1. Missing is a season of flowers, over the valley, enveloped you and me, and blessing is boundless attention, overflow eyes, until the bottom of my heart, I wish you a happy life.

2. All right? If I'm gambling, I'm saying, gee, if I'm really lucky, it'll be only on this side, and I've got a little bit of work to do, but if I'm unlucky, I'm scrawed, the past pluperfect of screwed, OK., or a Boston fish.

3. As you can probably tell by now, I really do xxxLovexxx what I feel so lucky to be able to do.

4. I was lucky to be able to do that; I had help from many people around me.

5. Some of you may be lucky to have streams nearby but many do not.

6. I said to MikexxxGood luck!xxx

7. let us通常用在正式的場合,而let's則多出現在口語等非正式的場合。

8. Let the lucky sunshine into your window, let happiness and happiness quietly fly to your side, draw a happy line in the happiness, weave a good luck clothes for you.

9. Send a sincere greetings, every word is happy, send a string of deep blessing, every minute is safe and auspicious.

10. She had no luck finding a job. 她沒有運氣,找不到工作。

11. And one day, I hope I'll be lucky enough to find someone who will do the same for me.

12. Luckily, he found his keys. 幸運的是,他找到瞭他的鑰匙。

13. He didn't break,he was so lucky!

14. I'm so lucky. 我很幸運。

15. I have so much to do; I'll be lucky if I'm ready by next Christmas.

16. permit 後可接不定式和動名詞,但不可接名詞從句; let不用動名詞作賓語,其賓語後接動詞原形。

17. Send you a cup of evening tea, with fragrant blessings as leaves, with gentle hands to do flowers, and then with boiling enthusiasm for water, generous tolerance when the cup!

18. lucky dog.並不是狗狗的意思。而是翻譯做幸運兒。You are a lucky dog.你是個幸運的人

19. lucky draw.幸運抽獎。draw有抽獎的意思。

20. let's在表示“提議”(說話人與聽話人共同做某事)時,常跟shall we連用,以使語氣比較婉轉、客氣;let us(不包括對方)在表示“請求”允許“說話人自己做某事”時,常跟will you連用,以使語氣更加婉轉、緩和。

21. lucky money.壓歲錢Children are given lucky money.孩子們會得到壓歲錢。

22. The lucky person who has luckily met her has a good luck !

23. All I do, I don't need any return, I hope you are better than before!

24. We hung that sign at the end of our drive way to remind us how lucky we were to be able to dowhat we wanted to do.

25. We certainly do not think we will be lucky to know all of the victims.

26. allow還表示客氣的請求,可和let通用。

27. let's的否定形式在美式英語中多用let's not,在英式英語中多用don't let's;let us的否定式在不包括對象在內時用don't let's;在包括對象在內時可用don't let us,也可用let us not。

28. Luckily,they won the match.

29. lucky charm.幸運符,護身符

30. When we left that afternoon, we were acutely aware of how lucky we were to be able to do so.