦樓不到野人傢,但門外、清流疊嶂。——謝薖《鵲橋仙·月朧星淡》

2. I just want to rely on myself to save the collapsed sky.

3. 遺言冀可冥,繕性何由熟。——柳宗元《晨詣超師院讀禪經》

4. Life is like climbing a mountain, but finding a way out is a learningprocess.

5. Whether you succeed or fail, you are tied to yourself.

6. Pay will pay off, for example, double your hope and double yourdisappointment.

7. Let go of a blog, bravely pursue dreams, fight and rush, and harvestyouth without regrets.

8. Good things come from difficulties, while teenagers are easy to change.-Li Xianyong

9. Snails climb up step by step, and I will have my tomorrow.

10. fight for的用法

11. I can be defeated, but I will never allow myself not to get up.

12. Pay equal attention to offensive and defensive, with all employeesmoving, activity objectives and service orientation.

13. The harder you work, the luckier you are. The degree of self-disciplinedetermines the height of your life.

14. Don't be afraid of wind and rain, and strive to be a dream catcher ofyouth.

15. As long as a person has a pure heart and no sorrow and no hate, hisyouth can be prolonged. -Si Tangda

16. 認識眼前殘酷的現實,同時又看到未來的光明與希望。

17. 夢想不拋棄苦心追求的人,隻要不停止追求,你們會沐浴在夢想的光輝之中。

18. Youth is a short-lived dream. When you wake up, it has already vanishedwithout a trace. -Shakespeare

19. fight on

20. As long as there is sunshine in the heart, the heart will become strongand miracles will happen.

21. Be a struggler and dream catcher in the new era with your ideals inmind.

22. Live up to your profligacy and stride forward.

23. plain ordinary dream, we used the only adhere to the belief to support the dream平凡樸實的夢想,我們用那唯一的堅持信念去支撐那夢想。

24. fight back

25. 處世若大夢,胡為勞其生?所以終日醉,頹然臥前楹。——李白《春日醉起言志》

26. Follow your dreams and take responsibility.

27. If young people have youth spirit, this spirit is optimism. -Maodun

28. 一個有事業追求的人,可以把夢做得高些。雖然開始時是夢想,但隻要不停地做,不輕易放棄,夢想能成真。

29. 人有瞭物質才能生存,人有瞭夢想才談得上生活。你要瞭解生存與生活的不同嗎?動物生存,而人則生活。

30. 人應該活到老學到老,我們不應該取笑那些勤奮好學的老年人,相反,我們應該鼓勵和支持他們的精神。

31. If you delay, there will be few in the future. Please kiss me. It'seasy to live in youth. -Shakespeare

32. 人生最苦痛的是夢醒瞭無路可走。做夢的人是幸福的;倘沒有看出可以走的路,最要緊的是不要去驚醒他。

33. Smell the chicken and dance, make it a hard-working master, and rewardthe hard work by heaven to reproduce the brilliant king style.

34. 粉身碎骨渾不怕,要留青白在人間——明。於謙<<石灰吟>>

35. No one will feel that youth is disappearing; But anyone will feel thatyouth is gone. -Seneca Jr

36. 成功就是憑著勇氣和努力,不斷地超越自己,做最好的自己。

37. The past belongs to death, and the future belongs to yourself.-Shelley

38. People can't bring money to the grave, but money can bring people tothe grave.

39. When you are embraced by failure, success may be waiting to kissyou.

40. The simplest thing is persistence, and the hardest thing ispersistence.

41. Let your youth live, let your dreams fly, and indulge yourcreativity!

42. 要抒寫自己夢想的人,反而更應該清醒。

43. human nature is the most pathetic: we always dream of the horizon of a wonderful rose garden, not to enjoy today in our window open rose人性最可憐的就是:我們總是夢想著天邊的一座奇妙的玫瑰園,而不去欣賞今天就開在我們窗口的玫瑰。

44. Youth, like a singing bird, has burst out of the window of the disabledwinter and sailed into the vault of sapphire blue. -Wen Yiduo

