1. Enter the Mauritanian Fat Farms.進入毛裡塔尼亞的增肥村吧。

2. He learned to be more outgoing and to entertain his classes.

3. The user can enter their personal information on enter user Data, then click next.用戶可以在EnterUserData中輸入他們的個人信息,然後點擊next。

4. Enter their world and stand beside them, rather than in opposition.進入他們的世界,站在他們的旁邊,而不是對立面。

5. Most salesmen like to entertain in style, in order to impress their customers.

6. They feel things so intensely that it is difficult for them not to enter altercation.他們認為事情如此激烈,這是他們難以不得進入爭吵。

7. Could you enter your password on this key pad, please?請您在這個鍵盤上輸入密碼,好嗎?

8. A I want to entertain some clients.

9. In this state only thoughts that we allow can enter into the mind.此種狀態下,隻有經允許的思想才能進入頭腦。

10. Should the function of children's television be to entertain or to enlighten?

11. It is unhealthy practice to entertain guests and give gifts.

12. Our son wants to enter the ministry.我們的兒子想做牧師。

13. The Marketing Communications Manager and the Director of Sales& Marketing will use their best initiation and discretion to entertain such inquires professionally and promptly.

14. Huancheng's face is always full of happy expression. If you want to entertain, you need to entertain. If you want culture, you need culture.

15. Enter for that sweepstake?那種賽馬彩票還買嗎?

16. To entertain guests with music

17. and provides the perfect setting for the family to relax or entertain guests.

18. I know that, after my departure, ravening wolves will enter in among you, not sparing the flock.我知道在我離開之後,將有兇暴的豺狼進到你們中間,不顧惜羊群。

19. Manual emulators will pause for you to enter emulation data.在輸入模擬數據時,手動模擬器將暫停。

20. On January 17, the airport stuff William, 49, dressed as cartoon character xxxPopeye the sailormanxxx to entertain his relatives and friends in Medellin, Columbia.

21. Do not entertain your suffering today from yesterday!

22. Did he entertain you to dinner yesterday?

23. Claim this work item and enter true or false for the approval of this order.聲明該工作項目,然後輸入用於批準該訂單的正確或者錯誤信息。

24. Enter the slot Numbers from your spreadsheet.輸入電子表格中的槽號。

25. He loves to entertain.

26. Aunt Harriet used to entertain lavishly.

27. Well, for this sample order, will you do us a special favor and exceptionally entertain payment by D/A?

28. When you enter into a house leave the anger ever at the door人到屋裡來,怒火留門外。

29. Third, it is only simple xxxHave a meal! xxx that Occidental entertain guests. It is not purpose that Chinese entertain guests, but it is the means.

30. I saw several young people enter the waiting area looking around curiously.我看見幾個年輕人走進瞭等候區,好奇地向四周張望。

1. The patron would enter all of their own information and save staff the time of boring data entry.讀者自己輸入他們完整的個人信息,這可以為工作人員省去煩瑣的數據錄入的時間。

2. The American is a new man, who ACTS upon new principles; he must therefore entertain new ideas, and form new opinions.

3. They began to build their houses with separate rooms to entertain guests—living rooms, separate bedrooms for sleeping, separate work areas—kitchen, laundry room, and separate bathrooms.

4. In the copy to area, enter the actuality and period to copy historical rates to.在CopyTo區域中,輸入將向其復制歷史匯率的期間和現狀。

5. Please enter the password.請輸入密碼。

6. Then change your default gateway and hit the enter key twice.然後,修改默認網關並按回車鍵兩次(見清單14)。

7. You can enter it against my account.你可以把這筆錢記在我賬上。

8. On top of that come tickets, space to entertain and impress clients, and the marketing value of having the bank’s name emblazoned around a stadium.

9. Enter a secret Pangea-like world, xxxit says on the website.xxx“進入秘密的盤古大陸世界”,網站上這樣寫道。

10. enter or assume a condition, relation, use, or position.進入或呈現出一種狀態,聯系,使用或位置。

11. I don't do gourmet meals when I entertain because?

12. Enter your credentials to connect to the repository.輸入您的身份信息以連接到存儲庫中。

13. Cleared to enter the runway and backtrack to the take-off point.允許進跑道,做180到起飛位置。

14. Try to enter the water behind your shoulder rather than overreaching.盡量做到入水是肩部先入水,而不要過分強調伸臂。

15. How do teenagers entertain themselves?

16. I don't like to entertain guests anymore.

17. He enter a plea ofxxxnot guiltyxxx to the charges file against him.針對對他的指控他提出"無罪"的抗辯。

18. Our job is to entertain, excite and captivate the reader, and that starts with the front cover.

19. to entertain guests at a banquet

20. Now, type some text in the filter box and press the Enter key on your keyboard.現在,在篩選框中輸入一些文本並在鍵盤上點擊enter鍵。

21. The small garden slug can stretch its body to enter worm holes.渺小的庭院蛞蝓能把身體伸長而鉆進蟲子洞裡。

22. I refuse to entertain such a foolish idea.

23. They have high horizons and nothing can satisfy their expectations, so they have to entertain themselves by complaining.

24. Word games, mazes, riddles, and fill-in-the-blanks entertain your brain.

25. I am now about to enter Pennsylvania; and the Appalachian mountains lie ahead.我現在就要進入賓夕法尼亞州瞭,阿巴拉契亞山脈就橫貫在前面。

26. He would keep open house and entertain like a prince.