1. A completed LMDS network is composed of backbone network, network operation center (NOC), base station system and user-end equipment.

2. 5G network will allow many more people to get information.5G網絡將允許更多的人獲得信息。

3. There must be enough network bandwidth to support the workload.必須有足夠大的網絡帶寬以支持工作負載。

4. I recall a vendor who shipped a debug driver for a popular network card.我想起來一個廠商,它為一個公共網卡裝載瞭一個調試驅動。


6. These interface with hardware devices ranging from card readers to IP network cameras.這些接口包括從智能卡閱讀器到IP網絡攝像機等一系列硬件設備。

7. network architecture

8. Data exchange technology between LON network and 485 network.

9. ACE classes for network programming.

10. A network convergency is aroused by the market. It satisfies various needs of a network, that the telecommunications network, computer network and cable television networks in the network.

11. A dyadic network is a linearly parameterized network.

12. Network interfaces are associated with specific network adapters.

13. Development of Mobile Network RPG Game on J2ME基於J2ME平臺的手機網絡RPG遊戲的開發

14. In fact, it is one kind of the behavior that speaks abusively in network environment.它實際上是一種網絡環境中的詈罵行為。

15. network supervisor software system

16. Artificial nervus network now is one of the advancing research filed of the world.人工神經網絡是目前國際上的前沿性研究領域之一。

17. Several basic problems of three-level power network planning of transmission network-distribution network-microgrid

18. Design and Implementation of the Database in Network DTS電網DTS數據庫的設計和實施

19. The network wasn’t working,so we couldn’t download this software.網絡上不瞭,所以我們無法下載這個軟件。

20. Its vast network is inefficient.

21. Study of Arterial Highway Network Planning in DaLian City大連市幹線公路網規劃研究

22. Configure the appliance network Settings.

23. Mace. The fibrous network which envelops the nutmeg seed constitutes the mace of commerce.包在肉豆蔻核籽外的纖維網皮構成商品肉豆蔻皮。

24. The President's speech was broadcast on a national television network.

25. Homogeneous network: a network running a single network protocol.

26. 電視臺風雲:在1972年影片(The Godfather)中三人再度合作,杜瓦爾扮演的律師一角為他首度贏得奧斯卡提名,70年代他陸續出演瞭(The Godfather: Part II)、(The Killer Elite)、(Network)、

27. Now let's look at the virtual network.

28. Implementing Network Storage by E-mail Address用電子郵箱實現網絡存儲

29. Compared with the reality self, the network self possesses distinct characteristics such as network identity anonymity, network image creation, network role multiformity, network subject casualness and network object concealment.

30. remote access data processing network

31. The network bandwidth.

32. Communication network

33. The network model could provide calculable measure for the tribology design engineers.該神經網絡可為工程設計人員在摩擦學設計時提供有效的計算工具。

34. xxxType the network name, and specify whether this network will perform as a public, private or mixed network.

35. Unbinding Network Load Balancing from network adapater.

36. Setup your network configuration.

37. Both provide capability to perform network services, such as DHCP and DNS.都可以提供網絡服務能力,比如DHCP和DNS。

38. Analysis of Network Performance for M DQDB MAN改進的DQDB MAN網絡性能分析

39. A New Network Planning Method Based on the Connection Number a+bi+cj基於a+bi+cj型聯系數的網絡計劃方法初探

40. In the network can search electronic map.可以在網絡電子地圖上搜索一下。

41. Routers operate at the network layer in the network model, one step above Ethernet.路由器在整個網絡模型的網絡層運行,比以太網高瞭一級。

42. You can fix network and mount issues as well as permission problems with specific recovery steps.可通過特定恢復步驟來修復網絡、掛載以及權限問題。

43. Network Service - Built-in service account with network access

44. Network effects (network externalities)

45. The young and hip social network has trounced Google twice on the ultimate-frisbee pitch.這個年輕新潮的社區網絡在極限飛盤的投擲中給Google兩次重擊。

46. They have developed marketing networks.

47. They have made a decision about which programmes are to be networked.

48. medium voltage network

49. The network resources can be divided into network facilities resources and network information resources.

50. A Design on the Network Cooperation Model for Oversea Chinese Studies全球華人問題研究網絡合作模式設計

51. This is a secure network.

52. This article discussed the Network File System, including its history and versions.本文討論瞭網絡文件系統(NFS),包括其歷史和不同版本。

53. Automatic Switched Optical network (ASON) is a new type of network which can accomplish network connection automatically.

54. To produce a network of fine cracks in the surface or glaze of.使(陶瓷器)的一表面產生裂縫

55. Security model of DiffServ network based IDS and IPSec一種基於IDS和IPSec區分服務安全模型

56. Only hdisk0 and the first network adapter were in the list.列表中隻有hdisk0和第一個網絡適配器(ent0)。

57. China's railway network

58. Research on Orientation of Network Education Academe of Higher Universities高校網絡教育學院定位研究

59. Communication network is concerned on system power supply, wire select, network top and earthing.通信組網主要涉及系統供電、線纜選擇、線路拓撲和接地等。

60. Traffic network, Transportation network

61. Family network Network family --Building family LAN by myself

62. The network technological innovation is a course step by step of systematize evolution.網絡技術創新是一個系統演變的進性過程。

63. Here it is used to blacken the reticular fiber network of reticular tissue.這張圖片顯示的是網狀組織中的網狀纖維。