45. Embrace happiness and be a dream catcher with good physical and mentalhealth.

46. 釋義

47. Youth struggles on the road of dreams, meets a better self, and givesit to you.

48. Go after your dreams, teenager, and be your best self.

49. 新松恨不高千尺,惡竹應須斬萬竿——唐。杜甫<<將赴成都草堂途中有作先寄嚴鄭公>>

50. The road ahead is vast and everything can be expected.

51. 我欲穿花尋路,直入白雲深處,浩氣展虹霓。——黃庭堅《水調歌頭·遊覽》

52. the dream is the other shore, the reality is that on this side, action is the bridge connecting夢想是彼岸,現實是此岸,行動是那座連接的橋。

53. 寧可枝頭抱香死,何曾吹落北風中——宋。鄭思肖<<畫菊>>

54. who has the material to survive, people have a dream only talk about life you have to understand life and life different animal survival, while others life人有瞭物質才能生存,人有瞭夢想才談得上生活。你要瞭解生存與生活的不同嗎?動物生存,而人則生活。

55. If you are tired, try to stay awake. How can you sink?

56. Helping a friend is not a duty, much less an obligation, but a kind ofhappiness from the heart.

57. Youth is the process of chasing dreams, not afraid of the future, andstriving for it.

58. 立志要如山,行道要如水。不如山,不能堅定,不如水,不能曲達。

59. Fly your dreams and realize your life value!

60. In this sad and beautiful March, I rode through my thin youth, throughviolets, through kapok, and through the occasional joys and sorrows andimpermanence. -Jing M.Guo

61. When the facts are in front of us, it is unnecessary to talk anddebate.

62. 慕隱既有系,圖功遂無成。——柳宗元《首春逢耕者》

63. 攀條摘朱實,服藥煉金骨。——李白《天臺曉望》

64. The vitality of youth can be said to spread out our whole body andmind, and beautify everything in front of us with the joy of life. -Rousseau

65. 我們因夢想而偉大,所有的成功者都是大夢想傢:在冬夜的火堆旁,在陰天的雨霧中,夢想著未來。有些人讓夢想悄然絕滅,有些人則細心培育、維護,直到它安然度過困境,迎來光明和希望,而光明和希望總是降臨在那些真心相信夢想一定會成真的人身上。

66. Youth can make up everything. -Herzlitt

67. If the cornerstone of sincere personality is not firmly laid in youth,there will always be a weak point on the cornerstone in the future. -Davis

68. The ability to work hard, cheer up, and endure hardship is strongerthan last year.

69. Flowers have a reopening day, and no one is a teenager. —— GuanHanqing

70. Trying to stand on the stage in the dark is to be the light of thousandsof people.

71. Late youth is lasting youth. -Nietzsche

72. Keep an optimistic and positive mood, go against the sunshine, and moveforward all the way!

73. The body is lying still, but the blood is boiling, and life is anon-stop process. Get up, young man! Once the journey is over, you will havetime to get enough sleep. -houseman

74. The defect of confidence is far more attractive than the beauty of lackof confidence.

75. We must adjust our life style, so that the golden age can be hidden inthe old age in the future, and not in the youth and naivety of the past. -LinYutang

76. What you can't get is what you will never forget.

77. Parents give it a background, but they call it Jiangshan.

78. Take responsibility for youth growth, and pursue your dreams with allyour heart.

79. 一個實現夢想的人,就是一個成功的人。

80. Happiness is the most precious wine, but it tastes like chewing wax topeople with low tastes. -Luo Smith

81. 一個人有錢沒錢不一定,但如果這個人沒有瞭夢想,這個人窮定瞭。

82. Be a striving dream catcher.

83. Balance is a measure of weight, and practice is the touchstone of rightand wrong.

84. most of the time, our rich pocket, but poor head; we have a dream, but the lack of thought很多時候,我們富瞭口袋,但窮瞭腦袋;我們有夢想,但缺少瞭思想。

85. If you send your poems unintentionally, don't be ashamed of your youth.-Yu Qian

86. 無論哪個時代,青年的特點總是懷抱著各種理想和幻想。這並不是什麼毛病,而是一種寶貴的品質。

87. In the world of youth, sand should become real beads, and Stone shouldbecome gold; The charm of youth should be that dead branches grow fresh fruitsand deserts are full of forests; This is the beauty, happiness and duty ofyouth. -Guo Xiaochuan

88. fight的用法

89. Strive for high-quality development and strive to be a youthful dreamcatcher.

90. when you truly want something, all the universe conspires to help you finish it當你真心渴望一件東西的時候,整個宇宙都會聯合起來幫你完成它。

91. fight against

92. Seek knowledge while you are young, it will make up for the loss causedby old age. Wisdom is the nourishment of the spirit of old age, so you shouldwork hard when you are young, so that you will not be empty when you are old. ——Da Vinci

93. If youth is spent in idleness, it will be a sad cup to recall theyears. —— Zhang Yunke

94. Young people are the king of life, the spring of life and the glory oflife. -Li Dazhao

95. Do not forget your initiative mind is a dream catcher withoutregret.

96. it is at our mother\'s knee that we acquire our noblest and truest and highest, but there is seldom any money in them ( mark twain, american writer )就是在我們母親的膝上,我們獲得瞭我們的最高尚最真誠和最遠大的理想,但是裡面很少有任何金錢。(美國作傢 馬克·吐溫)

97. Disillusionment of fantasy is a doomed tragedy in one's life, and thedisillusionment of youth is a tragedy in tragedy, which is dark at night andferocious at death. —— Xu Zhimo

98. if you doubt yourself, then indeed you stand on shaky ground (ibsen, norwegian dramatist )如果你懷疑自己,那麼你的立足點確實不穩固瞭。 (挪威劇作傢 易卜生)

99. In this life, all the way to the black, tasteless, meaningless andfearless.

100. Our youth are a growing and rising force, and their mission is tocreate new lifestyles and living conditions according to historical logic.-Gorky

101. 生意,可以掌控努力與投資,卻無法掌控結果。人生得意時找出路,失意時才有退路,寶馬都有備胎,您的人生呢?

102. When youth was flying, we were all dream catchers.

103. Don't talk about your pride in front of the frustrated, it will hurtyour interpersonal relationship.

104. 正如心願能夠激發夢想,夢想也能夠激發心願。

105. If you use your heart frequently, you will live, but if you don't useit, you will suffocate. Commonly used is thin, not thick.

106. Having a dream is only an intelligence, and realizing a dream is apotential.

107. 在許願時,必須要深信不疑。如果你不相信自己有能力讓願望成真,你的願望就會飛走,再也看不見。但那正說明瞭最重要的一點。如果你所希望的是有可能實現得瞭的,那麼你有可能會不惜一切地去實現它。最大的魔力不在於許願,而在於去做。

108. The power of youth-starlight can't help people who are on the road. Weare all dream catchers.

109. 青春是人生最快樂的時光,但這種快樂往往完全是因為它充滿著希望,而不是因為得到瞭什麼或逃避瞭什麼。

110. Live up to your youth and be a vigorous dream catcher.

111. Pursue my dreams, and my youth will never regret.

112. every life is a boat, the dream is the boat sail每個人的生命都是一隻小船,夢想是小船的風帆。

113. As a young man, be brave in chasing dreams!

114. What a lovely noun youth is! People have praised it since ancient times,hoping that it will grow in the world. —— Feng Zikai

115. Youth is a book that is too hasty. -Xi Murong

116. 一路上我都會發現從未想像過的東西,如果當初我沒有勇氣去嘗試看來幾乎不可能的事,如今我就還隻是個牧羊人而已。

117. 何日請纓提銳旅,一鞭直渡清河洛。——嶽飛《滿江紅·登黃鶴樓有感》

118. 例句

119. Youth is a period of learning wisdom, while old age is a period ofputting it into practice. -Rousseau

120. Many people pay for success with the happiness of youth. -Mozart

121. If you have more sense of responsibility, you will have a better chanceof success.

122. As long as life comes out beautiful, there is no glory to come out.

123. When one's youth is over, there will be a beautiful mature period likeautumn, when the fruits are like cooked rice waiting for harvest in a beautifuland calm atmosphere. -Tagore

124. When the burden on the young man's shoulders is suddenly lifted, hisbrave heart will be sad because of loneliness. -Bing Xin